New skills

" aahhmm did you save me "

Hector realized that speaking up to those looks was harder than he thought.

"The punch you used while fighting the ghouls was quite hard. Do you have special powers?"

While the man was talking, a very interested expression appeared on his face, and this expression helped hector, who was about to collapse with anxiety, calm down a little.

He was finally able to think calmly and realized that this topic would lead him into a ditch, so he took the lead in the conversation.

"Before that, who are you and how did you kill those ghouls?"

"My name is Roger, I am a 1st Class Investigator"

"Is he a researcher? What does this have to do with being able to hunt ghouls?"

"Have you ever heard of PANIC?"

"No, what is it?"

"Hmm I see, so you've had an awakening."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, can you be more specific, sir?"

"Okay, I'll start from the beginning, listen carefully.

PANIC is the abbreviation of Paranormal Activity National Investigation Commission and is also a state-affiliated organization, just like the military.

The purpose of the organization is to hunt creatures born of darkness and to create a wall between the dark side of the world and the light side."

" New you are a first class researcher in this organization "

" Yes "

"Okay, can I go home? I don't want to miss my classes."

" No "

"But you said you were a legal organization, what you are doing now is clearly kidnapping people and you even stole my clothes."

"As long as you pass the exam, you can go home"

" What exam "

"A test to see if you will use your powers for evil"

He squinted his eyes and thought about it for a while, asking himself if he would only hunt evil in the future, and decided that it was.

" OK I'm ready "

"You are naked"

It was only then that hector finally realized the situation he was in.

"Your t-shirt is torn in the drawer next to your clothes, you can ask for new clothes if you want."

"No, there is no need"

He found his clothes in the drawer, there was not even a trace of blood on them, they had obviously been washed, he had his keys and wallet next to his clothes.

"What kind of exam will I take?"

He completely regretted asking this question.

Half an hour later, he was in an empty classroom, 5 meters next to him, near the door, Roger was standing watching him.

There was an exam paper in front of him. The only light reflecting on the paper was the light of the street lamps leaking through the boards covering the windows.

Even though the atmosphere created a lot of tension, there was something that broke all this tension. He looked at the only question on the paper in front of him with veins mixed together on his forehead.

1-) What kind of person will I be in the future?

A-) I will be a bad person

B-) I will be a good person

Minutes were passing while he was carefully examining the question in front of him, hector finally couldn't stand it and was the first to break the silence.

" Seriously "

Roger looked at her with the most frightening look he had ever seen and replied.

"Talking is not allowed in the exam, be quick, you only have 40 minutes left"

He marked option b with his shaking hands while trying to ignore the killing intent that came next to him and strangled him.

As soon as he finished marking, his suffocating murderous intent disappeared and when he came to, the paper in front of him was already in Roger's hand.

"Does this exam thing really work?"

"Do you have a better idea?"


He thought for a moment before admitting with a quiet laugh that Roger was right.

"Also, in order to take the exam, someone must vouch for you."

"Who vouched for me?"

" I "

After a while of strange silence, hector left what looked like an ordinary office building accompanied by Roger. After walking away for a while, he turned back and looked at the building he had just left. There is such a building in the middle of Chicago, and for people who see it from the outside, it is just an ordinary building, hector only sees it. Even so far, he knows that there is actually a research center measuring square kilometers under this building.

Before leaving, he waited a little longer, hailed a passing taxi and went home.


He woke up with the rising sun the next morning and set out for school.

He locked his bike in the parking lot at the university gate and went to class.

During the lesson, he met his previous roommate, Yusuf. After the lesson, he talked to him for a few minutes. He explained that he had an argument with the principal and said that he was going home. He never met Lara at school. He went home in the afternoon after a boring day.

Now was the time to make money. He placed rental advertisements on the internet for flats on all floors except the 9th floor. Now all he had to do was wait for his new tenants to reach him. He was unaware of the stupid smile on his face.

After he finished his work, he saw that the weather was slowly getting darker and then he decided to collect some points. When he stood up from the computer, he felt some pain in his waist and then he gave up this stupid idea.

After undressing and taking a shower, she looked at her naked reflection in front of the mirror. The first change she saw was that her 100-point stats were visible all over her body. Compared to before, she was a few inches taller on both sides.

Afterwards, he looked at the muscles on his body. The muscle mass, which was neither too swollen nor dull, gave him a magnificent appearance. It was too perfect to be real, except for a large scratch on the side of his waist, which was almost closed, of course.

He put on his clothes, went out and paid a taxi to go to the forest outside the city.

Hector was lost in thought as he sat in the taxi.

"I'm already rich, why don't I hire a driver?"

Hector looked at the vehicles owned by car companies in his city on his phone.

And decided to buy a Bentley Continental flaying spur

Meanwhile, the taxi had already arrived at the forest. Hector got out of the vehicle and saw the phone reception and told the driver he could go.

When the vehicle drove away, he decided to test his speed first. He started running at full speed among the trees. Just when he started to enjoy it, he noticed that the wound on his waist was starting to open again and stopped.

When he realized that he would not be able to discover his physical capacity, he decided to test his abilities. He raised his right arm, adjusted his palm to line up with his arm, and said "cut" while swinging it towards the tree in front of him.


The tree in front of him instantly split in two and started to fall down. As he ran away from the tree falling towards him, hector saw that his newly acquired ability looked quite familiar.

After thinking about it for a while, he saw this ability in the main villain of an anime called jujutsu kaisen, but his own ability was like a scaled-down version of hers a few hundred times.

And as soon as he used the skill, it drained not only his spiritual strength but also his stamina. He could easily say that after just one hit, he consumed half of his physical strength.

Then he decided to try his other special power. Like the first one, this was the most important ability of the main character in the Fire Force anime he watched in his previous life.

Thinking about the anime he watched, he created some fire under his feet and then turned this fire into the shape of a jet engine and tried to fly himself, but the power went out of control and he quickly crashed headfirst into the tree in front of him.

While the wounds on his waist were still not healed, his eyebrows were now split.