cross cut

After working a little more, hector had already exhausted all his energy and headed home to listen.

After reaching the main road, he planned to take his phone out of his pocket and call a taxi, but apparently his plan did not match God's plan.


Half an hour later, while hector was running on the highway with a broken phone in his hand, a city transportation bus approached him.

While getting on the bus, hector initially thought that he was quite lucky, but as soon as he stepped on the bus, a tremor came over him, and thanks to his increased spiritual power, he realized that this seemingly ordinary bus filled to the brim with people was entirely composed of ghosts.

He sat down next to a mother with a child, the only remaining empty seat on the bus, and silently activated the system's radar.

A little later, hector discovered that all the ghosts, except the driver of the bus, had a vengeful spirit level.

According to the system's warning, the bus driver was not a ghost but a curse.

The sound of the system came without much delay.

[ Mass Ghost hunt ]

[You accidentally boarded a ghost bus. If you were a hunted, this would be your inevitable end, but you are an apprentice hunter taking firm steps towards becoming a real hunter, this bus is just a simple hunt for you]

[ Mission difficulty: hard

Quest contents: Kill 29 vengeful spirits and a Class 2 curse

Quest reward: 1000 points]

After hector saw the difficulty of the task assigned by the system, he still did not have the comfort he had before, but he did not rush to make his move and looked around with his cursed eyes.

He was just traveling on a bus full of normal people, but after he opened his cursed eyes, what he saw was a bus full of corpses. The common feature of all of them was that they looked like they died in a bus accident.

While some ghosts were missing body parts, some had their entire bodies covered with cuts and broken glass.

But what really surprised hector was a 300-pound figure with 5 hands sitting in the front seat, his skin was completely purple and the place where his head should be was completely empty, only a big eye on the upper part of his chest was moving and looking around.

"What is the fucking system"

[ Curses are a type of spiritual monster that is born and powered by people's fear. They very rarely have shape-shifting abilities. Curses are ranked from weak to strong as 4th Class, 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, special class. Level up the system level to learn other levels Please ]

As the bus continued to move forward, hector noticed that the ghosts were getting impatient, as if they were waiting for orders, and decided to give up waiting any longer and make the first move.

He closed his eyes and focused on the energies in his body, controlling them calmly.

When he opened his eyes a few seconds later, he leaned forward and threw himself towards the front of the bus with an explosion under his feet.

Before the creatures in the vehicle could even react, hector's body had shattered the windshield and jumped out. While balancing himself in the air to land on the ground, he shouted "cut" as he crossed his right and left arms and swung towards the bus. Even though the curse in the front felt the danger, before he could react, the bus had already split into four slices.

While the pieces of the bus were scattered on the road, hector's body came into contact with the ground and rolled tens of meters forward due to the kinetic energy created. Although his body was ten times harder than ordinary people, hundreds of small wounds occurred on his body, of course, none of the wounds were of a significant depth.

He got up as quickly as he could, stood up, cautiously looked around, relaxed with the system's task completion sound, and sat down on the asphalt. His shirt was so torn that only a small piece was left hanging down from one arm.

After sitting on the asphalt for a while, hector repaired his t-shirt by injecting his renewed spiritual power into his t-shirt. Only the lower part of his trousers were torn apart from the knee. He ripped them slightly above the kneecap and turned them into shorts. Now, except for the dirt and wounds on his body, he looked like a completely handsome young man.

When he looked at the vehicle parts on the road, he decided not to stop here any longer. Thanks to the ghosts, he was already very close to the city. An hour's jogging at a steady pace was enough to get to the outskirts of the city center.

Hector started to wander around the suburbs where there were more people. After wandering around for a while, he saw a small restaurant and went in.

There was only a mature and beautiful woman in the restaurant. After looking at the menu for a while, she found that there were many different dishes that she could order.

At that moment, a critical concern appeared in hector's mind and he quickly moved to take the wallet from his back pocket, but he could not find his wallet there, only a broken phone in his pocket and his keys tied to the phone case.

The woman in the restaurant looked at hector's movements and approached him.

" What do you want to eat "

Even though hector was penniless, he was very hungry and knew that he could not get into a taxi like this. Even though he secretly thought that he could use his power to steal food, he knew best that he would not do it.

"I lost my wallet, can I possibly go into debt and eat?"

" Of course no "

When he moved to get up after the woman's cruel answer, the woman grabbed his shoulder and made him sit back down.

"For our new customer, let it be from us this time, just tell us what you want, please."

"I want to leave the choice to you"

"Yes sir, your order will be ready soon"

While watching the woman cooking, hector was still a little confused by the extreme hospitality he encountered, but after a while he got rid of all his thoughts and focused on the screen in front of him.

[Name: hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 2080

System points owned: 4

Power: 100

Speed: 200

Durability: 100

Defense: 100

Spirit: 100

Intelligence: 100

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō lvl1 , cursed eyes lvl 1 , Devil's Footprints* lvl 1 , cut * lvl1

System capabilities;

Radar lvl2 , scan lvl1 *


red prophet


Black T-shirt

Martial arts technique;

Divergent punch ]

"The system task only has 1000 points, right? Where do the rest of the points come from?"

[You earned 1000 points by completing the Mass Ghost hunting mission]

[You earned 930 points by hunting 29 vengeful spirits]

[You earned 150 points by hunting a Class 2 curse]

[You earned 1 system point by completing the Gourmet achievement]

[ New achievements unlocked ]

Hector decided to do a lucky draw with his points and put the rest towards his statistics.

As soon as you touch the lucky draw button on the system main screen, everything around you turns black and white and time stops.

Hector took a deep breath as he looked at the large wheel in front of him, and when he realized that he felt like a construction worker about to receive his wages after a tiring day at work, he felt relieved for a while, as if a heavy burden had been taken off his shoulders.

Hector must have thought that using his hand to turn the wheel in front of him would be too ordinary, so he turned the lucky wheel by kicking it with his foot.

After a few rounds of spinning with exciting sound effects, the wheel finally stopped and the question mark piece on the side of the prize lit up.

[Congratulations system ability (inventory) unlocked]

Seeing the text in front of him, hector checked whether it was the same inventory as in the novels he read in his previous life and saw that there was a new tab in the system panel.

When he opened the tab, he was greeted with a 2x2 sized inventory. Although he was a little disappointed by its size, he did not hesitate to ask the system for the details of the new system capability.

[ Inventory lvl 2 ; It is 2x2 in size and each item slot can hold a single item of the same type, and the stored item must be smaller than your strength value in terms of both size and weight (example: with 100 points of strength, you can store a 100-kilogram object with a maximum width and height ratio of 100 cm)].

[ Inventory ability levels up with system level ]