small restaurant

Hector was about to continue asking some questions to the system, but when he heard footsteps approaching his desk, he decided to ask them later in his own home.

While the woman was looking at the handsome man standing in front of her, she remembered her daughter who committed suicide last year when everything was going well. A tear escaped from her eyes as she thought what a beautiful couple they would have been if her daughter had lived.

Hector noticed the strangeness and looked up at the woman in front of him. He discovered that despite the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes and the few strands of white hair on her head, she still looked quite beautiful. If it weren't for that expression on her face and the few tears flowing from her eyes, she would be a beautiful and well-groomed mother. he thought it was

Hector then woke up from his momentary daze, took the plate of food from the woman's hand, put it on the table, and took the woman by the shoulders and sat her in his own chair.

He took one of the napkins placed on every dining table and used it to wipe the woman's tears.

He sat on the other side of the dining table and decided to be the first to break the silence while looking at the red-eyed woman in front of him.

"Ma'am, are you okay?"

"You, you don't have to worry so much, I was just a little upset because I was haunted by an old memory, that's all."

The woman sniffled and wanted to stand up. Maybe she realized what kind of situation she was in right now. A man the age of her child, of whom she had no idea who he was, was trying to calm her down. This situation embarrassed the woman.

"Ma'am, if you want to talk, I don't mind listening, I have plenty of time."

"Thank you, but I have to decline your offer, I have no problem, I just remembered my dead daughter."

" My condolences "

The woman smiled politely and returned to the counter

Hector looked helplessly after the woman and then focused on the food in front of him.

Small balls were piled on top of each other and a yellow sauce was poured on them. It was a food he had never eaten or seen before. He poked the balls with the fork in his hand and saw that it was a soft food. Without playing with the food any more, he put one of them through the fork and put it in his mouth. It tasted like a burger patty coated with a special sauce. he couldn't help himself

He liked the food he tried for the first time so much that he finished the whole meal in just a few minutes.

When hector looked up, he saw the restaurant owner looking at him with a smile. It was impossible for anyone who saw the woman right now to understand that she had been crying until just now.

"You seem to quite like your Swedish meatballs."

Hearing the woman's words, he realized that talking about what had just happened was the most ridiculous thing to do.

"Is that the name of the dish or is it really a Swedish dish?"

"Of course, this is a local dish of Sweden."

"It was delicious. Are you Swedish?"

"No, no, I'm not Swedish, I've never even been there. To be honest, when I was young, I devoted myself to cooking and learned many recipes from world cuisine."

"I'd expect someone as talented as you to have a lot of customers at this time of day, wouldn't their restaurant be pretty empty?"

"Unfortunately, the financial situation of the people living in this region is not good enough to go to a restaurant for lunch."

Hector's face turned red from the free meal he was eating when he realized that the restaurant's profit amount was quite low.

He must have seen hector's expression in the woman, and hector said that the shop belonged to him and that since he was the only employee in the shop, his expenses were not high, so he did not have any trouble making ends meet.

Although hector was still feeling remorse, he was somewhat relieved.

"If you want to move to the city center or need to borrow money, please do not hesitate to call me."

He wrote his number on a napkin with a pen he found on the dining counter and left it to the woman. The woman did not reject his good intentions and saved the number written on the napkin on her phone after saying goodbye to him.

As hector left the store, he thought about the delicious food he had eaten, although it did not satisfy his hunger even a little, it was one of the best meals he had ever eaten in both his life and his previous life.

Maybe in the future he would ask her to be his personal chef, but right now he was in a situation that made it unlikely that this request would be accepted. Even though he had used a public fountain along the way to clean the blood stains from his face and exposed skin, his body still smelled bad and his hair was sticky with dried blood. it was sticky

After walking a few hundred meters, the buildings he encountered began to look more and more beautiful. Various shops began to be seen frequently on the sides of the road. He entered the first telephone store he found.

It was a small shop of about 20 square meters, the walls were turned into shelves and different types of phones were lined up inside.

There was a young man around his age sitting in the corner of the shop. His long hair covered his forehead and with his overweight figure, it was obvious that he was completely asocial. If it wasn't about technology, hector would definitely think that he was an unreliable person and leave the shop as quickly as he came, but in the current situation, he had the best possible option.

" Hello, how can I help you"

Instead of answering, hector placed his folded phone on the counter.

"I'm not saying this phone can't be repaired, but the repair cost will probably exceed the cost of the original phone."

"Can you transfer the data on it to a new phone?"

"I'll make you wait a bit"

The young man took the broken phone and moved the mirrored wall behind him and entered.

Until that moment, hector thought that the mirrored door was a real wall. A few minutes later, the young man came again.

"The phone's data is recoverable by chance, can I buy the phone you want to transfer the data to?"

"Use the best Android phone you have"

Hector answered a few more questions from the young man, such as the phone password, and then sat on the sofa in the shop and waited for the phone to come. When the man went to the back, he used this opportunity to ask some questions to the system.

"How did my system radar skill become lvl 2"

[ System level insufficient ]

With a sigh, he upgraded the system level using the points he had.

The system update took 15 minutes this time.

[Congratulations, system level increased to lvl 3]

After waiting for a while and seeing that there was no other sound coming from the system, hector had a bad instinct.

"What did you get with the new system level, what has changed in the system"

[Your query authority has become lvl 3]

"I didn't know I had such an authority. What does this authority do?"

[You can find out the answer to the question you just asked right now]

[Query level is directly proportional to the system]

Although hector was disappointed with the results of the system upgrade, he ignored it and focused on what was in front of him.

"So what is the answer to my question?"

[ There are multiple ways to upgrade skills

The first way is to use it repeatedly

The second way is to better understand talent

The third way is upgrade cards obtained from the system

The fourth way is quests, some quests reward you with increased skill level ]

When hector heard this answer, he decided to use his skills at every opportunity.

Shhhhhhhhh (door sliding sound effect)

With the young man's return, hector got up and came to the counter. In front of him was Samsung's newest phone. When he turned it on, he discovered that even the wallpaper was the same as his previous phone. All applications had already been downloaded, except for a few games that took up a lot of space.

After logging into the banking application on his phone and paying his debt to the young man with the QR, he left the shop, took a taxi and went home.

( Is there anyone here )