
When he stepped through the front door of his house and stood in the hallway, he remembered the adventure he had in Bodrum and decided to check it out.

When he got into the elevator, he gave up on this decision and went to his own apartment, deciding to increase his stats first.

He sat on his bed and opened his profile page. He has explosive speed due to his Devil's Footprints ability, and if he improves this ability, he will have the ability to fly like Ironman.

With this in mind, although he stopped putting all his stats on agility, he still added approximately half of his stats to agility and distributed the remaining stat points according to his needs.

When he finished distributing the points, unlike usual, he didn't feel comfortable, instead he fell asleep as his eyelids closed.


In the morning, hector slowly woke up with the sunlight leaking through the window reflecting on his face.

After opening his eyes reluctantly, after a while, yesterday's fainting came to his mind.

"What's going on with the system?"

[Because you assigned too many stat points at once, the amount of drugs the system injected into your body also increased and you lost consciousness]

"Are you injecting drugs into my body? Why don't I know about it?"

[This is a 3-time feature offered to new system owners only. You will not be able to benefit from this process in your next buffs, so make sure you are in a safe position when assigning your stat points.]

"Why should I be in a safe position? Am I going to faint every time?"

[ According to my calculation, since your genes are directly interfered with during the strengthening process, you are expected to suffer greatly depending on the number of score points assigned ]

"So, are there any other beginner features or information I should know about?"

[Each numbing operation consumes a small amount of points]

" Another "

[System AI and jurisdiction are a temporary feature only given to beginners]

"How much time is left until the system artificial intelligence expires?"

[4 hours, 28 minutes, 34 seconds]

Hector got worried as he looked at the countdown in front of him. Since he came to this world, he always had a system with him where he could ask questions.

Hector got up, drank a pack of milk he took from the fridge in one breath, and then went and took a shower with cold water to relieve his drowsiness.

He went out to the balcony of his house for a while and watched the city. When he looked at the clock, a night had passed since he fainted.

After coming back and sitting on the bed, he took a deep breath and checked his profile first.

[ Name : hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 0

System points owned: 0

Power: 150

Speed: 426

Durability: 200

Defense: 150

Spirit: 200

Intelligence: 100

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8


Shō lvl1 , cursed eyes lvl 1 , Devil's Footprints lvl1 , cut lvl1

System capabilities;

Radar lvl2, scan lvl1

Martial arts technique;

Divergent punch ]

"How long is the countdown left?"

[ 3 hours . 04 minutes . 56 seconds ]

Hector started asking questions he would need in the future

"Can you name all the prey species in this world?"

[ Ghosts , spiritual beasts ,  demons, ghouls , zombies , vampires , werewolves , animals , mutants , monsters , curses , oddities ]

" Level them in order "

[ Ghost hierarchy from smallest to largest ; ghost, vengeful spirit, spirit body, ghost king, ghost emperor]

[Hierarchy of spiritual creatures from smallest to largest; ordinary level, regional level, territorial level, planetary level, divine level]

[The hierarchy of demons is more complicated than the others, from smallest to largest; devil, noble devils, devil general, devil king]

[Ghouls cannot become stronger on their own]

[ Zombies hierarchy from smallest to largest ; Level 1 is the lowest and gets stronger as the level increases]

[Hierarchy of vampires from smallest to largest; half-vampire, vampire, baron, earl, duke, clan leader]

[ Werewolf hierarchy from smallest to largest ; omega werewolf, beta werewolf, alpha werewolf]

[There is no hierarchy in animals because there are no intelligent beings among them and they are weak]

[Hierarchy of mutants from smallest to largest; omega 1, 2, 3, beta 1, 2, 3, alpha 1, 2, 3]

[ Hierarchy of monsters from smallest to largest; ordinary, core formation, transformation, ability awakening, beast king, beast emperor, beast god]

[Hierarchy of curses from smallest to largest; 4th Class, 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, special class, demigod]

[Quirks are classified in the same way as curses, but since they are not intelligent or gregarious creatures, there is no hierarchy]

While hector was trying to digest the explanations he saw, he was quite surprised. This world turned out to be much messier than he expected. He didn't even think he had heard of some creatures before.

"So can you explain these creatures?"

[Ghost: They are people who could not reincarnate for various reasons after death. They absorb spiritual power after taking revenge to become stronger. Their souls are damaged when exposed to sunlight.]

[ Spiritual creatures: They are a type of animal naturally found in nature. Some people control them and make them a part of their fighting forces.

They feed on plants with spiritual power, and their bodies also have the ability to directly absorb the spiritual power in the air.]

[Demons: they are a race usually found in hell, they may rarely leak into the world. They feed on everything living]

[Ghouls: feed on human flesh and by consuming vampire flesh they can return to their human state. The only difference is that they will have red eyes. Even if they consume vampire flesh, they cannot eat normal food. They need human flesh. They have a weakness for sunlight.]

[ Zombies: They are a race that has gained the ability to move reflexively due to a disease transmitted to corpses. They must consume high protein content, otherwise the virus will go dormant.

(Their evolutionary potential is very high)]

[Vampires: They are a race that has existed in the world since ancient times, only blood can cure their vulnerabilities, they have a weakness to sunlight]

[Werewolves: their history is as long as vampires, they can switch between a wolf and a human, werewolves except the alpha werewolf lose control during the full moon and attack everything but each other]

[Animals: found in nature or in the city (e.g. cats)]

[Mutants: are people with special abilities that can overcome gene limits]

[Monsters: They are animals that have entered the path of evolution, their size changes over time, a nucleus forms in the abdominal cavity and their intelligence increases (the more similar to a human, the higher the level)]

[Curses: born from people's fear and innate hatred towards humans]

[ Quirks: they arise from people's curiosity and do not willingly harm the environment ]

Hector took note of everything he saw on his phone and later tried to ask questions about PANIC, but he couldn't get any valuable answers from the system. When he looked at the answers he got, the only thing he learned was that PANIC researchers were ordinary people who fought with special weapons and were injected with the super soldier serum that increased their strength and speed statistics to 100 points.

Hector couldn't help but feel a slight regret. If he had joined them and injected himself with this serum, he would have saved 180 points.

Of course, it is unknown whether he would really give up his freedom just for 180 points.

Hector spent the last few hours feeling depressed and buried in his bed, doing nothing. Meanwhile, the system artificial intelligence had shut down, and now hector needed a new method to obtain information.

After a while he stopped hesitating any longer and returned to his unfinished business in the basement.


With the warning that the elevator has reached the floor, hector's heart rate increased a little faster than usual.