new training field

Hector looked at the large and empty bus station in front of him in surprise. The person who saved him had not only killed the ghouls, but also cleaned the entire bus station and, as if that wasn't enough, he had also replaced the dead lights with new ones.

Hector looked around for a while and didn't see anything abnormal, so he went back to his apartment and looked at his phone history. Contrary to his expectations, he didn't receive any calls from the girl he met at school, named Lara, but there were calls from many unknown numbers, and he guessed that these were people who had returned the ad he had placed on the internet.

Hector thought it would be useful to have more information about other apartments before returning calls

As he was about to take the bag that he hung on a hanger and leave, he remembered something very important that he still forgot to do.

He took the dagger he had hidden on top of the kitchen cabinets and opened his inventory.

While looking at the screen in front of him, he tried to pick up the knife and place it in one of the spaces in the inventory, and he succeeded.

The knife in hector's hand had vanished from the air. When he looked at the screen in front of him, there was a miniaturized symbol of the dagger he had put in one of the empty compartments in his inventory, so he figured out how to use his inventory.

Later, hector tried to place the key bag in his inventory, but he failed. No matter how hard he tried, the bag in front of him was still in his hand. After thinking for a while, he found the reason why he could not put the bag in the inventory, probably because the bag also had a storage area.

Hector changed his clothes and put the t-shirt he obtained from the system into his inventory. He now had 7 more empty spaces in his inventory besides the knife and the t-shirt. With the latest system upgrade, the inventory has become 3x3 After thinking for a while, he decided to put his phone in his inventory as well.

Hector left his apartment, went downstairs, took the key of the apartment opposite from his key bag, opened the door with a little effort, and then went in.

When he entered, he was greeted by a small corridor. All the rooms were connected to this corridor. The walls were painted in skin color. There was no furniture except lamps, chandeliers and kitchen cabinets. The whole apartment had a newly built atmosphere.

After hector finished inspecting the flat, he returned to his own flat, sat on the computer in his bedroom, and started returning calls to the people who called him today. About 4.5 hours later, he returned to all calls. He liked the way he talked. He sold the flats to the people and made an appointment 3 days later to sign the contract. Total number of flats sold. He was already 22, which proved how popular the house he bought was.

When hector looked at the clock, he realized that it was already dinner time. The pain in his stomach when he got up from the computer supported him completely. After looking at the kitchen for a while, he threw away his laziness, went to bed, entered the food ordering application on his phone and ordered 20 burgers at once. Now all he had to do was sit down and wait for his food to arrive. Meanwhile, he installed League of Legends on the computer to relieve boredom.

Just like in his previous life, League of Legends was both the hated and most played game in this world. When he pressed the download button, he saw that approximately half a GB was downloaded per second. The internet speed in his home was exactly what he had dreamed of. Once again, he was proud of himself for buying the entire house for only 3.9 million dollars.

While he was playing a game or two, the doorbell rang. When he approached the steel door, he saw the courier waiting at the outside door through the security camera placed on the right side of the door. He told him to go to the top floor through the microphone and clicked the button to open the door.

A minute later, he took all the bags from the courier, paid by card, went to the kitchen with the bags in his hand and started eating his food while watching a sitcom series on his phone.

This moment was the same as the one he experienced at the end of almost every work day in his previous life. When he thought about his previous life, he couldn't help but realize how bored he used to be. Speaking of his previous life, hector had graduated from a 2-year university before being reincarnated, then working part-time at an ordinary fast food restaurant and coming back. He spent his remaining free time at home, watching anime series and movies in an antisocial manner.

He was a completely ordinary person, with a completely useless graduation certificate in his hand. After looking for a job for a while, he was hit by the cruelty of life and desperately focused on part-time jobs. Although he had a family unlike the one he has now, the members of this family were also ordinary civil servants before.

After hector finished his meal, he wanted to play games for a while, but with his current reflex speed, all games were simple for him. He turned off his computer, left the house, caught a taxi from the roadside, got in and told the driver to drive around for a while. He thought he would be found

After thinking for a long time, no idea came to his mind and he decided to ask the driver in front of him.

"Sir, I am a film director. I need a closed and large land that I can use nearby. Do you have any ideas where I can find it?"

"I don't know where I can find a place like the one you mentioned, but there are underground bus terminals on some streets. If it works for you, you can try renting the entire bus terminal."

After thinking for a while, hector decided that underground bus terminals were useless because underground bus terminals were generally built at the bottom of buildings and there would be a lot of noise during his training sessions. In such a case, it was not right for the neighbors to be curious about the sound and come to check it out and see him using his special powers.

Even though special powers really existed in this world, the state kept it tightly hidden from ordinary people. Showing off his abilities randomly could attract some annoying eyes, and more importantly, there was even a possibility of him being arrested, even though he didn't know if there was a law about it.

While the taxi continued to drive around, hector continued to have no ideas. Then he asked the driver in front of him to take him to the place where the cold storages were located in the south of the city. The road took about an hour and a half, but he found what he was looking for, a 1 square kilometer underground area opposite him from a person who rented a warehouse in the area. He managed to get his warehouse. The warehouse was built underground by digging the ground and there were many Steel columns in it. The walls were reinforced with a layer of Steel. Only the place was in its old state. The place was made entirely of soil, making it easier to repair possible damages.

While looking at the open land in front of him, hector couldn't help but think that this was a perfect training ground. Even though the food ordering applications on his phone did not serve this area, he took the phone number of a nearby restaurant from the internet, ordered meat dishes that would last him until the morning, and started his training.

He used all his abilities, except the scanning ability he received from the system, until the morning, and the system notifications did not stop all night long.

The first thing he did in the morning was to reap the fruits of his night's work and glanced at his profile tab.

When he looked at his profile, he realized that not only his skill levels had changed, but even his stats had increased.

[Name: hector black

Age 18

Points owned: 0

System points owned: 0

Power: 151

Speed: 426

Durability: 220

Defense: 150

Spirit: 243

Intelligence: 119

Chance: 9

Charisma: 8

Abilities ;

Shō lvl4, cursed eyes lvl 9, Devil's Footprints lvl3, cut lvl2

System capabilities;

Radar lvl3 , scanning lvl1

Martial arts technique;

Divergent punch ]