mutant girl

Hector looked around, although some columns were damaged, the effects of the training he did yesterday were quite obvious. He called the person from whom he rented the warehouse and extended the agreement period to 1 month, thus paying the man a total of 20,000 dollars.

And he decided to try every skill again before going home

First he used Shō, he curled his middle finger with his thumb and put it in a position as if he was going to throw a ball of slime, then he placed spiritual power between his two fingers and fired it forward. Shō threw the soil sideways on the path he followed from one end of the warehouse to the other, creating a small dent in the opposite wall. Unlike before, although the current power was not enough to punch a hole in the chest of an ordinary person, it was enough to kill 3 vengeful spirits lined up in a row at the same time.

Not much has changed in his Cursed Eyes ability, hector didn't notice it, the only difference noticed was that when he opened his cursed eyes, everything was clearer, making his ability useful for looking at someone from afar.

His devil footprints ability had made a much greater progress compared to the cursed eyes. Now, flying using this ability was not that difficult for him, but he had to concentrate carefully on what he was doing. If he was not distracted, he could fly non-stop.

He activated his ability and started flying from a distance of 3 meters to the ground. After flying to the opposite wall, he stretched his feet forward and slowed himself down, stopping. He could also use this ability as a driving force to strengthen his kick.

The range of his slash ability had increased to 10 meters, and he could use it approximately every 5 seconds. Although he was not sure, he felt that the physical and spiritual energy used by his ability had decreased.

The range of the radar ability has increased to 200 meters, and unlike before, it now continues to scan for 10 seconds after using it, making moving targets trackable.

Even though hector's divergent punch system profile did not indicate the level, he could now use this fighting technique with almost every punch. When he looked at the walls on the right side of the warehouse, the entire Iron wall was covered with punch marks. Although he hurt his hand several times during this time, he did not suffer any significant injuries. According to hector's estimation, this was the biggest reason for his increased durability.

After he finished his work at the warehouse, he went out and looked around. He saw a bus stop a few hundred meters away. Since his current location was very far from the city, it would take a long time for a taxi to come here. When he saw a few people waiting at the stop, he guessed that the bus would arrive soon and went to the stop.

When he went to the bus stop, there was an old woman who immediately greeted him when she saw him.

"Good morning, young man, I see you here for the first time, although there are not many people living in this neighborhood, and where do you come from and where are you going?"

Finding the old woman very eager to chat, he could not bear to discourage her and chatted with her for a while.

There was a 10 kilo potato sack at the feet of the old woman. After waiting for about 5 minutes, the bus arrived. When hector saw that the woman was trying to take the sack and get on the bus, he came forward and took the sack from the woman's hand.

"Auntie, you go ahead and I'll carry this"

"Oh son, be careful, if that sack is lifted so suddenly, you will hurt your back. Look, you are still young. Which girl will take care of you later? Besides not being able to get married, you will have to live with pain all your life."

Even though hector laughed secretly at what the woman said, when he saw that she did not intend to remain silent, he told her to get on the bus first, using the bus as an excuse.

After getting on the bus, the Old Woman took a card from her pocket and pressed it to the screen next to the driver. After the beep, she walked into the bus.

Hector knew that he needed a bus card to get on the bus. In his previous life, he used to take the bus often. After all, the driver would have noticed his expression of speed, so hector said that his credit card was also valid.

5 minutes later, hector started to move on the empty bus with an aunt and a little girl. At the next stop, about 10 more little children got on. They were all kindergarten students between the ages of 8-10. Seeing that the bags on their backs were probably bigger than their bodies, hector remembered his own childhood.

While he was going to kindergarten, he had two inseparable friends, but before the end of the year, both of them had already moved out of town for family reasons. While hector was lost in thought, he got a very strange feeling from a female student who passed by and sat in the back seat. When he opened his cursed eyes and looked back, he saw a purple ball of energy in the heart of the little girl he saw. When he saw the girl looking at him, he quickly used his scanning ability and turned in front of him.

What he didn't know was that when his cursed eyes ability was on, his eyes were noticeably yellow.

When the girl made eye contact with him, she thought with astonishment that they were the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen in her life, but the man turned away just as quickly and blocked her view.

[ Name : Cecilia Davis

Race: Mutant

Age: 9

Power level: omega 2 (alpha)

Special information: He discovered that he could push objects without touching them due to an incident he experienced on his birthday a year ago, and he hid this ability from everyone upon his father's warning, but since last week his out-of-control talent caused chaos in the school, everyone has been staying away from him]

While hector was reading the screen in front of him, you couldn't help but feel sorry for this child with great potential. After thinking for a while, he walked over to the little girl sitting alone in the back seat.

While the girl was curious to see his eyes again when the man with the beautiful eyes she had seen came and sat next to her, on the other hand, she was uneasy because a man she did not know came and sat next to her. The little girl forcibly suppressed her emotions because after the events that revealed her last feelings, her classmates and even her teachers were infected with an epidemic disease. He stayed away as if he were the bearer

As the bus was driving, hector greeted the little girl and asked her name, but then he realized his mistake. He easily understood what the little girl was thinking as she looked at him as if she were looking at a child kidnapper.

He then tried a different strategy to gain the girl's trust.

"You know, I actually have special powers too."

The little girl's eyes looked like they were going to come out of their sockets. For the first time in her life, she met someone as strange as herself and her previous fears completely disappeared.

As hector watched the girl's expression change, he complained about how easy it was to fool children.

"Is it really so, uncle, are you as strange as me? What about people, I know what special powers you have?"

"Hey uncle, there are only 9 years between us, I'm too young to be an uncle, and no, you're the first person I told that I have special powers."

A very guilty expression appeared on the girl's face. She was about to open her mouth to apologize, but hector interrupted her.

"Okay, okay, you don't have to cry right away, let's make a deal, if you show me your special power, I will show you my special power."

"It's a deal then"

The young girl made a hook on her little finger and extended it to the young man in front of her.

Hector didn't hold back either and pulled the hook