lara plaza 2

The old woman who got on the bus with hector stood up from her seat and went to hector and wanted to chat for a while, but as she stood up and went to the back, she noticed the little girl next to hector and quickly sat down in her old seat.

Of course, he noticed the old woman's actions and turned to the little girl next to him and asked why they were acting like this, although he already knew the answer.

The little girl had long since let her guard down because she thought the man next to me was just like her, and she told me what was going on.

Hector couldn't help but notice the sad expression on the little girl's face as she spoke.

He wrapped his arm around the shoulders of the girl next to him and brought her closer to him. When he paid a little attention, he noticed that almost everyone on the bus was secretly looking at them, of course, this did not bother him.

Hector took the little girl's bag and, to the surprise of the girl, wrote his phone number on the first page of a random book he took out of the bag with a pen.

"If you need help with anything, you can call me anytime, and in the future, just call me brother ."

The little girl took the notebook from the hand of the young man next to her, put it back into her bag and answered with a smile.

"Then just call me Cecilia in the future."

While the conversation between hector and Cecilia continued for tens of minutes, the passengers on the bus began to get off one by one. While the old woman was getting off, a middle-aged man who had boarded the bus next door came and helped her lift her sack, and they got off the bus together.

A few stops later, Cecilia got off the bus with pursed lips, apologizing and saying she would call him again.

Hector continued until the last stop of the buses and there he decided to take another bus to the university where he studied and go to class. Even though it was very early in the morning, he went and had some breakfast and decided to sit in a cafe and go to class during class time.

As the bus progressed, other passengers, most of whom were university students, got on. After a half-hour ride, all the seats were already full and there were a lot of people standing.

Hector got up to give a seat to an old man who was getting on the bus, and he, like everyone else, remained standing. Even though he tried not to pay attention, he noticed that the young girls on the bus were secretly looking at him from time to time.

Hector was taller than most of the people on the bus. He was 1.9 meters tall, his jet black messy hair fell down to his forehead, he had a neat figure, and with his striking light brown eyes, it was inevitable for him to be the favorite of the crowd.

When he arrived at school, he first had a hearty breakfast in the school cafeteria and then went to the history teacher's room. He knocked on the door and entered. When he saw the professor sitting at his desk, he asked about his first tenant, who never returned to him.

The professor hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"Lara was hospitalized and will not return to school in the future"

Hector couldn't help but be surprised by the answer he received. The last time I met him, he seemed quite healthy.

"Why was he hospitalized? Did he have an accident or something?"

"We don't know why, he suddenly fell into a coma. How do you know? Didn't you discuss my nephew in the last grade?"

"After that day, we met and became friends. If you have permission, I would like to visit him."

The professor had a solemn expression on his face. After thinking for a while, if the boy in front of him was really his friend, he saw no problem in taking him to his nephew.

"Okay, just a visit, after classes are over, find me at 4 o'clock, I will go to the hospital, we can go together and I will drop you off too."

After this conversation, hector thought about the sweet and stupid girl he had only known for a short time, although they did not have a long-term friendship, he still decided to take a look at her situation.

After several boring classes in a row, after rejecting the phone number requests of the girls in the class, he saw that it was only 3 o'clock and went to the school cafeteria and had lunch. Since there was nothing to do, he started wandering around the school randomly and quickly thought that it was hung on one of the walls. He wrote it down and found it.

On the paper, it was written that university sports teams had started to apply, but the more interesting part was a warning stating that students who were ranked in the provincial rankings did not need to worry about their absences.

Without much thought, hector started looking at the types of sports on the list and eventually chose long-distance running, which did not need to attract much attention and had enough endurance to run for kilometers at an ordinary person's maximum speed.

The head of the long distance running unit below him called the phone number. It was a male voice that answered the phone. After a short conversation between them, he registered his name and luckily he saw that the school team tryouts would be tomorrow. If he had known about it one day later, he would have missed his chance for unlimited attendance, just like him. Classes were very boring for a superhuman. He had a better memory than ordinary people.

When he saw that it was approaching 4 o'clock, he went to the professor's room, greeted the professor, and they both went to the school parking lot and got into the professor's car.

The professor was driving a black jeep. While looking at the professor's vehicle, he thought of the Bentley Continental that he decided to buy before and forgot about because of the high action.

After he finished his work at the hospital, he made up his mind that this time he would definitely buy a car and apply for a driver's license. An hour and a half later, the car stopped in front of one of the best private hospitals in the city.

After entering the hospital, accompanied by the professor, they entered one of the patient rooms on the 14th floor. Inside, there was a woman who looked the same as Lara but looked as if she was an older version. Next to the woman, a man aged 40-45 was on the other side of the bed. A brown-haired man in his 30s was sitting on the man's lap. A 9-year-old little girl with her hair and school clothes was sitting

Surprisingly, this girl was Cecilia, whom I met on the bus this morning and gave her her number.

They both saw each other at a time they never expected to see each other. The little girl pulled her father and showed him with her fingers and said to her father, "This is the brother I was talking about."

When he heard this, the man had a very serious expression on his face. It was obvious that he was not happy with this situation, but he decided not to speak out. Even though he did not speak, the old couple next door wondered what was going on and asked the little girl who the young man was.

"He's a guy I met on the bus today, he's a very fun guy."

After receiving the answer, the old couple turned their heads to the professor and asked who the person he brought was.

"He asked why Lara didn't come to school. I was going to tell him that she was sick. Anyway, when he asked if he could visit, I took him and brought him here. His name is hector, he is one of my students."

There was a strange silence in the environment. Taking advantage of this silence, hector used the system's scanning ability on Lara, who was sleeping in the hospital bed.