curs in hospital

[Name : Lara plaza

Race: human

Age: 19

Power level: human

Special information: Special Class came into contact with a strangeness and fell into an eternal sleep]

Carl saw that the girl's life was not in danger.

Even though he knew why Lara was actually in a coma, he had no plans to tell her family members about it, after all, they wouldn't believe what a child without any medical certificate said anyway.

The old man standing on the left side of the bed was before initiating the conversation

"I am Lara's father, my name is Axel plaza. Can you tell me exactly what the relationship between you and my daughter is, young man, are you really just friends?"

While Axel was saying these, the young man in front of him looked at his face, which had no trace of sadness. If he were to say that his daughter was his lover and not an ordinary friend, he would definitely disapprove of this relationship.

"No sir, we have only known each other for a day, I was going to help him find a house to rent, but even though I found the house, he did not call me back on the agreed date, so I wondered what happened and asked the professor, and then he brought him here."

The relief in the man's eyes could not be hidden. He was very pleased that his little girl did not give her heart to another man.

"The one next to me will be my wife, you can address her as Aunt Elina"

"It's our pleasure to meet you ma'am"

Unlike her father, Lara's mother continued to stare at her without speaking since she first entered the room. When the conversation between them ended, the harshness on her face disappeared, as if she was satisfied with what she heard.

Now it was little Cecilia's father's turn to speak, but he approached it in a much friendlier manner than the other two.

"Your name is hector, I already know it. My daughter has been talking about you since she came from school. You have an extraordinary charm, hector. By the way, I'm carl."

Since hector knew that he could not do anything to Lara for the moment, he relaxed and chatted with them for a while, but in the middle of the conversation, he received an unexpected request from Hector.

"According to what my daughter said, do you have special powers like her? If you have it and it is not dangerous, can you show me? I am very curious about this and I have a lot of questions I want to ask."

Upon this question, Cecilia pinched her father's skin with her fingers and looked at him sternly.

While her father was trying to ignore him, he raised his head towards the ceiling. Cecilia was getting more and more angry with every second. She looked a little like she was going to cry at the end.

The old couple was astonished by carl's question. The little girl's special powers were the biggest secret in their family.

"I know you have questions about this, but the subject is more complicated than you think. Some people with special powers may appear in the world. My guess is that such people may be taken by PANIC, a state organization, and trained to fight against supernatural beings in the future. Of course, this is not a mandatory option, you noticed me." Even though they were released, you probably won't run into any problems as long as they don't cause trouble in a public place or tell other people about their special powers."

Everyone in the room had a relieved look on their face, and it was easy to see how miserable this issue had made them before.

Hector was about to demonstrate to them with a weakened Shō when the little girl started talking.

"Dad, this brother's eyes were shining when he was on the bus."

What the little girl said brought a completely different idea to hector's mind, he opened his cursed eyes and looked at them.

"My talent is a pair of eyes that show me things that other people cannot see. I have already checked Lara with this talent. She is not having any problems. She just fell asleep forever because she came into contact with a supernatural being. But you don't have to worry. Even though it will take a while, talk to the office and get her." I will try to find a medicine or cure"

Even though the people in the room reacted differently, overall it could be said that their anxiety had decreased.

It wasn't like he cared much about Lara hector, but what really caught his attention was the little girl's pushing ability. This reminded him of the cool ability used by someone with a pair of special eyes in an anime he watched in his previous life.

If he could get a medicine or some kind of healing ability from the system that could wake her up, he wouldn't hesitate to try it on her.

"Hector, would you be interested in helping Cecilia control her abilities? If you do, I wouldn't hesitate to pay you $10,000 for each lesson."

Hector froze with a rather funny expression on his face as he did not expect the old man's offer.

Even though he didn't really need the money, he didn't expect this ordinary-looking old man to offer him such a high price. After thinking for a while, he thought that spending time with a little girl would be a fun way to spend his free time and accepted the offer.

Meanwhile, the sound of an explosion echoed from the lower floors of the hospital.

He used the system radar first to be cautious, and as far as he saw on the radar, there was a 4th class curse 4 floors below him.

After watching the radar for a while, he discovered that the curse did not move from a certain place and told the old couple about this situation.

"According to my perception, there is a curse about 4 floors below. Curses are evil creatures from people's fear, but the creature below is quite weak compared to me. Anyway, since this is the case, I will go to kill the curse below. If you want, Cecilia can come with me and watch me while I hunt."

The professor and the old couple strongly opposed this suggestion. The little girl was moving with excitement. She completely admired her brother, whom she had just met, and believed that he could protect her. Hektor remained silent with a thoughtful expression on his face. After a while, he decided to speak.

"I can't drag my daughter into such a situation alone, it's very dangerous. First of all, how sure are you that you can protect her?"

"One hundred percent "

"In this case, I will come with you. Since you are so sure of yourself, I will also trust you this time, I hope I will not regret it."

When hector remembered the time he misfired on the Class 3 curse, he thought that a Class 4 curse would be negligibly weak.

Despite the objections of the old couple and the professor, the little girl, her father and hector went out into the corridor, got into the elevator and pressed the button down 4 floors.

A few minutes later, hector and the other two had already stepped into the floor that people had completely abandoned.

The door of one of the rooms at the end of the corridor exploded and a rabbit, about 1 meter tall and standing on two legs, with many blood stains stuck to the white fur on its body, emerged from inside. Apparently, this curse was born out of people's fear of rabbits.

Since the number of people afraid of rabbits was quite low and the amount of fear felt was low, it was only a 4-class curse.

Hector took the father and daughter next to him behind him and prepared to take action.

At this moment, while hector was watching the poor rabbit in front of him, he revealed the ugly smile of a hunter who wanted to play with his prey, and he completely ignored the couple trembling with fear behind him.