parasite curse

While Hector was walking there with the calm men, he grabbed the medical equipment service cart standing on the side and threw it forward with one hand.

As the service car was speeding towards the rabbit, even sound explosions could be seen in the air. The rabbit managed to dodge the service car coming towards him at the last moment and the service car crashed into the wall behind him. At the moment of impact, a small dent was formed on the wall, but the service car turned into a pile of metal.

Carl and Cecilia were very surprised when they saw the power Hector had. He had never told them before that his physical strength was beyond ordinary people.

When Carl looked at the two monsters fighting in front of him, think that this fight was quite dangerous for ants like him, he must have decided that it would be safer to watch from a little further away, so he took Cecilya's arm and took her towards the other end of the corridor.

When Hektor saw the rabbit running away from the trolley he had thrown, he flew towards the rabbit, throwing fire under his feet as the marbles on the ground where his feet pressed on the ground shattered, and he flew so fast that the rabbit had not even noticed his movements.

"Oh, where are you looking, little rabbit?"

He didn't have to be smart to understand that the curse was in danger of his life; as a curse born from a rabbit, his animal instincts were telling him that he would die soon anyway.

Hektor grabbed the side of the rabbit's head and slammed it against the opposite wall with all his strength.

The blow he received was enough to explode the rabbit's head. While Hector was slowly sliding down the wall, my headless rabbit was thinking that the war was over with the blood stains and pieces of meat splattered on the wall in front of him, the piece of meat in the belly of the fallen rabbit corpse grew at full speed, turned into a claw, and made a cutting move towards Hector's neck.

Hector acted quickly and ducked and dodged the incoming claw blow, but he was still in a daze. Although he saw that there was only one Class 4 curse on the system radar, he was now attacked by a second curse coming from the Class 4 curse.

Even though he dodged the incoming claw blow, the air currents created by the claw left 4 large cuts on the wall behind him.

When Hector saw the cuts on the corridor wall, he realized that the curse in front of him was not weak at all. There was a difference between the curse he had just fought and the one he was fighting now, the difference between small and large mountains. This curse was definitely stronger than the Class 3 curse that was driving the bus before.

Hektor quickly began to look for a way to solve this situation and at the same time he ran back and the rabbit's belly split open and a wiggly piece of meat like a worm fell out.

Not only did the falling piece of meat look quite disgusting, it was constantly changing shape as if it was breathing. After the first hit, the claw contracted and became a piece of that meat again.

Hector used the Sho technique on the curse several times to better understand the curse in front of him.

The piece of meat escaped into the rabbit behind him before Sho hit him.

There were a few extra holes on the rabbit's body. As soon as Hector stopped attacking repeatedly, a piece of the rabbit's belly wrapped itself around the entire large rabbit.

The piece of meat digested the whole rabbit corpse in just 2 seconds, and after falling to the ground as a piece of meat again, it changed shape again and turned into the original rabbit.

When Hektor saw that he had turned into a rabbit, he guessed that it was the weak point of his original body, but he was too late, so he jumped forward and tried to throw a few punches, but the rabbit began to narrowly dodge all his punches.

With these few punches, Hector felt that there was something strange about the rabbit in front of him, and to confirm his guess, he threw the stone pieces on the ground at him in a way that would not cause any harm even if it hit the rabbit in the middle of the fight.

When Hector realized that the rabbit in front of him could not use his eyes, he made a plan accordingly.

After taking a few steps back, he entered one of the patient rooms on his right and ran quickly, breaking the wall on his left and passing into the other room. He could still see the rabbit standing in the same place with his cursed eyes.

He ran towards the wall on the left side of the room, smashed it into pieces with his shoulder, and entered the patient's room, which was exactly on the same level as the curse. He ran towards the wall on the left side again and attacked the wall as if he wanted to destroy the entire wall.

The pieces from the shattered wall broke into thousands of small pieces and flew towards the curse. The curse wanted to do what it always did, never bypassing all the pieces.

But the wall coming towards him remained in place without moving due to the multitude of pieces, which gave Hector the opportunity to punch the rabbit very firmly.

With the blow it received, the rabbit hit the opposite wall and bounced back a few centimeters.

Hektor took the opportunity to keep the rabbit's feet from touching the ground, kicked him, turned his body, and slammed his right foot on the rabbit's head, pinning it to the back wall. At that moment, he used his devil's footprints ability and burned the rabbit's head completely.

Knowing how extraordinary the rabbit in front of him was, he was not satisfied with this and as soon as he retreated, he used his ability to cut repeatedly like bullets from an automatic rifle. When he stopped after a while, there was nothing left but a pile of diced meat on the ground.

Even though he didn't realize it right now, there was a smile on his face that was getting bigger and bigger.

When Hector looked at the remaining pieces of the curse, he saw that they were slowly turning into ashes. He opened his cursed eyes one last time, checked the surroundings and made sure that the war was over this time.

Carl and Cecilia were watching the battle from the other end of the long corridor, their mouths open at what they had just seen.

Since the strange curse appeared, the entire battle lasted only 20 seconds until the battle ended.

Hector stretched his body as he looked towards the direction the two were running. The battle was much crazier than he expected.

He felt that his lack of radar ability could one day put him in a truly dangerous situation.

Hektor decided to maximize his ability by using his radar ability at every opportunity. Previously, before using his radar ability to level up, he had to be absolutely sure that he would not need his radar ability, but now he realized that his radar ability would be of no use if it was not at a high enough level.

When Hektor saw the blood stains on his clothes, he took off his clothes and put them in one of the spaces in the storage area.

Carl and Cecilia had different thoughts while standing in front of topless Hector

When Carl saw how dangerous the world was, he thought that the experience he had accumulated over decades was useless. His perspective on the world completely changed, his perception was shattered.

Cecilia, on the other hand, was thinking about how cool the brother in front of her was, while she was watching Hektor with admiring eyes, unaware of the whole world. Hektor was trying not to show the excitement he was currently in because of the unexpected situation he had just encountered. After all, he had just told them that he was 100% sure that he could protect them.

After the trio chatted for a while, they got on the elevator and left the ruined floor behind them and returned to Lara's room.

(What actually happened was Hector's boasting, Cecilia's admiration, and Carl staring blankly at the sky because of his collapsed perception of the world.)