15. Drama king

"Thank you..."Janet said alighting from Simon's car

"Still try calling her okay.."Daisy said from the car

"I will..."Janet said back before going into the pharmacy store...

Daisy took a deep breathe, Her breath seemed to stutter in her lungs before she let it go, feeling the tension drain from her body. Her breathing returned to normal and she felt as if she could face the problem she might have caused...

"So where to...?"

Daisy sigh when Simon's voice jangle its way into her ears..., she didn't ask to be carried on a stranger's car, after they got to the hospital and couldn't find Laura there, she wanted to take a taxi home but Janet insisted they go back same way they came.., a stranger's car...

"My place is a few blocks from here.."She stated feeling a bit unnerve

"Okay..., you don't mind describing do you..?"

She looked at him..."The street adjacent to Zenith bank.., block 56.."

He nib his lips..."Don't know there.."

"You want me to drive....?"

He chuckle..."You can drive...?"

"I don't have a car doesn't mean i can't.., i took driving lessons when i was 18..."

"Woh!, how old are you now..?"

She wince at the question...

"Oh sorry, i don't mean to ask that..., i totally forgot women find that question offensive"

She jut her chin and look away...

He starts the engine and put the car to a start....

"So your friend is gonna be alright...?"

"Is that a question...?"

"Yeah..., i mean Wherever she is.."

Daisy bit her lips and face him once more as he whirled the tires into the lone roads....

"Want me to be frank..?"She asked and he shrugged

"I don't know, cos i don't fùcking know where she is.."

"Has she done this before..?"

"You practically heard all our conversation in that house.."

"I heard a few, won't be bad if i hear the rest from you..."

"And why should i tell you anything huh...?"

"Because am a friend who wants to help.."

"Because you've been taking us around doesn't champion you from a stranger to a friend.."

"Woh..!, i was expecting a more unsubtle thank you Simon..."

She exhale realizing she was spouting out her frustration on him.....

"Am sorry..."She stated in a more gentle voice...

"Do you blame yourself..?"

"I should..."

"That kind of shit happens all the time you know..."

She scoff..."Do you even know the shit that happened..?"

He grin.."I added one plus one and i figured something out...."

"And what could that be...?"

"You saw something and you told the wife who happens to be your friend, and the wife took it out on her husband..."

She sniff and reclined her back on the windshield allowing her soul to drown in the coolness of the car AC....

"I shouldn't have said anything..."She mutter.."Everything that happened is my fault.."

"You can't blame yourself.., anyone could have done that, you were just trying to be a friend.., a good friend.."

"Yeah..., it seems been a good friend have it's bad specs..."

He chuckle..."I would have done the same if i were in your shoe..."

She force herself to smile..."Why do you guys cheat without taking into consideration who might be hurting from it..."

He raise his brows, a reminder to her she shouldn't have said that...

"He cheat..., was that the bone of contention...?"

She puff and look away...

"I don't know..."He said before over taking a car..

"You're a guy, you ought to know.."

He smile..."Am a guy, not guys.., i don't know what the next guy is thinking.., so how the hell should i know why he cheats..."

"I thought is a thing with guys..."

"No, it's a thing with whoever makes it a thing..., not me.."

"Are you vouching for yourself...?"

He laughed..."Am just stating the truth.., not all guys cheat, same all girls don't cheat.."

"I find that hard to believe..."

"Maybe that's because you haven't met the right guy...."

"And who's the right guy..., the one on the steering...?"

He pop his eyes at her..."Are you referring to me..?"

She swallowed..."There are no right guys..., you just get lucky with a less wrong one..."

He laugh and Daisy flinch at his odd sort of spluttering laugh...

"There are Daisy..., just because girls likely fall for the not so right ones doesn't mean there are no good guys out there..."

"Where are they then, cos all my life, i haven't found one..."

"You have one sitting with you.."

She look askance at him..."You.."

He shrugged..."Yeah me..."

She chuckle..."That's what all the wrong guys say..."

"Try me..."

"And waste my time..., no thank you.."

"It's not a waste of time..."

She sigh..."Is that what you want from me..?"

"Yes.., i mean no.., God, i don't know what i want...."

"Why did you really stop Simeon...?"She asked curiously

"Stop where..?"

"At my friend's house..."

"Cos i saw you...."

"And you never left, why..., and don't bullshit me with the help stuff..."

His words froze but he let them out anyway.. "I was going to say that..."

"So what do you want after now..., my phone number so you can call me and tell me you love me and can't do without me..."

"Wow..., sounds like you predicting the future..."

"It's no predict.., that's what you guys do, you meet a girl today, tomorrow you love her, the day after tomorrow you want to have sex with her and the next day after that she catches you banging another woman on the same bed he banged you...."

He slack-jawed...."What happens to help a woman in need without her offering something in return...?"

"Your question would have been graded a big YES if we were still in the 20ths..."


"But in this century, nothing of that sort happens, all men help a woman in return for something..., it's scratch my back, i scratch yours..."


"Yeah wow Simeon, so if you're thinking of asking me for something after this ride, i just want to remind you, I've had a hectic day and certainly won't be in the mood to reply to any 'I love you stuff' you have in store to tell me...capisce...."

He nib..."You sound different from most women.., straight to the point.."

"Yeah..., it's better i give you a head start..."

"Okay..."He said raising a hand in surrender

She jerk when her phone vibrated on her lap, she quickly rushed the phone, her head buzzling with the possibility it could be Laura.., but it wasn't...

She took a breathe to calm her panic before answering the call....

"Hey..."She mutter..

"Daisy..."Lily's voice sounded from the other end.."Am sorry i missed your calls.."

"Are you just seeing them.."Daisy returned..."I called like hours ago..."

"My hands were filled.."Lily said

"With what..?"

There was silence, then Lily's voice came up..."With mistakes..."


"Yeah, ones that i don't know if i should regret or not..."

Daisy huff..."Where are you..?"

"I want to take a bus home..."

"Laura is missing..."Daisy blare out...

"What..., Jesus what happened.., was she kidnapped or something...?"

"If you had taken my call when i called, you would have known whatsup..."

"Am sorry..., what happened...?"

Daisy sigh, wondering if it was okay telling Lily before a stranger..., fùck he knows everything already, what's there to hide..

"She got in a fight with him.."She stated, her head brooding over the scene..

"With Richard..."


"Did Richard beat her...?"

"Yeah he did, and then she retaliated with a strong arm..."

"What do you mean she retaliated with a strong arm..?"

"She destroyed the TV, burnt his car.., then she hit his head with a baseball bat..."

"Oh my God...., she did all that..?"

Daisy shrugged..."Mm-mmm..., that isn't even important now, what's important is she's missing.., i came home to find her after taking Richard to the hospital, she was gone.."

"Gone to where..?"

"Hell should i know..."

"You think Richard abducted her...?"

"Well that's a possibility, but at that time frame, i don't think so, Richard was unconsciousness and dying when i arrive at his doctor's friend hospital, no sedatives could have woke him up to make a call or whatever he does at that time frame.., so no, i don't think Richard did it, the girl walked on her own...., do you have any idea where she could have gone to...?"

"I..i don't know, have you called her..?"

Daisy glance at Simon before answering..."Yeah like a thousand time, her phone is switch off..."

"Where are you..?"Lily asked

"On my way home..."

"Isn't Matthew there...?"

Daisy frown at the mention of his name..."What's going on is bigger than that idiot..."

"Alright fine, I'll meet you at your house..."

"Okay, see you there and bring touch lights just incase we have to scout the whole city for her tonight...."

Lily didn't reply before the call ended...

"Is a good thing what you girls are doing..."Simon chimes in the moment she took the phone from her ears..."Worried about your friend like that, I've never had a friend to worry about me like that..."

She raise her brows.."Sorry about that..."

"How long have you girls been friends...?"

"Since our first year in the university..."

"Oh God, and that was...?"

"Nine years ago..."

"Wow, i thought they say twenty friends don't stay together twenty years..."

"Well that would be true if we were twenty..., we're just four..., the lesser the number, the higher the years..."

He laughed...."I love your sense of judgement..."

"And i love your sense of help..., I'll alight in the next junction....."She said and cowered back into her chair...


"Thank for the ride..."Daisy said opening the car door...

"I'll see you again, won't i...?"

"Do you want to see me again...?:

"Yeah...., not as what you talked about in the car, as a friend, I'll love to know you..."

"Trust me..., you'll be less interested in knowing me once you take that step..."

A smile surround his lips..."I think I'll take the challenge..., let me take you for lunch tomorrow..."

She bugged her eyes..."As a date...?"

"No.., as a friend.."

"There's no such thing as taking a friend for lunch.."

"Ahhh..., you know that's a lie..."

"Is it..?"

"A fat one.."

She chuckle..."Okay..."

"Your number...?"He asked shabbily when she slip from the car...."Yeahhh, i know you talked about not taking your number but am sorry i have to...., for the lunch..."

"Stop using the lunch as an excuse..."Daisy said..

"Okay...., you caught me..., please Daisy, can you give me your number, because i want to call you after now..."

She hesitated...

"Please..."He pout...

"Okay fine, your phone..."

"With pleasure...."He stated hurriedly handling it to her...

She dialled it in and gave it back....

"Don't call at night..."She said..

"I won't...."

"Okay..., go on.."

He smile and she smiled back.., then he drove off...


"Am so sorry i kept you waiting..."Daisy said to Lily the moment she stepped into the compound..."I didn't know you'll get here before i do..."

"I rushed here..."Lily replied walking with Daisy to the door..

Both girls frown when the door open and they saw Matthew watching a wrestling match.....

"Good afternoon somebody..."Lily sneer...

Not getting a reply, she walked with Daisy to her room...

"Is he always like that...?"Lily asked dropping her bag on Daisy's bed...

"Always like what..?"


"Yeah, you've seen it, all he does is sit on my expensive chair and watch wrestling..."

"You need to get his ass out.., he's a man for christ sake..."

Daisy scoff..."Let me rephrase that.., he's a sister's man..."

"I even greeted him, he didn't reply..."

"Was that greeting.., you said good afternoon somebody like you don't know his name.."

"Do you have a cold water...?"Lily asked changing the topic....."I really need it..."she added sitting on the bed, she flinch when she felt something sticky under her, she quickly stood up...

"Jesus...."She blare out.

"Jesus what...?"Daisy chimes in walking close to her..., exasperation swept across her face when she saw a condom with a sperm on it on her bed...

"You used that..?"Lily asked

"No..."She groaned.."But i think i know who did.."

She finger picked it and scurried off to the parlour, Lily tagging along..

"What is this Matthew...?"Daisy snarled

Matthew shift his gaze towards her..."A condom with sperm on it.."

"Yeah, i know it's a condom with sperm, the question is, how the hell did it get into my bed...?"

Matthew shrugged..."I don't know.."

"You don't know..."She snapped walking closer..."You really going to give me that shit, you've been sitting your ass here all day and the hell you say to me you don't know how a used condom with crazy sperm get into my bed..."

"I said i don't know, maybe we should ask your other boyfriend, what's his name, Adam...?"

"You slept with a whòre on my bed and then you left the condom...

"If you're going to accuse me of cheating again, you need substantial evidence..."

"Substantial my ass asshole..."Daisy fling back...

"Does he do this often...?"Lily chimes in....

"Yeah, this is the shit i suffer everyday..."

"You should be looking for a job man.."Lily dared to say another word..

"Wait hold on..."Matthew interject..."You told your friend am jobless...."

"Aren't you jobless..?"Daisy asked back..

"Oh is that it, we're now divulging our dirty secrets outside...."

"Look Daisy, am leaving..."Lily said

"Yeah bye sister Abigail..."Matthew snapped...

"Am not sister Abigail..."

"Yeah whatever your name is, i want your coloured face out of here..."

"This is my house Matthew..."Daisy groaned, irritated..."And you have no right to pursue my guest..."

"Wo.., i think someone needs to be reminded who paid the rent..."

"Am leaving Daisy..."Lily said

"No you're not..."

"Oh yes she is..."Matthew snarled..

"I don't want to stay here and eat insults from a jobless prat..."Lily said brusquely

"A jobless prat huh..."Matthew retorted stepping in her front..."And what do you think you are..., bleaching low graded bitch...."

"Well sorry to announce drama king..., i don't bleach..."Lily fling back before walking out of the house..

"Those are the kind of friends you keep huh...?"

"You're shameless..."Daisy snarled...."And this should be the last time you bring your whòres into my room and...

"I brought no whòre.., i jerked off on it.."

"How do you jerk off in a condom.."

"It's simple, need a practice..."

"Shove it up your ass..."She snapped and threw the condom at him...

"Ever heard of respect..?"Matthew blare out

"Ever heard of suck a dick..."Daisy riposte...."I've had a really shitty day, i don't need your bullshit to end it..., so stay the hell away from me and my room.."

"Well you should learn to lock it more..."

"Oh yeah i will you moron..."Daisy boom out and was about walking to her room when a knock rumbled on her door..

With thoughts it might be Lily, she rush towards the door, shock engulfed her when she saw the police...

"Are you Daisy...?"The police man asked

"Who's asking...?"Matthew jumped in..

"The police is asking..."The policeman retorted....

"Yeah i am.."Daisy said, fear accompanying her words..

"We're looking for your friend Laura, do you know where she is...?"

Daisy's eyes enlarged with terror...."No, what did she do..?"

"She's wanted for murder..."

Daisy heart froze and she almost lost her balance..

"Are you sure she hasn't contacted you...?"

Heart pulsating she said.."No.."

"If she calls or you sees her, do not hesitate to report to the station, if you're caught assisting her in any form of escape, you'll be arrested alongside her..."

Horror licking at her stomach, she asked..."Is Richard dead...?"