2- New Start

"Thank God I managed to enroll at the InterTech!" I voice out my relief at Sofia. Right now, we're at her house. I will be leaving for the campus from Sofia's house. Shu decided to live with Mei after a long consideration.

"Too bad Shu wanna stay with Mei..."

"Don't sulk, you can always meet her while dropping Win at his daycare,"

Still, my best friend pouts like a girl losing her candy. I chuckle as I pat her shoulder a bit.

"Shu doesn't wanna bother you. She knows you and Dan need to go to work. At least, she can't skip kindergarten if she stays with Mei," I explain things to Sofia.

Sofia, Mei, and I have been best friends since high school. Both of them knew me and my history as well. When I escaped from my house and lived with Zee, I always kept in touch with them. They are among the people who never give up on me. They stay, by the sunshine and storms.

"Thank God we have a friend as a kindergarten teacher!" says Sofia. Mei is a graduate of Early Education and Child Psychology from a different college. She's a genius who enrolled early and graduated even before Sofia, a Food Science major graduate.

Now, it's my turn!

"Come to think of it, I feel like destiny follows the flow smoothly. If all of us are still in college, who wants to take care of Shu and Win?" Sofia nods.

"Mei graduated first so she can take care of our kids. Meanwhile, you established our shop with me and Dan while we struggled with college and provided us with a stable future. Then, me and Dan graduate, and have Win. Now, it's your turn..." Sofia winks.

"Among us three, you are the lucky one..."


"You have a lawyer husband..."

"Oy, you call that lucky? Wait until you have one! You will take those claims back!" Sofia playfully smacks my back. I can see her eyes roll up, indicating the hard life of a lawyer's partner.

"Fia, I wanna thank you for always supporting me. I don't know what would happen to me and Shu if it wasn't for you..."

"Pan, we are friends! Friends look up to each other. Besides, I learned a lot from you too. When I found out that I got pregnant with Win, you are my role model on how not to give up in life," Sofia grabs my hand while throwing a sweet smile at me.

During the last semester, Sofia found out that she was pregnant with her son. At that time, her relationship with Dan was under strain, because of the pressure. She's gonna graduate soon and Dan was struggling with his Bar Exam.

"You are lucky to have Dan. At least, he held a responsibility as a father to Win. And kept his promise," I say. My eyes look down.

"Have you ever kept in touch with Zee?"

"No. I blocked his number,"

"I think he will do the same if he finds out that you're pregnant," says Sofia.

"I doubt it. He can't even take care of himself," I throw my sweatshirt into the bag, the last pieces to pack.

"Some people said, that when you have kids, you will change in total," I chuckle, more like sneezing at Sofia's words.

"Not Zee. I can read him like a magazine..."

"Oi, Mother Tay Tay's spirit has possessed you, girl!"

We both laugh and exchange high five. It's fun to have a good friend like Sofia around. Even a serious conversation can turn into comical.


"So... Are you sure you wanna ride that oldie?" Sofia frowns when she looks at the ride that I park in front of her gate.

"Hello... Mr Redding is not that old, okay!"

"Pan, it's an old-"

I shot a dead glare at Sofia.

"Fine... Fine! That antic bike can break down anytime! I told you to take the car. Yet, you insist on riding this... Uncle Redding-"

"Mr. Redding. Please pay some respect to him..." 

"Jeez! Okay... Forgive me, Mister Redding..." Sofia claps both of her hands in front of my beloved bike. Her action makes me chuckle.

"Okay, it's time..."

We smile while staring at each other. Sofia gives me a proud look while spreading her hands.

"Take care. Don't forget to call, okay?"

"You too. Please take care of Shu for me..."

I can't hold my tears. It's hard to be away from my family. But, for my future, I have to make this sacrifice. I know Shu is looking up to me right now. I want to do my best so my daughter can feel proud of me.

"You can always come home and visit us..."

"I'm so gonna do that!"

Her response makes the air fun again. We both laugh before I start the bike and leave the house, towards the dream that is waiting for me.


"Welcome to all BBA freshmen! Fill out this form before you join us at the Auditorium 3!"

The registration counter is swarming with freshmen from the whole country. It's easy to identify them in a crowd. Every freshman wears a white shirt and dark corporate blue bottoms; either a skirt or pants.

"Welcome to BBA... Please fill out the form and submit it at the entrance of the Auditorium 3..." a soft-spoken girl hands out forms at the entrance of the Faculty of Business Administration.

Pan takes the form after greeting the girl with respect. Judging by her tag and her corporate blue-black shirt, she must be a senior. She slowly enters the faculty building and stretches her neck to find the counter to fill out the form.

She finally secures a spot for her. As she begins to fill out the form, she notices a girl who sits next to her is looking for something in her bag.

"Would you like to borrow mine?" Pan hands her the pen. The girl nods in tiny. She takes the pen with both of her hands and fills the form in a hurry.

"Thank you. I don't know where I put my pen just now," the girl thanked her in such a good manner.

"Maybe it got stolen..."

"There is no way someone steals a cheap pen!" she lets out an awkward laugh.

"Believe me, it's possible," Pan roses up from the chair. "If it's the reason to get to know you, they might even steal your shoes..." she smirks, teasing the girl.

"How did you know?" the girl asks Pan. She smiles, shaking her head a bit. This girl is one hella innocent!

"Believe me, I know..."

"I guess, I should stick with you. I feel safe all of a sudden!"

Pan laughs.

"I'm Yara..." the girl introduces herself.

"Pandora. You can call me Pan," they exchange a handshake.

"Enough of the chit-chat. We should move now before these seniors grill our ass!" Pan drags Yara towards the Auditorium 3.

"Your vocab is... Interesting..."

Pan chuckles as they enter the Auditorium 3 for the freshmen's first briefing.