3- New/Old People?

"How's it going so far?"

Kim pats Seth's shoulder. His friend points his finger towards the entrance of the Auditorium 3.

"We got a small batch this year..."

"Make things easier then..." Kim smirks. He and Seth keep their eyes glued at the entrance.

"The good news is, we have a lot of beautiful freshies! Compared to Econ, at least!" Seth exchanges glares with Kim. The man still checking the crowd.

These two besties are among 10 seniors who will handle the orientation for this year's batch. They are third-year students.

"We need to act fast.."

"Oh, no need to remind me, bro! I'm ready for some actions!" Kim replies. Seth nods, giving him an undying support.

"I asked Kitty to skim them from the entrance. Just wait for her signal..."

"Dude, you just exposed your type to her. She will tell everyone, for sure!"

Kim laughs.

"Good then! The best marketing strategy!"

"Can't believe you still lurking around! With the reputation of yours, you can just grab one anytime..."

Both of them turn their head aside. A man, in a corporate blue suit, leaning against the table, also checking the crowd as well.

"Give us a break, Ta! This is the last year for us. Let's make some good memories!" Seth replies.

Ta sneezes and smirks. These two players will never change. Never!

"I bet this will continue even after we graduate. My forecast for your future. Both of you..." he points his finger towards them.

They give him a snarky smirk.

"Oi... Over there... Over there!" suddenly Seth taps Kim's shoulder. They watch a group of beautiful girls, with short skirts and tight white shirts.

"Long legs, milky white skin... This is heaven!" Seth leans himself back, making him almost fall from the chair.

Kim skims again among the crowd. He indeed sees the group of girls, but his eyes catch another figure entering the hall. She has a medium-frame body, not too tall, not too short. Her short shaggy ponytail makes her look sweet and effortless beauty.

"Kim, which one do you like?" Seth asks.

Seems like his friend got electrocuted from a lovestruck. He doesn't even listen to Seth anymore.

"Kim!" Seth taps his thigh. Kim turns his head at Seth.

"Seth... I..." his glistening eyes give Seth a signal.

"Which one?" he quickly asks. Kim subtly points to the girl, who now descends the stairs while chatting with her friend.

"Damn, she's short!"

"What do you mean, bro!? She's in medium size!"

"Are you sure you gonna call that medium?" Seth scratches his head.

"Which girl did you look at now??"

"The one with the long ponytail, right?"

"Ai sutt, not that! Next to her! Her friend!"

Seth drifts his sight to the other girl. He gasps as he rubs his eyes a few times.

"Are... You... Sure??? She looks rouge!"

Kim smirks. He pats Seth's shoulder while smirking at him.

Ta doesn't pay attention to their conversation, however, his eyes slowly catch a glimpse of the girl that they mentioned.

Then he slowly shakes his head in tiny.

"Gather up!"

Another boy takes over the podium, and glances at the crowd in front of him. Everyone pays attention as all the senior stands up in unison and face them.

"Welcome to The Faculty of Business Administration. My name is Bear. I'm among the 10 seniors who will handle the orientation month for all of you. From today until the end of this first semester, you will be under our supervision. By the end of the program, we will have a welcoming ceremony which marks that you, are officially one of us," the man with a tall figure and chocolaty skin named Bear announces himself and the purpose of today's gathering.

"Without further ado, let me present to you our Head Senior. Please welcome Senior Ta,"


"Thank you..." Ta grabs the microphone. He fixes his statue and takes a deep breath.

"My name is Ta. You can call me Senior Ta. As for now, whenever you meet your senior, you need to address them with that title. That's the basic but the utmost information that you have to bear in mind," says Ta. He remains calm and takes a glance at the freshmen from time to time.

"Psst, Pan..." Pan leans closer to Yara.

"They said 10. Looks like they miscalculate..."

"Or maybe one of them got absent," Pan replies to Yara softly.

"There will always be one that stains the whole crew..."

Both of them turn their heads toward the voice. It came from the boy next to Pan.

"Hello..." Yara greets him softly.

"Hey there! I'm Han," he pulls out his hand a little, and Yara slowly shakes with hers.

"I'm Yara. This is Pan,"

"Hey..." Pan waves her hand a little bit.

"So, did you guys live nearby or in-campus?" asks Han.

"We need to stay at the dorm, right? Since we are freshmen..."

"Jeez! I thought we could stay off campus!" Han gushes.

"Are you from here?" asks Yara.

"My house is just nearby. I can even walk to class..." Han replies.

"Lucky you! My parents live miles away from here!" Yar whines in tiny.

"Perks for being a Dean's son..." Han smirks.

"Your father is a Dean?!" Yara gasps.

"My mom is the Dean. Econ. My other mom is a Senior Lecturer at Home Econ..."

"Your... Other... Mom...?" Yara looks confused. Pan let out a soft laugh.

"Pan... His father is a cheater!" Yara whispers in Pan's ears.

"No... Han has a pair of mom..." Pan replies. She glances at Han. He nods.

"I have lesbian moms. My father passed away when I was 10. And my mom happened to meet my other mom and they have been together ever since," says Han. He flashes his bunny smile.

"Can it happen that way?" Yara's question makes Han goes bleak. Pan notices the changes in his facial expression.

"Sorry Han. Yara, she's a bit innocent..." Pan slowly whispers to Han. His lips gap and finally, he smiles.

"Oh... It's okay. I'm used to it,"

"It's hard, isn't it?"

Han stares at Pan. The girl not only looks nice, but she's understanding as well. Her calm expression makes Han feel comfortable to talk with. He slowly becomes interested in knowing Pan.

"At first, yeah... But then, I'm okay after a deep talk to my mom. What matters the most is her happiness," says Han.

"You're a good son..." Pan's words make Han feel proud.

"0818... 0818..."

"Pan! I think that's your student's ID!" Yara pulls her shirt's hem, making Pan shock. She puts her hand up slowly.

Kim and Seth exchange smirks with each other. When every freshman finally filled the Auditorium 3, Kim quickly asked Kitty about the girl that he saw. It's not hard for Kitty to recognize the girl as she dresses up quite differently from the other girls. She wears a pair of dark blue slacks instead of a skirt. Unlike the others.

That's when he got her student's number.

"Stand up please..."

Pan looks around before slowly roses from the chair. She can see from afar, that those seniors are smiling at her. She couldn't hide her nervousness, her hands shaking a bit.

"What's your name?" asks one of the female seniors.

"It's Pan, senior..." she replies.

"We can't hear you, sweetheart..."

Pan is getting more and more nervous. Yara's hand slowly brushes her palm. She's trying to ease the tension.

"My name is Pan, senior. Pandora Phim-"

She shuts herself when she realizes that's-

"Why don't you come down and tell us..."

Seth glares at Kim. Praise him for the audacity to summon the girl. He speeds up his game this time!

Meanwhile, Pan, who is still clouded by her nervousness slowly descends the stairs toward the podium. Looking at her all red, Kim smiles ear to ear.

"Here comes the bride...." Seth teases Kim. The man pokes his elbow against Seth's waist.

"Come on stage. Don't be afraid..." a female senior welcomes Pan. She slowly climbs the stairs.

"Come here... Don't be afraid. It's just for the ice breaking," says Kitty. She ushers Pan so she can stand in the middle of the stage, just about next to Ta.

"Oi Kitty, I'm here! Why Ta?!" Kim gushes at the girl.

"You stand at the side of the stage. No one can see her from there, you idiot!" Kitty almost slaps his head.

"Introduce yourself, freshie..." Ta passes the microphone to Pan.

"My name is Pandora Araya. You can call me Pan," says Pan.

"Nice name by the way. See... Can I ask a question?" suddenly, Kim takes over the session. Pandora stares at him with an uneasy feeling.

"Go ahead, Senior," she respectfully replies to him.

"When will you change your name to Than?"


"Yes. That's my surname..."

The crowd woos as Kim sheepishly smiles at Pan. Her mouth gaps as she finds it kinda bit weird.

"Don't mind him. He's a bit improbable," says Seth. He drags Kim away from Pan. To be honest, she feels much better when the guy stands quite far from her!

"Can I ask one more question, Pan?" asks Kitty. She nods.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

That's personal! Pan gushes silently. She looks at the crowd, fidgeting her fingers as she contemplates whether she wanna answer the question or not.

"Here I am!"

All eyes looking at a man who shows up at the entrance of the Auditorium 3. He wears the same attire as the whole gang of these seniors. His samurai haircut compliments his sharp jawline and monolid eyes.

However, as he hops down the stairs, his feet stop moving. Eyes gazing at the girl who stands next to Ta. His heart beats like crazy.

The same goes for Pan who freezes when she sees the man from afar. She's so familiar with the man, even if he changes his hairstyle in a million styles.

He is still the same person that she knows so damn well!

"P... Pan?"
