4- Why? How?

"Tell me this is not a setup. Cause if this is your hidden agenda, I will not forgive you!"

"Pan, I swear on Shu's name! I don't know!"

"He was standing alive in front of me! With that senior outfit... Gosh! Sofia, he is my senior!" Pan stomps her feet on the ground to let out her frustration.

About a minute ago (not exactly a minute but let's just assume that), Pan was standing on the stage, trying to answer the question given by one of the seniors in charge of the orientation program for the BBA freshmen. As she was about to say something, the door opened, revealing a man who turned out to be Zee, whom she left four years ago.

"This is weird, judging by how much we know about Zee. He hates school, let alone a college! Now, he's your senior. And the good news is, he's about to graduate soon!" Sofia's voice makes Pan even more upset.

"Why are you celebrating? Now, you sound sus, Sofia!"

"Pan, listen. One, I graduated from that institute about a year ago. Two, I'm not a BBA student, Pan... Remember? I'm a Food Science student, and my faculty is far from your faculty. Three, I don't have his number, at all! Even you blocked him too, right? So tell me, which part is sus now?" Sofia tries to convince Pan.

And all those points mark the checkbox of the list!

"So, what now?"

"Tell me, do you wanna quit just because of him? If you ever think about that, you're a lame person!"

"Excuse me, who are you calling lame, huh?!"

"You. You are a lame person!"

Pan pauses a bit. She takes a deep breath and tries to relax. This is not her, by the way! She always handles obstacles calmly. Today, she feels like a different person in front of this ocean of strangers.

"Guess I have to suck up myself then!"

"That's the spirit! Remember, he is your past. And Shu is your future. Put away the past for the sake of the future. You can do it!"

Sofia's assurance makes Pan's heart rest at ease. She now can smile a bit.

"So, can I talk to Shu?"

"She's here now. Shu, come talk to ma..."

"Mama! I miss you..."

"Aww. I miss you too, baby! Are you a good kid today?" asks Pan.

"As usual, I'm the best!" she can't help but laugh hard. Pan has no idea where Shu gets this confident level. It's knocking on the roof!

"Did you miss me?"

"I do. But I know you need to go to school so you can bring more money to me!"

"What are you, a gold digger??" Pan chuckles. As she is talking to Shu, suddenly tears roll down her cheek.

"But, truly... I miss you, ma..."

"I miss you, too. Wait for me okay? I'll be home soon..."

Pan cuts the call immediately after Shu bids goodbye. She inhales deeply, wiping those tears that stain her cheek.

When she turns around, Kim is standing right in front of her, wearing a sweet smile on his face.

"Hi there!" Kim greets Pan.

"Hello, Senior Kim..." Pan greets back with a respectful gesture.

"You know you can't use the phone until the end of the program, right?" says Kim, tilting his head a bit.

"I'm sorry, Senior... But I need to call home. Besides, it's a break time," Pan replies. She upstands herself because she knows she's done nothing wrong.

"I can let you go, with one condition..."

Pan stares at Kim.

"I want your number," says Kim.

I know this is coming... Shia!

Pan curses silently.

"Freshie, would you care to give me your number?" Kim asks Pan again. This time, he moves a little bit closer.

What should I do now? Should I kick his balls? Well, I can do that! But, that will kill him! Oh God, please save me!


"Why are you guys still talking outside? Come! The program will start!"

Pan speeds up, walking into the Auditorium 3 with solace. She thanked God for sending someone to help her! She wanna thanked the man, but she was in a hurry and did not even care to lift her head and look at him.


"Where were you just now?" asks Yara.

"Something urgent at home. I need to make a phone call," Pan answers.

"Phone is prohibited until the end of the day. Did you forget about that??" Yara pinches Pan's forearm. She whines in pain and immediately smacks the girl's shoulder.

"I'm not! But, I have to. It's urgent!"

"Someone got sick? Or, someone is dying?"

There is Han, coming out of nowhere, snooping around people's business.

"Ai sutt, Han! Could you please at least say hi!?" Pan smacks him with her bag.

"Shiaa! Jeez, you got a heavy punch! What are you, a wrestler?!"

"Lesson learned; don't mess with a mother-"

Pan shuts herself when she realizes she is almost this close to exposing herself.

"Mother what?" asks Yara.

"Mother... Motherfucker!"

"Pan, your vocab is seriously dangerous! What kind of girl curses so much in 5 minutes span?" Yara cuffs her palm at her waist and glares at Pan. She grins as she puts her hand around Yara's shoulder.

"Sorry, mae..." Pan clamps her palms together, making a respectful gesture at Yara.

"You look small in front of Yara..." Han teases her.

"She's too noble. I can't even piss in my pants!" Pan whispers to Han.

"Princess Yara in action..." Han replies to Pan.

"Attention to all freshies...!"

Auditorium 3 is silent. A man stands at the podium, looking at them in a horrified facial.

"Now... This is a real deal..." Han whispers to his friends.


"That's Zee. The most notorious senior in the BBA program. Legend said he used to be a part of a group called The Lost Boy..."

Pan closes her eyes when Han recites the story about Zee. Deep down inside, she holds on to her dear life.

If only they knew...

"What kind of group is that?"

"It's a gang. He used to be a part of that gang. They took over the street like a group of bandits. The public labels them that, but they help a lot of poor people and lost teenagers as well," says Han.

"He looks young to even been in a gang..." Yara glares at Zee.

"I'm not sure how old he was when he joined that gang, but I think right now, he's about 23 years old. He started college a bit later than his classmates, but he is a genius who can keep up with the lesson and leap a year earlier. He will graduate this year along with his seniors,"

That's interesting! Pan whispers to herself.

Now she understands why Sofia never met Zee even though they are at the same institute.

"Come to think about it, he is at the same age as his seniors. Maybe he works hard so he can catch up and blend well within the society..." says Yara.

"So, he's not a genius... He is just a hardworking person,"

Pan discreetly agrees with Han's claimed fact.

For those who don't know Zee, they might say that he is sort of a loser, a person who has no future ahead of him. But to be honest, if Zee wants something, he will work hard for that thing.

That's why I fell for him...

Pan slaps her cheek unconsciously.

"Pan, what's wrong with you?" Yara pulls down her hand.

"Nothing... I'm... Sleepy..." Pan fixes her composure.

"You dare to sleep while Senior Zee is giving his speech?? You wanna die?" Han squeaks in tiny.

"Hey, you over there..."

The three of them immediately look at Zee. Horror sips into their bone when Zee glares at them. They quickly sit properly and pay attention to him.

"You. The one in the middle. Stand up,"

Pan's eyes rounded. She curses under her breath and slowly stands up from her chair.

"What are you guys talking about?" Zee inquires.

"Nothing important..."

"Nothing important what?"

"I say, nothing important!" Pan slowly losing her control.

"You forgot how to address me, freshie..."

Pan smucks. She curses silently, reminding herself that this man over here is now her senior, although they are the same age.

"Sorry, Senior Zee..."

"How do you know my name?" Zee tilts his head.

Shoot! What's wrong with you, you kwai Pandora!!

She flinches.

"You... You got your name embroidered on your corporate suit..." Pan slowly replies to him.

"Good observation. That means you have been checking on me, am I right, freshie?" Zee smirks.

The crowd is now teasing them. Pan couldn't hide her rosy cheek. She frowns and glares at Zee. The man keeps looking at her with his playful smile.

"Pay attention next time, freshie. When your senior is giving you a briefing, you must pay attention so you won't miss any important information," says Zee. All the seniors nod.

"Sorry, senior..."

"Come again? I can't hear you..." Pan swats Zee with her frustrated face.

"Sorry, Senior Zee!"

He smiles.

"You should call my name in confidence, freshie. You already know my name, what's with the hesitation?"

They lock gaze. How Pan wishes that she was standing near Zee now! For sure, she will smack his head and scold him big time, just as they used to be when they were a couple...

"Sorry, Senior Zee..."

Zee stares at Pan. He smiles and nods in tiny. As Pan wants to sit back...


"Yes, senior?" she quickly stands up.

"You will get your punishment. You and your friends as well. Meet us after the program..."

"But senior..."

"Just because you have a pair of beautiful slated eye that looks like a cat, with rosy pink lips that captures your seniors' heart, you think you can escape from us?"

Pan inhales deep. She is so done with Zee's attitude now.

"So, you have been checking on me too, Senior Zee?"

Her response burns the whole Audi 3. Everyone gasps with her braveness and boldness.

Here is Pan, standing in front of her ex-partner, smirking at him. Zee looks at her, smiling from ear to ear. He doesn't respond to her. He feels like he doesn't need to.

(P: You wanna play games, Zee? Bring it on then!)

(Z: That's it! That's the Pandora that I know.)

They exchange meaningful smiles.