The Decision

Hiro stood by the smoking area's rail in the office, surrounded by the city's busy vibe.

He let out a puff of smoke and looked across the city. His mind was full of thoughts, each puff emphasizing how serious his thinking was.

Hiro had been feeling unhappy with city life for a while. It had become a part of his life, like an ongoing feeling.

The excitement of the city, once full of possibilities, slowly turned into a complicated place with too many things to do and a constant need to succeed.

Every day felt like a never-ending walk through busy streets and tall buildings, following the clock's ticking, where personal relationships felt fleeting in the city's hurried pace.

Hiro felt the pressure of expectations from others and from what he wanted for himself.

His job, demanding but not fulfilling, made him chase never-ending deadlines and work hard to move up the corporate ladder.

Every success only made Hiro feel more empty inside, as if success was a prize he could never reach, leaving him always wanting more.

The city's excitement, though attractive to lots of people, felt like a noisy mess to Hiro.

The city life, full of shiny surfaces and short friendships, made Hiro want a life that felt more meaningful and genuine.

The way people only talked on the surface and the constant noise of city life made Hiro want the peace and honesty of his rural background.

In the busy rush and loud noise of the city, Hiro felt lost and unhappy.

Feeling unsatisfied was like an invisible weight holding him back, making him want a simpler and more real life away from the stress of the city.

William, a good friend at work, came to the smoking area where Hiro was.

Hiro looked at William, wanting to share what was on his mind.

"Hey, Will," Hiro started, his voice showing both determination and doubt. "I've been thinking. It's time for something different."

William nodded, showing Hiro to go on. He understood it was time to listen and not interrupt.

"It's this city, you know," Hiro said, pausing for a moment to take another drag.

"I just don't fit here. I feel it more every single day. The rush, the noise, it's making me want to be back at the farm more and more."

William's face showed he understood, his eyes reflecting the care and encouragement he felt for Hiro.

Amidst the ephemeral drifts of smoke, Hiro had found the resolve he needed.

His heart yearned for a life beyond the city's frantic pace, and this conversation solidified his determination to return to the rural solace he once called home.


Hiro stood on a bridge, looking at the river in the big city.

The water below looked calm, like his feelings inside.He was thinking about something important.

Talking with his friend William helped him make a big decision.It made him sure about leaving the city.

Hiro loved the countryside and realized he didn't fit into the city life. His job and the busy city made him feel tired.

He found peace when he visited parks, where he could see trees and the open sky.

It reminded him of the farm where he grew up, a place that made him happy.

Hiro felt uncomfortable in his apartment. It felt empty and reminded him that he wasn't happy here.

He looked at a picture of his family on the farm. Their happy faces and the colorful farm made him want to go back there.

Hiro knew he had to make a choice. The city, which excited many people, made him feel worried.

He wanted a calm life in the countryside, where he could feel happy and peaceful.

One day, Hiro decided to call his family's farm. When they talked, Hiro felt happy. He told them he was coming back home.

Hearing his family's joy on the phone made him sure he was doing the right thing.

The decision was made. Hiro was leaving the busy city behind.

He was going back to a simple and true life, where he felt safe and happy. Within his apartment, Hiro began his preparations to leave.

Each item he packed into his travel bag felt like a silent goodbye to the city, a firm determination to return to the tranquility of rural life.

Amid the city's chaos, Hiro carefully selected essential items and cherished belongings.

He moved with determination, collecting clothes and necessities while leaving behind the noisy and disorderly city life.

Amidst this silent activity, a knock echoed at his door.It was his friend, William, saying goodbye before his departure.

"So, you're heading back to the countryside, I suppose. Take care on your journey," William said in a somber tone.

"Yeah, thank you. You take care too," Hiro responded.

Their farewell carried a touch of sadness, acknowledging their separate paths.

Yet, an unspoken understanding underlined their connection, recognizing Hiro's quest for something different.

With heartfelt goodbyes and well-wishes, Hiro's expression mirrored a mix of anticipation and a hint of uncertainty.

The familiar countryside beckoned to him, promising a break from the city's chaos.

Memories of sunlit fields, the scent of freshly plowed soil, and the peace of his past life called out to him.

Emotions churned within him—anxiety mingled with a growing hope for a more meaningful existence.

Leaving the city was an admission of the chaos that had taken over his life, an acknowledgment of weariness in a place that once held promise but had turned into a cacophony.

As the farewells concluded, Hiro cast one last look around his apartment, every corner filled with echoes of memories and lessons.

The decision to leave was no longer a mere thought; it had become tangible actions, a journey promising serenity and purpose.

In the quiet of his apartment, Hiro's emotions swirled—a blend of hope and hesitation, the thrill of a new chapter and the apprehension that comes with change.

Each step towards the door felt like a step away from chaos and closer to the peace he sought.

Leaving the city for the embrace of his family's farm was a choice to reclaim a simpler life, one he cherished.

With one last glance, Hiro stepped out, leaving behind the urban maze, heading towards the train station and the serenity of his family's farm.