Outbreak Unfolds

"Breaking News: Mysterious Illness Spreading Through City Streets of Lumina, Leading to Erratic Behaviour and Senseless Violence - Is This a Sign of an Impending Catastrophe?"

"As the mysterious illness continues to spread throughout the city, residents are increasingly concerned about its effects. With reports of erratic behaviour and sudden acts of violence becoming more frequent and seemingly random, many are beginning to wonder if this is a sign of an impending catastrophe. As the situation further escalates, fear mounts among the citizens of city, with questions swirling about the true nature and severity of the illness. Will the city be able to overcome this uncertainly and restore order, or will the mysterious illness take its toll on the city's residents?"

As the news reporter wraps up her broadcast, a tense silence falls over the room.

No one dares to speak, afraid that their words might break the delicate atmosphere.

The scene is filled with a sense of fear and unease, as everyone waits to see how this new development will affect their lives.

Some wonder if the mysterious illness will fade away or continue to spread, while others worry about the potential consequences if the latter turns out to be true.

With no clear answers, everyone awaits developments with bated breath, holding onto a shred of hope that the situation will improve.


Hiro arrived at the Luminara Metro Transit Train Station, his heart pounding with anticipation.

He had been searching for days and finally found his escape route, a train scheduled to depart shortly.

He took a deep breath, his senses on edge, and surveyed his surroundings.

There was a strange stillness in the air, as if something was amiss.

He shook it off, his nerves growing by the second as he neared the platform.

He took another breath, his heart hammering against his chest, and made his way to the train, determined to get away before it was too late.

As he will enter the train unexpected thing happening inside the train.

Hiro was stunned as he watched the bizarre transformation of the man nearby.

His body was contorting and his face twisted in agony, his features becoming almost unrecognizable.

The onlookers, initially suddenly burst into panic.

Cries and screams echoed as more individuals underwent the same unexplainable change.

Hiro grappled with comprehending the horrifying situation unravelling right before his eyes.

His mind struggled to process what was happening as the man let out a horrifying cry.

The once-tranquil station was transformed into a theatre of panic and terror.

Hiro's heart raced as more people fell victim to the mysterious illness.

All around him, he witnessed a wave of chaos and mania as people were overcome by an insatiable hunger and driven into a frenzied state.

The eerie silence was replaced by a cacophony of screaming and cries for help,

fear gripped Hiro as the outbreak rapidly unfolded.

He felt a chill, realizing that his once safe life was now just a distant memory.

Panic spread through the station as everyone fought desperately for survival.

The disturbing screams and chaotic noise created a terrifying scene of disorder.

In the middle of the unfolding mess, Hiro rushes through the chaos, feeling his heart racing with each step.

He's seeing the terrifying grip taking hold of the station.


Hiro couldn't help but curse out of panic.

The scene is just pure panic and a feeling of desperation.

The outbreak has caused a nightmare in the station.

People who were once normal are now changed into wild, mutated versions of themselves, attacking others in a violent and confusing way.

Among all the chaos, Hiro sees heart breaking scenes of families being separated, kids crying, their innocent voices getting lost in all the noise and confusion.

Their loved ones are trying to protect them from the frightening things happening around them.

In all of the chaos at the train station, Hiro found no moment to catch a break.

The frantic pace of his escape never let up.

His mind and body seemed to be working on autopilot, driven solely by instinct and adrenaline rather than rational thought.

As Hiro continued to run through the wrecked and ravaged scene, he could sense the tension of the other survivors around him.

With every second of delayed escape, he felt the danger inch closer.

A scared, panicked voice grabbed his attention.

"Help! Please... help me..."

He stopped suddenly. Amidst the chaos, Hiro's frantic look spots a woman that asking for help, trapped in a corner of the station, facing the attacks of the mutated individuals.

She's encircled by a pack of frenzied attackers, stuck in a small area, fiercely battling to defend herself against the constant assaults of the infected.

With no obvious way out, the woman seems to bravely protect herself, showing strong determination in the midst of all the disorder.

Even though the odds are heavily against her, she shows unwavering resolve, fighting off the infected using whatever she can find in the limited space she's in.

As Hiro rushed to the woman's rescue, he quickly spotted a fallen security guard nearby.

He was dead and not mutated, yet Hiro saw a firearm on him.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hiro immediately snatched the gun from the dead guard and then took aim at an approaching frenzied attacker.

His finger quivered briefly as he squeezed the trigger but 3 of the 5 shots the he fired into the frenzied attackers and hit it in the head.

It was a moment of intense relief and satisfaction for Hiro.

He managed to defeat the frenzied attackers and protect the woman at the same time.

The frightening figure collapses, its twisted shape frozen among the chaos.

As the ghastly creature falls, a spray of dark, thick blood dirties Hiro's once clean white shirt and black shorts.

Amidst the loud chaos, his act of defending not just the woman but himself as well leaves a mark.

His brave attempt to save lives stands out starkly amidst the horrifying situation.

The bloodstains on his clothes, holding a weapon, make him look eerie in the eyes of those watching - misunderstood as a killer in the middle of the turmoil rather than a hero fighting to survive.

Right after the gunshot, the frenzied attackers nearby, possibly attracted by the sudden loud noise, start moving towards Hiro and the woman.

The noise of metal hitting the ground catches their attention, making them leave their current targets and head towards the source of the sound.

Realizing the imminent danger, Hiro seizes the chance to pull the woman away from the approaching crowd.

Holding her wrist firmly, he urgently says,

"Quick! Come with me!"

His urgent and resolute voice stands out among the chaotic echoes in the station.

The woman, briefly shocked by the sudden change, feels herself pulled by Hiro, who guides her through the chaotic maze towards a corridor, aiming to escape the approaching horde.

The frightened pair navigates through the ruined station, dashing past wreckage and abandoned luggage, trying to find a way to safety.

Their need to escape drives them through the chaos of the station.

The woman struggles, breathing heavily, but Hiro holds onto her steadily.

He encourages her to keep moving, his own strong determination steering this frantic race for survival.

As Hiro led the woman into hiding behind the wall, he quickly looked around the station for any possible exits.

He knew they needed to escape as quickly as possible in order to avoid getting surrounded by the oncoming crowd of frenzied attackers that could be heard in the distance.

He spotted a small service staircase and then pointed at it.

He motioned for the woman to follow him and they took off together towards the stairs.

As they descended the stairs, the crowd of frenzied attackers could be heard outside getting louder, making Hiro and the woman more desperate to escape quickly.

They both ran down the service staircase, taking long strides to cover the distance as quickly as possible.

Hiro heard the crowd of frenzied attackers getting louder with each step he took.

He grabbed the woman's hand to make sure she stayed with him.

A loud crash could be heard outside as the crowd of frenzied attackers broke the doors open and spilled into the station.

Hiro and the woman reached the bottom of the staircase, their hearts pounding in their chests.

They could feel the heat of the frenzied attackers getting closer and closer, chasing them.

They rushed out of the staircase and towards a door at the opposite side of the room.

Hiro grabbed on tight to the door handle and tried to pull it open, but it was locked.

He tried it again with more effort but it was still locked solid.

He turned to the woman, who seemed to be struggling to breathe.

At this point, Hiro realized they didn't have much time before the frenzied attackers would catch up with them.

He pulled her with him and started frantically looking for any other way out of the situation.

Suddenly, he spotted a small window on the far wall, just big enough for a person to fit through.

He ran up to the window and tried to open it. To his relief, it was unlocked.

He pulled the woman up and got her closer towards the window so she could try to squeeze through the tight space. 

She looked at the window for a moment, considering if there was any other way out.

Then suddenly, she heard the frenzied attackers getting closer.

Without hesitation, she nodded at Hiro and started to squeeze through the window.

Hiro watched helplessly as the woman escaped through the window, leaving him alone in the room with the growing crowd of frenzied attackers approaching.

Hiro was torn between the fear of being left alone with the frenzied attackers and the fear of seeing someone within his responsibility be in danger.

He hesitated for a moment, considering his options.

He decided to go after her. He took a deep breath and rushed towards the window and squeezed through the tight space.

He could hear the frenzied attackers getting louder and louder.

As he exited the window, he found himself at the edge of a busy street full of people running and saving their lives.

He could see the woman across the street but she hadn't noticed him yet.

Hiro quickly looked back to see if the frenzied attackers were entering through the window, but it was blocked by their species itself, that now crowded the entrance.

They could be heard inside, shuffling and moaning.

Hiro realized that he was stuck on the side of the street with the woman.

The woman seemed shocked to what had happened.

She continued crossing the street, blissfully ignorant of the dangers that surrounded them.

Hiro tried to get her attention, yelling: "Hey! Wait!"

But the sounds of the crowded streets drowned out his voice.

Hiro continued to yell at the woman, trying to get her to stop and come back.

But she didn't hear him over the noise of the crowded streets.

She crossed the street and continued towards the chaos in the distance.

Soon, she was lost in the crowd and disappeared.

Hiro watched in horror as she was swallowed by the crowd of people matching their panic rhythm.

He wanted to go after her but realized that he would only put himself in more danger. Instead, he stood alone, feeling a sense of loss and emptiness as he watched her disappear.

After taking a deep breath, Hiro knew that he had move forward.

He couldn't just stand there and wait for things to change.

He forced himself to put one foot in front of the other and make his way through the crowded streets and into the unknown.