Struggle to Live

In the noisy city, Hiro walks along empty, ruined streets that were once lively. Broken buildings now stand as reminders of the damage caused by a terrible event.

The air is smoky, and there are sounds of trouble in the distance, making Hiro even more scared. The city used to be busy, but now it's like a battleground where fights happen often.

More and more infected people are around, causing a lot of fear and damage with their unpredictable behavior and constant hunger.


"I can't believe this is happening. How am I going to make it through this? There's so much chaos and violence, and the infected are everywhere. I just want to get home. I have to find a way out of this nightmare."

Hiro was talking to himself, his emotions running high. He was trying to stay calm and focused, but the situation was overwhelming him.

The city is empty, and Hiro feels so isolated. He feels a growing sense of hopelessness and despair. As he looks down at his gun, a thought crosses his mind. Why continue to struggle in a world where death is sure to come? He wonders if he should end it all now, or if there is still some hope for the future.

As he stands there contemplating his fate, Hiro's thoughts are interrupted by a faint noise in the distance. He turns his head towards the sound, his hand instinctively tightening his grip on the gun.


Groaning and moaning suddenly within his hearing is slowly becoming loud, telling that some infected humans approaching where he's standing. 

Hiro turns quickly in the direction of the noise and scans the street. He spots an overturned trash container on the side of the road and quickly rushes over to it, ducking out of sight and holding his breath.

Hiro listens closely as the sounds grow louder and more distinct. The infected humans is slowly approaching his position, its groans and moaning echoing through the empty city. Hiro holds his breath and stays as still as possible, praying that the infected doesn't see him. 

Hiro's heart is pounding in his chest, and he starts to feel the effects of the adrenaline coursing through his body. His body is trembling uncontrollably, and he can feel the sweat breaking out on his whole body. From his forehead to his feet, he's just like taking a bath in his own sweat. 

The minute feels like an eternity, and he can hear the sounds of the infected horde growing more distant as they move further down the street. The tension is building, but he can't afford to panic or lose control. He must stay calm and focused on his goal.


The sound of groans and moaning fades with each passing second, indicating that the infected hoard has moved past Hiro's current position. He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh of relief, knowing he is safe for now.

Hiro is relieved as the horde of infected passes him by, seemingly unaware of his presence. He waits a few more moments before cautiously exiting the trash container and slowly emerging from his hiding place. It's a close call, and Hiro is shaken up by the experience. 

As Hiro slowly emerges from the trash container, taking in his surroundings silently. He surveys the streets, trying to stay alert and aware of his surroundings. As he does so, he spots a lone infected human hunched over at the end of the street, staring directly at him.

Hiro stares at the infected, noticing its unusual features. The skin is a strange, almost purpled hue, and the eyes are veiny and bloodshot. The infected is dressed in a tattered, grease-stained construction worker uniform, a hammer gripped tightly in its misshapen hand.

The bite mark on its hand and the missing flesh suggest that it was once a human worker like Hiro, before becoming a mindless monster. The silence is punctuated only by the sound of the infected breathing.

Hiro remains frozen in place, time seems to stop as Hiro stares back at the infected, analyzing its movements. He is caught in a moment of stillness as he and the infected worker lock eyes. He hesitates, trying to decide what to do next.

The silence is deafening, and the tension is thick in the air.

Hiro's sweat drips from his forehead, hitting the ground with a soft plop. The sound seems to snap the zombie out of its trance-like state, and it instantly locks in on the source of motion.

The infected, bolts towards Hiro, its movements surprising in average human speed and agility. The hammer in its hand swings wildly, as if it were prepared to strike.

It's like the infected mind still contains a spark of its former humanity, making it more dangerous than a typical mindless monster. Its movements are fast and aggressive, its intentions clear as it races towards Hiro.

Hiro can see the hunger in the infected eyes, and he knows that it sees him as a potential meal rather than a fellow human being. It has no intention of letting him go, and it's willing to do whatever it takes to rip him apart and feast upon his flesh.

Hiro stands frozen in shock as the infected speeds towards him with terrifying ferocity. He can feel the blood rush from his face, and his pulse races in sudden fear.

As the infected worker races closer, Hiro remembers that he is holding a gun. He raises the weapon and fires in the zombie's direction


The three shots miss wildly due to his lack of gun skills. The infected worker is now too close for comfort, breathing heavily and licking its chapped lips as it closes in on its prey.

Hiro knows that he only has a few seconds until the infected worker reaches him. He must find a way to stop it from reaching him or he will surely be ripped apart.

Hiro continues to fire his gun, the fifth shot strikes the infected worker in the leg, slowing it down and making it easier to target. With a sense of urgency, Hiro quickly spend the remaining bullets hitting the zombie in vital spots.

As the infected worker falls to the ground, mortally wounded and literally dead, Hiro takes a deep breath and sighs in relief. He has managed to stop the infected worker from reaching him, and he is still alive.

Hiro sits down beside the infected worker, his legs weak and shaking from the adrenaline rush of the fight. He is exhausted and breathing heavily, his body trembling with relief and fear. The infected worker lies motionless at his feet, its lifeless eye staring up at Hiro.

Hiro takes a few moments to catch his breath and collect himself. He looks around the deserted street, trying to make sense of the surreal situation he has just found himself in.