Loss and Desperation

In the Northern part of Lumina City opposite location of Hiro, groups of soldiers, wearing special gear, moved purposefully through the chaos. A makeshift command post appeared, marked by high-ranking officers gathered around a map, tracing routes and important locations with their fingers.

The air felt tense, filled with the crackling sound of radio reports. The officers showed authority, giving clear orders to tackle the spreading crisis. The military, designed for strategic response, was working hard to control the escalating situation.

Among the soldiers, Colonel Ramirez, a high-ranking officer, stood with a determined look. He gave orders through a radio, his voice standing out in the city's chaos.

"We must create a barrier here and strengthen it right away. The infected are spreading faster than expected. We can't let the city fall."

His orders triggered urgency. Soldiers moved purposefully, setting up barricades, checkpoints, and securing important places. The severity of the outbreak led to a strong military response, a final effort against the approaching infected.

In a quiet part of the command post, Major Rodriguez studied a map, looking concerned. He whispered to a colleague, "This is unlike anything we've seen. It's unfamiliar. We can't lose control."

The military's quick action wasn't just a reaction to the immediate danger but also a source of hope for the struggling survivors in the city. The disciplined movements of the military might offer a glimmer of optimism to those on the brink of despair.

Colonel Ramirez and Major Rodriguez stand just outside the makeshift command center, studying a map of the city. Major Rodriguez leans in close to Colonel Ramirez and whispers, "Sir, what should we call the 'infected'? I mean, we need a name for them."

Colonel Ramirez rubs his chin, thinking hard. "I'm not sure," he replies. "We could just call them 'infected humans'."

"I think we need something better than that," Major Rodriguez replies with a frown. "How about 'Infectors'?"

Colonel Ramirez agrees to the name "Infectors" and watches the operation unfold. He is aware that this battle is not just against the infected but also against the collapse of societal order. The military's intervention aims to hold on to the remains of a once-functioning city, providing stability in the midst of chaos.

The soldiers, with their disciplined approach, have become the thin line between fading hope and growing darkness of despair. With the fate of the city in their hands, they must do everything in their power to hold back the threat of the infected and protect the survivors.


Hiro's body is still adrenaline-fueled from the encounter with the infectors, leaving him feeling exhausted yet wired. He reluctantly stands up and continues along the street, searching for a safe place to spend the night. As the sun sets in the distance, the streets become darker and more foreboding.

Hiro is aware that he can't afford to become complacent, so he stays alert and cautious as he walks along the deserted streets. He looks for signs of potential shelter or hiding places, but nothing seems like the right fit just yet. 

Hiro's face bears a look of fatigue, not only physically but also mentally. Too much stress on the first day of the outbreak, and with more days, weeks, months or years to come, no one knows, it's bound to take a toll on him.

The pressure of surviving in this wasteland is wearing him thin, and his mind and body are reaching the point of exhaustion. He has to find a place to rest and recuperate, if only for a brief moment

A sudden movement caught Hiro's attention. A survivor, shoulders hunched and face etched with grief, was meticulously arranging the memorial. Hiro approached, a silent understanding passing between them. No words were needed in this world where loss spoke a universal language.

Suddenly, the survivor spoke, their voice trembling ever so slightly. "Do you have anywhere to hide for the night?" the survivor asked, looking up at Hiro. "This place isn't safe. We have to be careful. Follow me"

Hiro follows the survivor to it's hide out, the survivor leading him through dark alleys and narrow streets. The city remains in chaos, despite the military's involvement offering only a brief pause.. Hiro has to exercise caution as he moves through the lawless streets, staying close to the survivor guiding him to it's hide out.

Hiro can feel the tension in the air, and he knows that anything could happen at a moment's notice. The survivor is anxious to reach their hide out and secure the area, and they don't want to waste any time.

As Hiro entered the small apartment, his eyes took a moment to adjust to the gloomy interior. The space is unidentifiable, but it seems that the survivor has made it their temporary safe haven. The walls appear to be covered in a strange substance, and the air is still and quiet. Hiro is cautious as he enters, scanning the area for potential danger. He can feel the anxiety in the survivor's body language, and he knows it's important to be on alert and vigilant.

The survivor prepares a meal of boiled eggs and coffee, intending to provide a meal to fill their stomach and offer a small sense of comfort in the midst of the crisis. Hiro watches as the survivor takes out cooking utensils and begins preparing the food with quiet precision. The survivor's calm demeanor offers a contrast to the chaos outside, the smell of freshly cooked food and coffee filling the small apartment. The survivor places a small paper plate of food in front of Hiro, offering him food in a time of immense struggle. Hiro takes the food silently, showing his gratitude and appreciation for the survivor's act of kindness.

During their meal the survivor start telling her story. Emma, had lost her husband to the infectors, a cruel fate that many faced. Their attempt to flee the city had ended in tragedy, leaving Emma to navigate the city alone. As Hiro listened, the weight of personal loss bore down on him. He felt a kinship with Emma, two souls tethered by grief in a world that seemed to revel in despair.

Hiro shares his plan with Emma, telling her that he plans to return to his rural home and make a journey. He offers to take her with him if she so desires.

Emma considers the offer, weighing it against their need for safety. She knows that the military has provided a temporary reprieve, but she also knows that the city is still a dangerous place.

Bound by a shared sorrow, Emma decided to accepted the offer and joined forces with Hiro. The journey home, initially a journey alone turned into a shared adventure through the city's sorrow.

Hiro and Emma spend the night in the small apartment, taking the opportunity to rest and recover from the exhausting day they've had. They take their time removing the fatigue, allowing their bodies and minds to relax in the relative safety of their haven.