Dawn of Emptiness

As dawn breaks, the faint light of the morning sun creeps into the apartment, illuminating the darkness within, the noise from the city outside becomes louder, making it feel like the short break of the night is not real.

Hiro and Emma are suddenly awakened by the noise, their senses heightened as they rapidly scan the apartment for the source of the disturbance. Their hearts are racing, their nerves on edge as they realize that they are no longer alone. They spot a horde of infectors making their way towards the apartment, their groans growing louder as they draw closer.

Hiro and Emma found themselves in a difficult situation – to face the infectors or to discover another route. They exchanged a meaningful look, coming to a mutual understanding of their options. The air was tense as they made the decision to take another route, a risky path through the heart of the danger.

They enter the opposite alley and flow through it, heading away from the incoming horde of infectors. The plan is to exit the building through that alley, avoiding the danger of the infected and making their getaway.

Suddenly, an infector leaps out of the shadows, their grotesque figure personifying the city's descent into chaos. Emma lets out a loud shout of surprise, and Hiro swiftly swings his hammer which he got from his previous confrontation. He brutally strikes the infectors head, ensuring the kill was real.

They no longer stop to take in the chaos around them, choosing instead to run as fast as they can. As they emerge from the alley, they see a large horde of infectors flooding the street, their groans and moans echoing off the buildings. Hiro and Emma realize that there is no time for hesitation, and they decide to make a run for it. 

They move quickly and skillfully through the streets, avoiding the infected and any obstacles that may slow them down. They keep their focus on getting away and finding a safe place to hide, knowing that interaction with the infected must be minimized in order to ensure their survival.

They push their bodies to their limits as they run, their only goal being to escape the horde of infectors that block their path. Every step brings them closer to safety, but the horde's groans and moans tell them that they are still too close to danger.


In the dimly lit military command center, Private Ocampo rushed through the bustling activity, his boots echoing in the tense air. He clutched a radio in his hand, desperation etched on his face. The low hum of anxious conversations enveloped him as he sought out Major Rodriguez, the commanding officer overseeing the southern sector.

"Major Rodriguez!" Ocampo exclaimed as he approached the commanding officer, who was poring over a map with a group of strategists. The urgency in Ocampo's voice caught the attention of the room.

The Major looked up, his eyes narrowing as he registered the distress on Ocampo's face. "Private, report," he ordered, setting aside the map and focusing his attention on the young soldier.

Ocampo took a quick breath before delivering the dire news. "Sir, the southern part of the city is in chaos. The outbreak has intensified, and civilians are trapped. We've got reports of survivors fighting for their lives against the infected. They need immediate assistance!"

Major Rodriguez's expression hardened, and he exchanged a grave look with his fellow officers.

As the Major absorbed the gravity of the situation, he decided to consult with Colonel Ramirez, aware that a swift and decisive plan was imperative. Major Rodriguez found Colonel Ramirez engrossed in coordinating logistics, his attention split between the incoming reports and ongoing operations.

Major Rodriguez approached Colonel Ramirez, concern etched across his face. "Colonel, we need to mobilize a rapid response team to rescue the survivors in the southern sector. Time is of the essence."

Colonel Ramirez's gaze narrowed, his response curt. "Rodriguez, we can't afford to risk our soldiers for a handful of survivors. The situation is dire, and I won't endanger the lives of our men for what might be an impossible mission."

Major Rodriguez, undeterred, pressed on. "Sir, we have a moral duty to save as many lives as we can. The survivors are trapped and relying on us. We can't turn our backs on them."

"Rodriguez, I understand the gravity of the situation, but I won't entertain a plan that risks the lives of our soldiers without a guaranteed chance of success," Colonel Ramirez retorted, his tone unwavering.

Major Rodriguez's frustration boiled beneath the surface, his sense of duty conflicting with the harsh reality of military command. "Sir, I can't stand by and do nothing. We're their only hope. Lives are at stake!"

Colonel Ramirez's response was resolute. "Major, I won't authorize a mission that endangers our soldiers without a concrete plan and acceptable risk. We have to consider the bigger picture. We need to think strategically, not emotionally."

Their disagreement escalated into a heated debate, voices rising in the dimly lit command center. Other officers exchanged worried glances, sensing the underlying tension between the two high-ranking military figures.

Despite Major Rodriguez's impassioned plea, Colonel Ramirez held firm in his decision, unwilling to compromise the safety of their soldiers for what he perceived as a risky endeavour.

Major Rodriguez, even though he didn't like it, had to agree to the order. But it was hard for him. He felt sad about not being able to complete the mission. With a heavy heart, he talked to the survivors over the radio. He said sorry for not being able to help them, explaining that the military couldn't rescue them.

In the end, the survivors' fate was sealed by the harsh calculus of military strategy, the decision echoed through the dimly lit command center, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of those who understood the human cost of their strategic choices.

The southern part of the city remained a battleground, the cries of the desperate and the groans of the infector blending into a haunting symphony of despair, a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made in the face of an unstoppable outbreak.