Arrival at the Farm 2

As night fell on the family farm, the remaining people worked hard to strengthen their makeshift refuge from the dangers of the apocalypse. Hiro, tired from the day's struggles, felt it was time for a break. He decided to find comfort in a basic pleasure: a bath, something not often possible in their tough situation.

The family farm, though rundown, had a tiny, bathroom at the end of a dim hall. Inside, the air smelled of wet wood, a big difference from the harsh outside where staying alive mattered more than comfort. Hiro, wanting a bit of normality, filled the bathtub with water from the family's self-sustaining reservoir.

The quiet bubbling of water filled the tiled room as Hiro washed off the dirt from the day. The gentle, rhythmic noise, combined with the soft light coming through a frosted window, made a peaceful atmosphere. Despite its simplicity, the bathroom became a refuge—a spot where the harshness of the apocalypse briefly disappeared.

As Hiro settled into the warm water, a sigh of relief slipped out. The feelings of being clean and warm gave him a break from the hardships of their journey. Steam floated up, blending with the peacefulness of the room, and just for a short while, Hiro let himself be carried away by the idea of things being normal.

In the quiet surroundings, thoughts of Oakridge and the unknown future felt like a silent movie in Hiro's mind. The water in the bath, not as warm now, acted as both a way to clean his body and ease his emotions. The outside world seemed far away, and as Hiro soaked in the water, he could momentarily push aside the challenges that defined their new way of life.

Hiro left the bath, wrapped in a thin towel. The bathroom brought back memories of a time when enjoying simple things was normal. In clothes he found in their house, a yellow hoddie with some flower designs, underneath is black t-shirt match with his black jogging pants and he headed back into the night, prepared to deal with whatever challenges lay ahead.

The family farm, with its poorly lit rooms and distant sounds of activity, drew him back in. The night had its mysteries, but for a while, enjoying a good bath had given him a short break from the harsh reality of their changed world.

Once Hiro came out of the bathroom feeling refreshed and dressed in the found clothes, he walked into the night air. The family farm's little area had turned into a tiny world of order within the chaos. A light breeze moved through the leaves of nearby trees, bringing a touch of normal life to the makeshift camp.

The people who made it through, their faces lit by the warm light of a flickering campfire, were busy with different things. Some sat, talking with a mix of tiredness and friendship in their voices. Others were focused on getting meals ready, using whatever pots and pans they could find for their makeshift kitchen.

The smell of a good, filling meal filled the air, a nice break from the usual limited supplies. The survivors gathered whatever ingredients they could find, and the sizzling noise hinted at a comforting and enjoyable dinner on the way.

As Hiro headed to the campfire, he looked at the scene with both thankfulness and a bit of sadness. The dancing shadows from the flickering flames showed the signs of the tough journey on the faces of the survivors. Still, there was a clear determination—a strong will to bring a bit of normal life into the midst of all the chaos.

Some of the survivors noticed Hiro's presence and greeted him with nods and smiles. The atmosphere was one of collective exhaustion, but also of shared relief. 

A few steps away, Casi, looked up from her conversation and waved Hiro over.

"Join us, Hiro. We've got a little bit of downtime before the reconnaissance mission. Grab a seat, and let's share stories. It helps to remind ourselves of the world we're fighting to reclaim."

Hiro agreed and sat by the campfire. The warm crackling flames made him feel both cozy and safe.

Throughout the night, the survivors told stories about their lives before everything fell apart—stories of love, sorrow, and dreams that now felt like distant echoes in this changed world.

Following the time spent together by the campfire, Hiro stood alone in a peaceful corner of his family's house, surrounded by the gentle moonlight coming through the windows. The night had a calm beauty that sharply contrasted with the inner turmoil of his thoughts.

Deep in thought, Hiro couldn't stop thinking about how they ended up here.

(What happened to their village? Where were the familiar faces that used to make Oakridge lively?)

The moonlight made long shadows, reflecting the uncertainties in his mind.

While Hiro stood lost in his thoughts, Maya and Rafael, came out from the dark. Bringing the smell of the evening meal, they walked up to Hiro, silently recognizing the burden he carried.

"Hiro," Maya greeted softly, her voice a gentle murmur against the stillness of the night.

Rafael, with a warm smile, added, "We noticed you standing here alone. Thought we'd join you."

Hiro acknowledged them with a nod, grateful for the company. As they stood together in the moonlit room, the trio shared a moment of quiet connection, each immersed in their own reflections.

"We didn't get a chance to talk much earlier," Maya said, breaking the silence. "We were busy with the cooking duties."

Rafael, still holding a pot with the remnants of the evening meal, chimed in, "Yeah, turns out we're not just good with firearms; we can whip up a decent meal too."

A faint smile touched Hiro's lips at their attempt to lighten the mood. It was a welcome diversion from the weight of his thoughts.

Maya, sensing the gravity in Hiro's eyes, asked gently, "What's on your mind, Hiro? You seem deep in thought."

Hiro sighed, his gaze returning to the moonlit night outside. "I can't shake the feeling that something is not right. Our village, our neighbors... where are they? What happened here?"

Rafael leaned against the doorway, his expression thoughtful. "It's a question we're all asking ourselves. We stumbled upon this village with hopes of finding safety, but it feels like a ghost town. No signs of life, no answers."

Maya nodded in agreement. "We'll figure it out, Hiro. Together. But for now, let's focus on what we can control. Our safety, our unity. Tomorrow, when the sun rises, we'll face the unknown together."

The three of them stood together beneath the moonlight, thinking about the uncertainties around them. In the quiet determination of the night, they drew strength from being there for each other—a connection formed through the challenges of surviving.

With the moon shining over the family house, they all shared a strong commitment to unravel the mysteries of Oakridge and face whatever difficulties lay ahead in the upcoming days.