Rising Tension

As the day began, the sunlight brought a renewed sense of hope to Hiro. Alongside Rafael and other companions, they started searching for materials to reinforce the defenses or perimeter of their farmhouse. The goal was to maintain the security and safety of their base against any sudden attack of things that unknown to them .

Under the leadership of Hiro and Rafael, they focused on examining large trees in the near forest that could serve as posts at each corner of their enclosure. The enclosure not only provided protection but also played a crucial role in preserving the integrity of their land and property. Through these actions, Hiro anticipated that their base would be strengthened.

Although Hiro's family farmland wasn't excessively large, measuring about three-hundred square meters, we can say it was sufficient to sustain their family's livelihood. Their house, the centerpiece of their farmland, provided shade and protection for their needs. Nevertheless, a calamity occurred, leaving their farmland in an undesirable state. The crops were neglected, and some plants were beyond salvation due to the devastation of nature. 

Continuously cutting and hauling wood for the posts, they suddenly realized that they found themselves in the sweltering midday heat of the forest. The sun's warmth seemed to beckon them to rest and have a meal.

When Rafael asked Hiro how many more posts they needed to gather, Hiro spoke with a concerned expression.

"Perhaps ten is enough for now; let's revisit the other trees later. We need to go back home to have lunch and take a break,"

Hiro replied, showing care for the well-being of their group.

After a brief discussion, Hiro promptly called the other companions to inform them that they should take a break and return to their base for lunch. 

While walking home, carrying several pieces of wood gathered from the forest, the group suddenly heard loud noises from inside the house. Even before they could see the front of the house, the shouts raised concerns and urged them to quicken their pace towards home.

Hiro and Rafael exchanged glances, immediately displaying worry on their faces. Along with the other companions, they hastened their steps to witness what was happening inside the house. Each step seemed to quicken their heartbeats, as they wondered what could be unfolding within.

Upon reaching the house, they discovered the source of the noises A thorough examination revealed a need for assistance or an unexpected event. Despite being tired from their daily tasks, Hiro, accompanied by Rafael and the other companions, did not hesitate to rush towards the origin of the noises to find out and help whoever needed assistance in their base.

Upon reaching the source of the noises, the group saw a woman who appeared to be relatively young, possibly in the range of 30 to 35 years old. She was in the midst of a heated argument with a soldier, and some men were visibly hesitant to intervene and restrain her.

The scene caused apprehension and turmoil in Hiro's group. Hiro and Rafael, along with the other companions, quickly moved to try to maintain calm and order. Hiro walked calmly towards the agitated woman, while Rafael attempted to engage the soldier in conversation to understand the cause of the dispute.

"Ma'am, please calm yourself. What happened?"

Hiro earnestly asked the woman, who seemed to be engaged in a battle within herself. Simultaneously, Rafael showed respect to the soldier, saying,

Soldier, what's happening here? We apologize if there's an issue."

Through respectful dialogue and understanding, the group hoped to restore peace and uncover the reasons behind the altercation. They were prepared to assist to the best of their ability to resolve the situation and maintain harmony in their base.

The soldier explained that the lady became upset due to the inadequate amount of food she received for lunch. He expressed that he could do nothing about it as the rations have gradually become insufficient for the group.

In the midst of the soldier talking about the food shortage, tension and fatigue surrounded Hiro's face, as if he remained calm despite these events. The lady, seemingly unable to contain her emotions, suddenly erupted and punch Hiro with full force. Her eyes conveyed warmth and anger, emotions playing on her face that seemed to surpass her outward calm demeanor.

"What do you think of yourself?!"

The lady shouted, her face expressing dismay and disgust.

"Don't you realize how difficult the situation is now? These are not sufficient reasons for you to argue!"

While Hiro accepted the punch with the first flinch on his face, he realized that the lady was excessively frustrated and merely becoming a victim of circumstances. He emphasized his understanding and acceptance of others' feelings.

"Can you feel the heat outside before deciding on this, Ma'am?"

Hiro pleaded, restraining himself from any denial or retaliation.

"I'm not surprised why we're becoming like this at this time, but what I know is we can work together on this. We shouldn't have differences just because of hunger."

However, the lady continued to appear angry and dismayed, showing no interest in listening to Hiro's words. She withdrew her hands from her face and confronted Hiro with a heart full of anger, as if waiting for any defiance from her opponent.

Suddenly, Major Rodriguez exclaimed,

"What the heck is happening here? Do you have any manners, fighting within the group over food?"

He pointed directly at the soldier who was arguing with the woman, saying,

"You, go outside. And you, ma'am, we will talk. Everyone else inside, go outside. I will talk with this woman."

Abruptly, the atmosphere was disrupted as Major Rodriguez's voice echoed through the air, cutting through the tension like a thunderclap. His forceful and authoritative tone demanded attention, instantly grabbing the focus of everyone present. The unexpected outburst conveyed a mixture of frustration and disapproval, emphasizing the severity of the situation. The suddenness of Major Rodriguez's shout pierced through the chaotic scene, imposing a momentary silence as all eyes turned to him, waiting for the next directives.

Major Rodriguez raised his voice once more, emphatically instructing everyone to move. The urgency in his tone conveyed a need for swift action, compelling those present to follow his command promptly. 

They complied with Major Rodriguez's instructions and proceeded to go outside as directed. The authoritative tone of Major Rodriguez left no room for hesitation, prompting the individuals involved to swiftly adhere to his command and move outside. The shift from the tumultuous scene inside to the outside suggested a change in setting, where the impending conversation and resolution would unfold under the watchful eye of Major Rodriguez.