Rising Tension 2

After Major Rodriguez ordered that Hiro and others go outside of the house to speak with the distraught woman, Hiro clutched an ice pack, pressing it against the area where the woman had struck him.

"Arghhhh, that lady's blow really hurt. I hope it doesn't swell, maybe the ice will help,"

Hiro whispered to himself, continuing to apply the ice to the injured spot. He tried to remain calm and not show any signs of anger.


A laughter emanated from not too close but not too far either.

Rafael approached while laughing,

"Did you experience a lady's punch there, my friend? Is the punch of a lady on the face enjoyable?"

He teased Hiro, with a hint of mockery because of what happened.

"Stop it, your joke isn't funny. I really feel the pain on my face,"

Hiro answered, wincing as he felt the discomfort.

Rafael suddenly change the topic and asked Hiro with a gentle tone

"What do you think Major Rodriguez will say to the lady to calm her down? She seems really angry."

"I don't know, I hope Major Rodriguez handles it well because if not, tension will gradually escalate within the group. Honestly, I, too, feel hungry and tired due to our limited resources, but I'm not complaining because I understand the situation. I just hope Major Rodriguez finds a solution to this soon" Hiro replied, bowing his head and shrugging.

"You know, let's not dwell on that too much. I'm really hungry, and I haven't had lunch. Come on, let's get our share of the food so we can resume our tasks in the forest"

Hiro added, slowly getting up while still holding onto the ice pack.

As they got closer to the supplies, they saw Major Rodriguez was talking seriously with the upset woman. The atmosphere was tense, and the rest of the group exchanged uneasy looks. Hiro stayed calm, holding the ice pack against his sore face.

They quickly got their share of food and things they needed. Hiro, still feeling the pain from the earlier hit, tried to make things lighter as they got ready to go back to work in the forest.

"Let's get what we need for our work. Doing some good work might help us forget about all this,"

Hiro said, smiling a bit despite the pain.

Rafael, sensing they needed to change the focus, added,

"You're right, Hiro. We have work to do, and the forest won't wait. Plus, some fresh air might help us calm down."

Hiro's group agreed and headed back to the forest, carrying their supplies and determination to keep working. The tension was still there, but their shared goal took over the recent problems.

On the other side, Major Rodriguez continued to converse with the woman about the earlier altercation, seeking to understand the reasons behind her actions.

"Sir, my actions earlier were driven by extreme necessity. I am hungry and exhausted, and what was given to me was not enough for my needs. I know my contribution to the group is small, unlike yours and the other soldiers, but I still helped. It's just hard to accept that this is the payment I receive – a small portion of food that won't suffice for my needs"

The woman explained in a serious yet assertive tone.

"Ma'am, we're aware of our shortcomings, especially me as the one responsible for this group. But why did it have to escalate to the point of people hurting each other? We understand that the ration may not be sufficient for the group, so I hope this kind of incident won't happen again. Please, wait and I will find a solution to this problem. Also, I want you to know that there will be appropriate consequences if such an incident occurs again in the future. You may go now."

Major Rodriguez responded, looking directly into the woman's eyes. His words carried a weight of seriousness, indicating that he wasn't making idle threats and that he was committed to ensuring the truthfulness of every word he spoke.

After Major Rodriguez spoke with the woman, he realized that the group was indeed in a dire situation. Contemplating on how to address the problem, the only viable solution seemed to be expanding their reach in the town, searching for food and other materials. They couldn't afford to be content with their current situation, and signs of unrest were beginning to surface.

He individually called the available soldiers during that free time, recognizing them as key elements in the upcoming plan.

That night, after a series of discussions, they reached a consensus to proceed with the plan. The next morning, as night gave way to dawn, they promptly set out to reach the nearest market in the town of Oakridge. Due to the more spaced-out arrangement of houses in their current location, it could be said that they were still somewhat distant from civilization. Nevertheless, there were markets signaling a degree of development, although not as advanced as in other areas.

The plan required the assistance of Hiro, the local resident, who would serve as the group's guide in navigating the right direction towards Oakridge. He knew how to reach that place and where to obtain the necessities the group needed to sustain their growth and survival.

Later the night, the decision was made that the next day, they would depart for the nearest market in the town of Oakridge. Since the houses were not closely packed, it could be said that the place was somewhat distant from civilization. Nevertheless, there were markets and other signs of change, though not as advanced as in the town.

This plan required Hiro's assistance, the local of the area, who would serve as their guide to navigate the direction of the place to obtain supplies and other necessities for the group to survive.

"So, Hiro, sorry, but we'll need your help again. I know it's somewhat risky, but we have no choice. You're the only one familiar with this place since you grew up here," Major Rodriguez said, with his hand on Hiro's shoulder.

"It's okay, Major Rodriguez. We really have no other option. I know that the rations are running out, so we have to do this. Don't worry, when we come back, we'll bring a lot of supplies that will last for a few weeks," Hiro replied, smiling as he spoke.

"Don't worry, Hiro. We won't leave you hanging," said one of the soldiers.

"Of course, we won't. We won't abandon each other because we're all in this together," added Rafael, who suddenly put his arm around Hiro.