
The next day, Hiro and his team began preparing their necessities for the upcoming mission. They gathered and organized the equipment that would aid them in their task. The mission would only consist of five members, as having more people could pose a danger due to the risky nature of the mission. The team members included Hiro, Rafael, and three soldiers who would assist Hiro in the mission.

Hiro could be found sipping coffee before they left, the warmth of the freshly brewed coffee caressing his throat, waking his body for the upcoming plan.

After finishing the coffee, Hiro, Rafael, and the three soldiers gathered in front of their base. 

"Before we leave, make sure your equipment is complete and that you're ready for any situation,"

Hiro said, looking at his teammates. "Security and carefulness are crucial for the success of our mission."

Rafael carefully examined the vehicle they would be using. He inspected the engine, tires, and everything needed to ensure the safety of their journey. While inspecting, he emphasized the importance of proper vehicle maintenance to avoid any issues during their travel.

After a thorough inspection, the five members took their seats inside the vehicle. One of the soldiers took the wheel, and their vehicle immediately set off towards the town.

During their journey, Hiro vigilantly observed their surroundings, avoiding places that could pose a danger. They communicated with each other to maintain coordination.

While keeping an eye on the surroundings, Hiro felt the sun's intense heat on his face. Despite the warmth, he remained focused on the mission and the responsibility it carried. The unique mix of excitement and tension coursed through him with every turn of their vehicle's wheels.

While Hiro was experiencing those emotions, their vehicle suddenly came to a halt in the middle of the road, and Hiro noticed the concern on the face of the soldier driving.

"Wait, what happened?" Hiro asked, worried.

The soldier replied, "There seems to be an issue with the engine. It suddenly made a strange noise, so I decided to pull over and check."

Rafael and the two soldiers immediately got out to inspect the vehicle. Hiro could feel the growing tension in his chest. He pondered the possibility of a breakdown and how it might affect their mission.

"What's going on, Rafael? What happened?" Hiro asked as Rafael approached.

"It looks like there's something wrong with the engine, Hiro. We need to fix this or find another way to get to the market," Rafael replied, examining the vehicle.

Hiro considered possible solutions while worrying about the prospect of a delay in their mission. "Are there any other vehicles around here? We need to continue our mission, no matter what."

Rafael answered, "We passed by a few vehicles earlier. Let's see if we can get one of them to work."

They started walking back towards the vehicles they had passed, ready to take whatever steps necessary to maintain their mission. The tension still lingered for Hiro, but he successfully concealed it, showing his determination to complete their mission.

Upon reaching the area with abandoned vehicles, Hiro felt a sense of uncertainty about the unusual situation they found themselves in.

"I wonder what happened here?" Hiro wondered to himself while looking at the lined-up vehicles.

Rafael quickly inspected some of the vehicles, while the other soldiers observed the surroundings. There might be a deeper reason why these vehicles were left behind by their owners.

"It seems like we don't have any other option. This is the only one we can use for now" Rafael said to Hiro, pointing to a minivan.

Hiro decided to give the minivan a try. The group immediately worked together to open it and assess the condition of the engine. As they worked, Hiro felt the rising tension within their group. He knew the importance of every minute in their mission, and the hope of getting the vehicle running heightened the stakes.

After a brief inspection, Rafael spoke, "The engine seems to be in good condition. We can use this, but there's no key."

While Rafael was talking, Hiro noticed the key inside the vehicle, saying, " What a luck, Rafael! Here's the key you're looking for. We have no problem now, we can get this running."

They quickly boarded the minivan, wasting no time heading toward their destination. While on the journey, Hiro couldn't shake off the thought of why the vehicles were abandoned on the road and the absence of people in their travels. It seemed like a literal mystery because, in his memory, the community was not that small, and he was sure that if the infectors reached this area, there would have been immediate sightings in the place because the village is not that large.

At last, they safely arrived at their destination—the market. They quickly disembarked, still carrying a sense of caution, mindful of the looming danger of infectors.

Upon entering, they were greeted by an abundance of supplies—canned goods, instant noodles, and various medical items. Methodically, they picked the essentials, prioritizing food and medicines that would last for several months. They also added hygiene products such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, and many more to their haul.

"Hiro, I think we need to head home before nightfall. It's more dangerous in the dark," suggested Rafael, proposing a careful plan for their return.

"You're right, Rafael. Let's be cautious on our way back. The important thing is we got what we need for everyone," replied Hiro, expressing concern for the safety of their group.

While Hiro and Rafael were engrossed in their discussion about the plans for the journey back, a sudden shake in the ground happen, an earthquake. They start to do the duck, cover, hold and find someplace to hide for a possible debris. 

The earthquake is not much strong but the shaking can feel of the group and after while the earthquake has already stop. Suddenly a thunderous crash disrupted the ambient sounds of the market. The noise reverberated through the surroundings, catching everyone's attention.

Startled, the group members turned toward the source of the sound, their expressions a mix of confusion and alertness. Hiro raised his hand, signaling the group to stay low and quiet. The soldiers instinctively reached for their weapons, ready for any potential threat.

"Did you hear that?" one of the soldiers whispered, his eyes scanning the dimly lit surroundings.

The loud crash was followed by a series of clatters and metallic echoes, creating an eerie symphony in the otherwise silent market. Hiro, sensing the tension in the air, motioned for the group to move slowly toward the back of the market.

As they approached the source of the disturbance, the air became thick with suspense. Suddenly, another loud sound echoed, this time a distinct metallic clang. The group members exchanged wary glances, realizing that they might not be alone in the market.

"Stay alert, everyone," Hiro whispered, his hand firmly gripping the hilt of his weapon. The group moved cautiously, the uncertainty of the situation hanging in the air like a heavy fog.