Infectors Ambush

In their base during Hiro and the others moving in their vehicle, Major Rodriguez was observed watching their gradual departure towards the market.

"Take care, and may your mission be successful" Major Rodriguez quietly expressed to himself.

"They've left already, huh" Maya said as she suddenly appeared, presenting Major Rodriguez with his breakfast.

"Major, here's your breakfast. I'm sorry, this is all we could manage," Maya apologized.

"Thank you, Maya, for this breakfast. It's okay, you don't have to be sorry we're all tight on food. Let's just pray for Hiro and the others to succeed in their mission," Major Rodriguez replied with a forced smile, showing signs of both concern and fatigue on his face.

After finishing breakfast, Major Rodriguez thanked Maya and returned to his office. He focused on the plans and steps they were taking to maintain the security and order in their base.

After Hiro and the others left, the soldiers and civilians began their respective tasks after having breakfast. Some continued gathering wood from the forest, others continued investigating the surroundings of their base, and some headed to the kitchen.

"What do you think we should cook for lunch, Maya?" Casi asked Maya as they both walked towards the kitchen.

"I'm not sure, maybe we can start by cooking rice" Maya replied, holding onto the Major's dining utensils for washing.

When they reached the kitchen, they found that some women, whether soldiers or civilians, had already started cleaning their cooking area. Following the plan, they decided to prioritize cooking rice, and for the dish, they opted for a dish with broth so that everyone could have a substantial meal.

"At last, we're done cooking just in time for lunch," Casi said, wiping sweat and slowly sitting on a chair in the kitchen due to exhaustion and the heat.

"Thank you again for the help, everyone," Maya expressed her gratitude to those who assisted in their daily tasks at the base.

"You're welcome, it's a small contribution during these times. We need to help each other since we're all in this together," replied a woman who was assisting them.

A peaceful atmosphere enveloped the kitchen, where they shared in the preparation of a modest meal. Collaboration brought light in the midst of this dark phase of their lives.

As they rested, shared stories, and laughter, a sudden sensation like an earthquake surprised them.

The ground shook, although not too violently. They quickly took cover under tables for safety. Once the tremor subsided, they cautiously emerged from the house.Upon stepping outside, they saw the men assigned to gather wood rapidly running towards them, shouting,

"Arghhhh....infectors are following us, help!"

Alarmed, the soldiers immediately opened fire to slow down the approaching infectors.

Maya and Casi quickly opened the gate of their base for the men to enter safely. In a rush, they made it inside, and the gate was closed immediately.

In a moment, the atmosphere in their base shifted from calm to serious. The sudden silence was replaced by tension and commotion as they readied their weapons and assisted the newly arrived. The women offered simple help in tending to the wounded and providing initial first aid.

"What happened to them? How did infectors end up on their trail?" Casi asked while assisting a wounded soldier.

"They were likely ambushed by infectors in the forest. We need to be more cautious in our movements," replied Maya, tending to injured person.

Maya and Casi's eyes met, reflecting determination to strengthen their security and cooperation for everyone's safety.

As the hurried and careful rearrangement continued, the sound of gunshots from outside filled the air, a sign that the soldiers were still killing infectors outside the base gate.

"We need to handle this and not let fear dictate us. Let's help in defending the base," Major Rodriguez said, guiding the organization of their defense.

With the help of their firearms, the soldiers pointed their weapons around the perimeter of the base from inside to ensure everyone's safety. The right plan and coordinated efforts became their primary weapons against the danger posed by the infectors.

Until no more sounds were heard outside, they had a brief sense of quiet. Their defense was successful, and they were thankful that the number of infectors that followed them was not too large, ranging from ten to fifteen.

The three men who had just returned from one of the most intense experiences of their lives were still catching their breath when Major Rodriguez immediately inquired about what happened in the forest.

"Sir, the thing is, as per your orders, we were still searching for good wood to fortify our base. We didn't let our guard down, especially when we spotted some stray infectors in the woods. As we were leaving, the ground shook, catching the attention of the infectors, and in their confusion, we started running," explained the man, still heavily perspiring from the recent events.

"As you're heading back, what happened, and did the infectors cause any disturbance?" Major Rodriguez asked the man.

"The infectors got agitated after the ground shook; their focus shifted to us. We started running because they were getting too close," the man explained.

Major Rodriguez, with a hint of concern, asked about the other man who seemed to have a large wound on his back, "Your companion there, what happened to him? It looks like he has a significant wound on his back."

"I got scratched on the back by one of the infectors, Sir," replied the man with the wound, wincing slightly as he spoke, feeling the pain.

Major Rodriguez promptly sat down and instructed Maya to attend to the man's wound. Maya found the necessary supplies for examination and treatment.

"Is the wound too painful? Let me know immediately if you can't endure it so we can fix it quickly," Maya ordered while inspecting the wound.

"I can manage, Ma'am. It's not too deep, but it's better to make sure it's clean and properly treated," the man responded, managing a smile despite the pain.

Maya applied the initial treatment and cleaned the wound. While Maya was tending to the injured man, Major Rodriguez asked the first man he had spoken to, "Did anything else happen in the forest? What else did you see?"

"To be honest, Sir, we didn't pay much attention to our surroundings because we were afraid of being attacked by infectors again. All we knew was that we needed to get back to the base as quickly as possible," the man answered.

After the wound was treated and bandaged, Major Rodriguez instructed the injured man to rest and monitor his condition. While he rested, the other members of the base gathered to discuss the steps they would take.

"We can't continue searching for wood in the forest. We need to focus on fortifying the base. We might need to strengthen our defenses against potential infector attacks," Major Rodriguez declared with a clear and determined voice.

"Sir, may I speak with you privately, and it's important for you to know," Maya said urgently.