
As night fell, the group gathered outside the makeshift quarantine room, ready to tackle the challenging task of relocating their companion to a new isolation area. Maya, along with the medical team, carefully planned the transfer to minimize any risks.

"Remember, everyone, we need to move him quickly, but we must not compromise safety," emphasized Maya, addressing the group's concerns about potential exposure to danger.

After that discussion, the assigned group, composed of Maya assisting as medic to check the health of their comrade, along with Hiro, Rafael, and two soldiers for quick lifting, proceeded to transfer. They utilized a makeshift wooden stretcher as a substitute for a modern one to move the comrade scratched by the infector.

"Alright... I'll take the lead and check on the condition of our comrade first," said a soldier assigned to assist in lifting as he slowly opened the door.

Upon inspecting the bed where their comrade should be lying, the soldier was surprised and puzzled to find it empty. Quickly, he opened the door wide and exclaimed, "Stay alert, everyone! Our comrade is no longer in the bed."

They entered the room slowly, turning on the lights to illuminate the entire space and find their missing comrade. The weight of their heavy breaths carried a sense of anxiety as they ventured inside. They scanned the room, observing every corner with their eyes darting around, yet they found no trace of their comrade.

"Wh-where could he be? He suddenly vanished."

"Maybe... he turned into an infector too."

Discussion between two soldiers while inspecting the entire room. Hiro, also puzzled while surveying the room due to the disappearance of their comrade, suddenly noticed the last possible hiding place—the space under the bed, as it had more room underneath that a person can occupy.

"Guys, what if he's under the bed?" Hiro suggested, trying to capture the attention of his comrades.

"Come on, Hiro, who in their right mind would hide under a bed at that age?" Maya replied, a slightly amused smile playing on her face at Hiro's idea.

"I didn't say we're looking for someone in their right mind," Hiro retorted to Maya, staring her directly in the eyes, signaling that he wasn't joking about what he said.

As the tension in the room escalated, Hiro insisted on checking under the bed. He knelt down, peering into the darkness beneath the bed frame. The soldiers cautiously approached, ready for any unexpected discovery. Maya, although skeptical, encouraged the search.

"Alright, Hiro, let's check under the bed. But be cautious, we don't know what we might find," Maya advised, her medical training kicking in, prepared for any possible scenarios.

Hiro slowly reached under the bed, looking the hidden space. The soldiers and Maya watched intently, their anxiety palpable in the dimly lit room. To their relief, there was nothing but dust and a few discarded items.

"See, I told you there's nothing here," Maya remarked, attempting to lighten the atmosphere. However, the mystery of their missing comrade remained unsolved.

"Could he have wandered off somewhere else? Maybe he was disoriented or confused," suggested one of the soldiers, considering alternative possibilities.

Rafael, who had been observing the surroundings, pointed towards the slightly ajar window. "Look over there, the window is open. Maybe he climbed out?"

The group rushed towards the window, examining it for any signs of their comrade's escape. The chilly night air seeped into the room, adding to the unease. Maya, always focused on the health and safety of her team, voiced her concerns.

"If he indeed climbed out the window, we need to find him quickly. He might be in a vulnerable state."

As the group deliberated their next move, they heard distant footsteps echoing in the corridor outside. The missing comrade, disheveled and appearing confused, emerged from the shadows.

"I... I must have sleepwalked. Where am I?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes as he tried to make sense of the situation.

Relief washed over the group as they realized their comrade was safe and unharmed. Maya, with a mix of concern and sternness, addressed him, "We'll talk about it later, but for now, let's get you back to the isolation area. We can't take any chances."

As the team was about to take their missing member back to isolation, a surprising twist unfolded. A growl filled the room, and the previously missing comrade, who had just reappeared, suddenly attacked, biting a soldier's arm.

"Be careful! He's already a infector!" yelled the bitten soldier in pain and panic. The group rushed to restrain their aggressive comrade, facing the challenge of subduing him while ensuring everyone's safety.

Maya, using her medical knowledge, assessed the situation. "We must isolate him immediately! But be cautious, avoid direct contact with his saliva or blood."

The bitten soldier, distressed, was guided away while others tried to restrain and isolate the infected comrade. Tension filled the room as they realized the infection had reached them.

In the chaos, Hiro acted quickly, using a makeshift tourniquet on the bitten soldier's arm. "We need to slow down the blood flow and minimize the risk of the infection spreading further," he said, showing a mix of urgency and composure.

As they grappled with the situation, the remaining soldiers secured the restrained infected comrade. Maya, torn between her duty as a medic and the group's safety, planned to move the infected individual to a separate area, minimizing the risk of transmission.

"We need to move him now without exposing ourselves to unnecessary risks," Maya instructed, coordinating the group with urgency and caution. 

Hiro's face contorted with anger and frustration as he confronted Maya. "Maya, what the hell! We need to eliminate the threat, not isolate it! This thing is already dangerous, and it just bit one of our own. We can't afford to take any chances!"

Maya, though visibly shaken by the situation, maintained her composure. "Hiro, I understand your concern, but we can't resort to violence without assessing the risks. Killing him might not be the solution; it could escalate the situation further."

The tension in the room escalated as the group found themselves at a crossroads. Rafael suppressing the comrade who already turn into infector, interjected, "Hiro, we need a plan. Killing him might not be the only way. Let's consider our options."

Hiro, fueled by fear and anger, retorted, "Options? This thing is a threat to all of us! We can't afford to be indecisive."

Hiro's frustration boiled over, and his conviction to eliminate the threat became even more adamant. "Enough of this nonsense! Maya, Rafael, we can't afford to take any chances. We need to put an end to this now, before it gets worse. We have one of our own bitten, and it's clear where this is heading. We need to kill them both."

Rafael, usually the voice of reason, hesitated but eventually nodded in agreement. "I understand, Hiro. It's a tough call, but if it ensures the safety of the group, we can't be hesitant."

Maya, though conflicted, recognized the urgency in Hiro and Rafael's voices. "I disagree, but I won't stand in your way. Let's do it quickly and decisively."

The group, now aligned on a more aggressive course of action, prepared to confront the infected individuals. As they approached, the bitten soldier, in a moment of clarity, understood the gravity of the situation. "D-Do what you have to do. It's for the best...."