When Noah stepped out of the mansion, his dark eyes scanned around the yard in search of the woman who had left them earlier. Did she leave already? He thought and turned to where his car had been packed to see it still there.

Did she leave with a different car? He wondered dipping his hands into his pocket. Right there his chauffeur approached him, and with a deep bow, the man asked. "Can I arrange the car for our departure sir?" The man asked and his boss shifted his eyes to him.

"Where is my wife?"

"She walked in that direction." With a raised brow, Noah stared at the direction the man pointed at. It was hard to see her because of the less light that reached that area.

"Get the car ready." At his words, he started walking in that direction.

He wasn't in a good mood. Not only because of how her family humiliated her, but because of the reason for their rejection.

Noah hadn't planned his night to be this chaotic, "How troublesome." He muttered.

Katherine couldn't hide her mouth. That woman really had a big mouth, Noah clicked his tongue moving his slender fingers through his hair for the strands to fall back in place.

He's never felt this frustrated before. The normal him would have shut them all up, but he had let them talk to him because of his wife. He didn't care if the world hated him, but he cared if she did.

He has asked himself countless times why he cared so much for a woman he barely knew and even he didn't have the answer. It's like drug, his feelings were all over the place when it came to Anna. Something strong, something he hadn't felt before.

He could have just paid her off that night like every other woman but he had asked her to marry him. Though by now his grandfather would have arranged more blind dates, even if it meant bringing women from other countries to meet him.

He had a selfish reason for marrying Anna and she did too.

She married him for revenge, what if she leaves when she's done?' Noah gritted his teeth at his thoughts. The thought of her leaving him irritated him more than ever. He shouldn't be thinking of that when he would never let her leave.

"... There's not much you can do now, we're already married." He shrugged nonchalantly standing from where he sat since it looked like he was done talking to her family.

If Noah thought his family was crazy, then he had thought wrong cause Anna's family was more than crazy.

Every word... Every action pushed him to the brink of his endurance and patience. He took in a deep breath and exhaled harshly.

"Wait till Anna finds out about the truth, she will never be with the son of the man who killed her parents."

"Hm?" Noah turned to meet the gaze of the big-mouthed woman who stood on guard the moment his eyes met hers.

"What are you on about?" He asked the woman and her sister stood Infront of her in an attempt to protect her. Noah rolled his eyes at the dramatic women. If he really wanted to harm them, did they ever think they were a match against him?

"It happened a long time ago. You should ask your father what he did to Jeremy and Mary Sui fifteen years ago." General Sui stated through gritted teeth.

Noah had no idea what these people were talking about. He had made a thorough investigation on Anna the night they got married and there was no report of the Sui's being acquainted to his family. He knew Anna's real parents were dead, but that's where everything ended.

As Noah walked further, he noticed a tiny figure standing by the small bridge staring at the running lake. There was a large wooden bench in a corner and beautiful blooming flowers around it.

As if noticing his presence Anna turned to look at him. Her heart skipped at the sight of him. She bit her lower lips to suppress her rising emotion. She couldn't tell why she felt this way anytime Noah was around, was she Intimidated or was it something else?

It has only been days since she met this man, she can't possibly have feelings for him, could she? Anna blinked her thoughts off clearing her mind of such thoughts.

After everything Mack did, Anna had loved her heart from anyone else. To her, all men were the same, pretentious golddiggers. They love you for a while and then toss you aside like a piece of garbage.

"Are you alright?" Noah's concerned voice rang in her ears and she nodded not sparing him a glance.

She didn't have the face to return to the mansion even if she wanted to so badly. She felt so cold, the freezing air was biting deep into her skin with each passing second.

Her grandfather had embarrassed her before this man. Noah was the last person she wanted to see at the moment. Even if he pretended like nothing happened, something did happen.

"How long do you plan on staying here?" His voice was calm as he stood next to her.

"It's late, when are you leaving?" She asked finally meeting his gaze.

"You're still staying?" Noah frowned as he asked. He was somehow happy with the way her family treated her just so she wouldn't stay here, but this woman's mind was already made up.

"It's just for a few days. I need time with my family, and also to tell them about us."

"They already know." Noah cut in, he also placed his hands on the wooden railing staring at the wide lands ahead. He didn't bother to look at her shocked expression.

"You told them?" Noah nodded at her words. They were going to force her to get married to someone else even before him. There's no way he'll let that happen. The audacity for them to even think that.

He saw her shiver slightly and he covered her with his coat. "You don't have to be shy about what your grandfather said." He bent to whisper next to her ears.

"I'm the one who did it anyways, I don't think that's a bad thing." Blood rushed up to Anna's face as was reminded of that night. She was glad there wasn't any light in this place, and he could not see her face clearly.

That night was a night she didn't have in her memory and she felt somewhat sad. She had woken up to her things shattered everywhere. She glanced up at Noah to see his eyes on her, flashing a devilish grin. It felt like he enjoyed taunting her so much.

This man will definitely kill her one day. He was a man in a man's world things were easy for him. For men cheating was normal, but when a woman is labeled a cheater, her reputation is destroyed forever.

"It's getting really late, are you staying the night?" Anna changed the conversation quickly and shifted her gaze back to the flowing lake.

"Hmm, already miss me?" Noah's deep voice was low, causing an unexplainable chaos in her tender heart. "I... I didn't mean it that way." She defended to hear him chuckle.

"How cute." He drawled.

"So you don't miss me?"

"You're still here, maybe when you leave."

"Then let's get you to bed quickly so I can leave, and then you'll miss me." He held her hands and pulled her from the bridge before Anna could protest.

"I'll be here to get you myself in a week." His tone turned serious. He was only giving her a week with her family. Who's he to control her? Anna frowned at her thought.

"Your press conference begins tomorrow. And the party's in a few days." He added.

"Why tomorrow?" Anna asked finding it hard to keep up with his fast steps. While Noah walked casually, she was running.

"Cause you've turned the net on fire. Your rival has accused you of something just like you wanted and it has blown up. Don't worry when you get there you'd have more than enough protection." As both people walked back towards the mansion a car also arrived at the entrance with Mack stepping out of it.