When Mack had heard about the general being ill he rushed over immediately. He wanted to see for himself if it was true or not. That old man is the one trying to help Anna back up again. How foolish, Mack thought.

When Lee told him Anna called to be back he had been more than astonished. Never did he think that girl would have the courage to go back to her old life. They made sure to tarnish her image to a state where it'll never be back.

Though JK entertainment had rejected her cause of their relationship with him, he was worried she'll find other entertainment companies. Attempting to go back to who she used to be, Mack could already see the revenge Anna was plotting. That little devil.

He knew he had to be ten times ahead of her as always.

There's no way he'll let her surpass Nari ever again. Plus what entertainment company is better than JK in the city? The other ones were beneath them except Linco which seems to be growing faster than the light. He heard they are to announce their top models soon and he wondered who they'll be.

He had refered Nari but they rejected her immediately. If they rejected Nari, he could only imagine who their models are. Maybe they don't want to work with already stars, they want to work with fresh models.

Which was a good idea on some ground, but no one can defeat Nari no matter who they are." He thought proudly.

He had been preoccupied with his thoughts that he didn't see the couple that walked towards him in the darkness. Their steps were slow as they watched him closely.

Anna paused on her steps when she saw Mack, her cold gaze following his direction with a slight frown on her face. Noah noticed his wife stopped walking and followed her line of sight to see the man too.

He raised a brow...

"What is he doing here?" Anna asked irritatedly.

"Who knows?" Came the lazy voice of Noah.

The frown on Anna's face didn't go, this man was the last person she wanted to see here today. What was he doing here after everything he had done to her? Such boldness, she thought.

When Mack reached the entrance of the mansion, rather than soft Gina coming to welcome him, he was greeted by a gruff old man who looked like he was in the worst mood.

The man should be in his fifties. He was tall, the few threads of silver in his hair hi Ted the pass of time. He wore a black toxedo, the type Lurch usually wears and stood gracefully at the entrance of the mansion along with two maids.

"Good evening sir." The old butler greeted and Anna narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't remember her grandfather employing an old man. Infact all of their workers retired once they were a certain age. The oldest that has stayed is Gina who begged that she didn't have a home to return to and had considered the Sui's her family.

Mack was surprised at the new face but his smile and fake calm demeanor didn't change.

"Hello dear." He was about to step in but noticed the old man and his maids didn't move from the way. He paused, still smiling.

"I'm sorry but who are you, sir?" Bean asked politely staring at the young man. His master has instructed him not to let certain names in the mansion ever again.

Just a few minutes ago, Noah had made a few changes in the mansion after successfully threatening his wife's family. He didn't see it as a bad thing since they threatened him first.

He made just a tiny change to ensure the secret about his family killing hers wouldn't reach the ears of his dear wife, until he decides to let her know.

"Do you think Anna will still love you knowing you're the grandson of the man that killed her parents?" Katherine had blabbed thinking she could push him away.

Noah was a calm man who tolerated a whole lot. But behind that calm demeanor was a dangerous beast ready to devour anything and everything.

He clicked his tongue. At that moment he felt like cutting off Katie's tongue and feeding it to his dogs. This woman does not have any ounce idea what he's capable of. And that alone irked him.

"Do I look like I give a f*CK?" He asked coldly and Katherine paused her lips. She blamed her niece for inviting this demon I to their peaceful home today.

He hadn't meant for things to go this way, but Katherine kept pushing him, testing his limits.

The general held her hands from speaking further when she wanted to speak. He knew it would only get the man angry. It was enough he had lost his son because of the Declan's, but not anymore. He wouldn't lose his daughter too.

He didn't know how this man has found his Anna of all the women in the world. Poor Anna, she has the worst luck when it came to men.

Noah smiled recalling what has happened. He had enjoyed threatening all three of them, making them terrified of even speaking. Just to be on the safe side, he had asked Paul to send a butler to the Sui family mansion, banning the Yong's or anyone from visiting while his Anna was here.


"I'm Mack Yong, an acquaintance of the Sui family as you may know." He said proudly but the old man's bored expression didn't change. He rather stared at the young man, sizing him with his eyes.

"The Yong's are forbidden from visiting this mansion forever sir. If you would be a gentleman and leave before I call the security on you." Mack was taken aback by the old man's words.

Anna smiled at the old Bean's words. For a moment she completely forgot about the man not being a part of their workers. She loved everything he was doing to Mack.

"Do you know who I am to be disrespected this way?" The smile on Mack's face fell and was replaced by a gloomy expression as he raised his voice a bit. Mack has never been more humiliated in his life by anyone, does this man know who he is?

Who does this nonetity think he is? Mack gritted his teeth.

"I'm sorry if I've offended you sir. There's no need to cause a scene here. I only relayed a simple message given by my boss." Mack lost his cool at the man's words.