Noah looked through each photo with a soft smile hanging on his lips. Anna had a beautiful life with her parents and an even more beautiful one with her grandfather.

She was a happy growing child. A fat baby, who eventually turned so skinny after the accident. He smiled at the crazy things she did, and her family didn't hesitate to capture every moment.

He couldn't remember his childhood being this fun. Though they went on trips too, it was usually with his butler and maids and they never took pictures. He doesn't have any good memory of his childhood.

The maids were always terrified of him and his sister enjoyed pulling pranks on everyone. She even killed someone because of her 'not so dangerous' pranks. And that day was the day she was forbidden from ever doing pranks.

His stupid father was always busy with work, and his selfish mother cares about herself alone. She paid little attention to them, and most of the times attending parties and events or hosting them herself.

Every month they always had their nannies changed because the women quit from their job. No matter the amount given, they just never return.

His sister turned out to be a troublesome woman and him, he was similar to his father. He worked a lot and barely had time for anyone.

He couldn't believe how similar they are after everything he went through as a child. He has grown to be the striking image of the person he despise the most in appearance and attitude.

When his grandfather was too persistent in him getting married, he also wanted to just get marrird to anyone and move forward. But who knew he would find THE ONE...

Just as he turned to the next page, a frown marred his face at the sight of the person he saw.

All through her pictures with Mack, not once did he touch her except this one. He had his filthy lips pressed to her cheek but that's not the worst part, her smile irritated him. It felt like she enjoyed another man's touch.

Even if Noah knew this picture was old and they were both in a relationship then, he was jealous. He hasn't seen Anna smile this wholeheartedly with him around.

"You're not done?" Her sweet voice rang in his ears and he met her gaze. This little sheep had no idea she was entering the lions den. Noah's eyes fell on the spot he had seen Mack peg years back, he groaned.

His eyes trailed further to her damp hair which framed her face. Droplets of water traced a delicate path down her skin, eventually meeting her little transparent night dress that was barely covering her body.

Was this woman seducing him on purpose?

He clenched his jaw, fighting inwardly to hold himself from pouncing on her and devouring every inch of her again and again, making her beg and cry out his name like she did that night. His demon was threatening to break free. But he couldn't let it. Not tonight. Not now.

He had a lot to do tonight.

"It's so late, are you sure you don't want to stay?" Noah stared at her without a word.

She was willingly inviting him to her bed, stripping the little self control he had... Innocently.

"F*ck that, Darling." He cussed and those innocent blue eyes stared at him in confusion. She wondered if she has done something wrong. Did she annoy him for telling him to stay?

"I... I didn't mean it that way..." She tried to explain.

"You did nothing wrong." His voice turned deeper than usual, giving her chills. Different chills.

He was determined to wait till she was ready. He wanted her to willingly give herself to him, but he was scared he couldn't wait to that day anymore.

Ever since the night he had accidentally had sex with this woman, he couldn't get enough of her. Though he barely touched her again, that didn't mean he didn't want to so badly.

"I told you I would wait till you're in bed. Now come here let's get you ready for bed." Came his hoarse voice and she instinctively walked up to him.

Noah was frowning it meant he was angry at something but what has she done? She bit her lower lips staring at him.

She didn't mean to offend him, she only wanted to make sure he got back to the mansion safely without trouble. If anything was to happen to Noah, she would never forgive herself for it. It's her fault he's out this late.

Noah held a stand of her wet hair, placing it between his fingers. "Don't tell me you don't know how to dry your hair too." His lazy eyes met hers and she shook her head.

"I can dry my hair myself. I'm not a child Noah." She heard him click his tongue, he let her hair go, held her hands and led her back into her closet.

Just as he imagined, everything in here was pink. Including her clothes. The only different colour was a black cloth hanging at a corner. It looked like a uniform.

"How many punishments do you need to stop calling me that?" She turned to meet his gaze realizing what he was talking about.

"S... Sweetheart." Anna corrected blushing a bit. Nothing could prepare her for this man's demands. There was nothing wrong in calling him by his name.

"Next time I won't be this patient." There was something dangerous yet sexy about Noah's voice tonight that she couldn't quite put her finger around.

Something naughty in Anna wanted to see what her punishment would be this time. The last punishment wasn't so bad. It was infact...

Anna bit her lips at her thought wondering what has gotten over her.

Why did she suddenly like everything Noah did to her? And even anticipating more?

Noah has done things she only dreamt about with Mack. He has brought so many strange emotions she has never felt before.

She saw him pick the dryer from the table. Every movement this man made came with a certain grace that made her almost breathless. Anna sat before her dressing mirror, her eyes following his every movement.

Noah finally turned on the dryer and he smiled. He's never dried his hair before, neither has he dried anyone else's hair. But when it came to Anna, he always felt like doing everything for her

"What will you do if I disobey you?" He heard his sweet wife ask and he raised a brow.

"Deciding to be naughty tonight are we?" He asked turning her chair around and squatting to her level. Anna gasped at how swift his movement were. He chuckled.

"You'll find out when you disobey me." He said moving his hands through her wet hair to pull out a few strands from her face.

His hands fell on her cheek as he gently used his thumb to brush the part he had seen Mack peg. One thing Noah was bad at was hiding his jealousy.

He was a man that got what he wanted whenever he wanted it. He believed his money was enough to buy whatever he wanted till he met Anna. As much as she was his already, he hated the doubt in his mind.

He wants to be sure she loves him and him alone. To know that when she threw her seven years relationship and got married to him, it was really over.

"Let's get your hair dried before you catch a cold shall we?" He withdrew his hands from her cheek and rose up.

"I can do it myself."

"I want to do this." He turned her chair back to it's place and started drying her hair. Noah continued till her hair was fully dried.

Once he was done with her hair, he tucked her in bed and only left once she was asleep. He would have stayed the night since it was already too late, but he needed to confirm things from his family.

He wanted to be sure whatever the Sui's have told him tonight, there was a good explanation why his father will have the man and his wife killed.

Noah couldn't even begin to wonder if Anna hadn't survived that accident... What will his life be like. Would he have found another love?