When Mack and Nari entered the mansion, he was welcomed by the infuriated face of his father on the couch. No one had to tell him how enraged his father was and he was sure if his father had his way, he would have killed him tonight.

As Mack got further into the lounge, his eyes turned wide. His father has destroyed everything they own, the flower vases, all of their glasses were shattered on the floor.

"What happened here?" He asked Nari who tried to find her way between the pieces of broken bottles on the floor.

"Father." She muttered under her breath but enough for him to hear.

She has never seen the man in that state before. Elder Yong is known as a calm man by nature so was his son Mack. Seeing him so furious earlier was a shocker for Nari.

She had explained that Mack was going to use the money for his new business as well as her popularity. It's not like he has completely given the company away if he still had 2% shares in it, but her words fell on deaf ears as the old man's fury refused to be quelled.

He instead cussed her and Mack. At this point, she assumed he was just heartbroken because he had made that company himself. According to Veronica, had shared tales of his youth dedicated to building the billion-dollar company, passing it on to Mack after years of grooming him for the role.

Somehow, Nari could understand his pain. In her eyes, Elder Yong's reaction seemed rooted in the pain of watching something he had built from the ground up being dismantled in a day.

"WHO SAID YOU COULD SELL OFF MY COMPANY?" Elder Yong's scream reverberated, the anger palpable. Mack, quick on his feet, dodged the shoes hurled in his direction, a desperate attempt to dock before they could find their mark.

Mack let out a heavy sigh, the weight of humiliation and chastisement pressing down on him. The Sui family's scorn had already bruised his pride, and now, he faced his father's ire for what he believed was a noble attempt to help his family.

Today's has indeed been one hell of a day.

"It's not completely gone I still own 2% of it. I can take it back whenever I want." Mack's nonchalant words angered the man more. If he wasn't now old and weak, he would have dealt with this foolish son of his.

"What good is that 2%? Does it change the fact that the Declans are doing us a favor by allowing us a meager stake in the company?" Elder Yong's frustration spilled over.

What good is the 2% really? It just clearly means the Declan's are doing them a favour to give them a little percentage of the company.

"Was that also part of the agreement or is that another ridiculous assumption? Do you think Noah Declan will let you have the company back?" His words hung in the air.

Noah Declan wasn't just any name in the business world. He was a force to be reckoned with. Young but cunning. The most vicious business man he's ever seen.

His cold nature is what every business man tries to emulate, but how can you keep up with what you are not. He's a son every father wish to have.

He wouldn't believe any word anyone says about that man if he hadn't seen the man transform into a beast in his presence. At a young age Noah had already stolen all of their place in the city, boasting multi-billion dollar companies worldwide and an insatiable appetite for expansion.

He would have been happy if Mack made a better negotiation with that man. Rather than taking $20 billion with a 2% share. He would have demanded for something else.

In less than a year, he can already imagine how big the company would be. It would be a shame they wouldn't benefit from it.

"Foolish boy!! Elder Yong's voice thundered, rejecting his wife's attempt to calm the storm within him.

"I gave you an offer to get married to Anna but you destroyed your chance and got this whore pregnant." he spat, venom lacing his words. Nari stared at him in shock.

Though she has been able to win the heart of everyone, this old man still didn't like her at all. He preferred Anna over her, but Nari didn't mind as long as she got Veronica by her side. Mack listened more to Veronica than to his father.

"Father." She called. Elder Yong didn't even look at the girl he remained fixated on berating his son.

"You sold what I worked so hard for, for a penny?" He accused, his anger unrestrained

"$20 billion dollars isn't a penny father." Nari's eyes turned wide at Mack's words.

$20 Billion?

Both Nari and Veronica stared at each other.

Mack has turned his family into the richest family in the city surpassing the renowned Sui family.

In Mack's eyes, the decision to sell the seemingly "stupid" company was a strategic move to avert financial ruin. They were at the verge of bankruptcy for God sake.

'What good was that stupid company bringing to them anyways?' Mack thought.

The sale spared them from potential humiliation and financial ruin, securing a prosperous future for his unborn child.

"And you couldn't find a better buyer than that heartless man?"

"What other better buyers are out there father? You should be happy I found a good buyer to save your ass from going broke." He stated coldly.

I'll be in my room if you need me. I don't want to hear another word about that company, I'll be starting up my own business soon. I need to focus on that." At his words, Mack walked away.