Noah left the conference room once his meeting with the board of directors was settled. He didn't have the time to argue over who's qualified to be his model or who isn't. He hoped whatever had planned would work perfectly and quickly.

He would have easily helped her, but she had demanded to handle everything herself.

Anna made a grave mistake admitting everything in public, but he was curious to see how she comes out of it.

"Sir don't you think we should do something about madam?" Paul asked his boss. It was so unlike his boss to avoid the humiliation his wife was facing online. People mocked her and other loath her harder than before.

"No, she'll handle everything herself." Was all Noah said to the man.

Paul stared at his boss in astonishment. He had no idea what this man was thinking. One moment Anna Sui was his sweet wife and he would protect her, and the next moment he wanted her to suffer in humiliation when something can be done?