Anna hesitantly walk towards Noah, bitting her inner cheek as she placed her hands in his.

Noah watched her closely, like a predator about to devour it's prey. He saw her take his hands without looking at him. The woman's cheek had turned pink, she was embarrassed and he loved it.

He wants to be the only one to see her in this state. The thought of someone else seeing her like this irritated him, but he waved it off as quickly as it came.

Whatever it was she did in the past, he would replace it with memories of himself.

Noah pulled her softly to place her between his thighs. Her soft bottom rested on his laps where it belonged, he thought.

Anna was embarrassed, she had to constantly remind herself that they were married and that everything Noah was doing to her was normal.

She was his wife and he was her husband. She wasn't doing anything wrong.