"That's enough." Noah pulled her close to wrap his large arm around her. Anna hugged him too as she cried. Now she understood why she had ended up with this man.

Noah almost thought she wouldn't recall a thing from before as the doctor had said, that's why he never tried to force her to it, he wanted it to be natural. He wanted her to regain her memory the normal way.

"Let's bath together." Anna panicked at his words, before she could argue, Noah was already carrying her blanket wrapped body into the bathroom.

He placed her on the floor but still held her protectively around his arms. Noah was about to take out the blanket when she held it firmly on her body. She stared at him warily, her ears rising in alert.

He loved this face or hers, be a use right now, she looked like a little mouse running from the big wild cat. He could pounce on her, but he wouldn't. This is his wife, not some slot on the street.