When Noah reached the halls, he started walking away quickly, locking the room his wife was in and placing the keys in his pocket. He arrived at the hall where his family had invited him for breakfast.

Not only were the Sui's on the table, the Shen's were also present. Shen, his second wife and Janie were all on the table dining with their new family, the Declan's. Evelyn Declan has been so generous to invite them over even if they are way out of her league.

Shen knew they were invited because Janie is to be married to Chalamet soon. Even if Noah had locked their accounts and disrespected them by locking them up in the prison cell for a crime they never committed, Chalamet was still going to marry Janie anyway.

He was in love with her and nothing could change that. He was only just upset that his cousin had disrespected his son to be wife and her family.