8. The Betrayal.

Kim Mun Ho.

After series of throwing up and face washing, he was still unable to rid of the shock off his face. It was evident on his skin. He was pale.

This is surreal.

No, it had got to be a dream!

This is a dream!!

Yes! That makes sense.

He started patting his face thoroughly, not giving a shit if it was getting red from the impacts of his hands... He just kept on hitting himself. As if that wasn't enough, he started pinching himself trying to jerk off his reality.

This is real?

This entire drama is real? Not a dream?

After he read the News, he wasn't able to process anything... He couldn't believe what he saw... A silhouette of the passionate kiss he had with the stranger man at the party was on the internet. Trending in a hundred and fifty countries.

He was freakin losing his mind!!!

What made him even crazier, was the fact that the man he kissed wasn't just any man... He wasn't a Nobody like he thought...

The man he kissed was Alexander Gareth Hilmpton!!! King of the media.

"Oh fuck my life". He aired out, exhausted from the thoughts that he was fucked as he depreciated to the ground, not able to stand anymore.

The fact that he was at the peak of his career, and everyone loves him and can only see a Saint in him only for news like this to disperse vastly across the internet in his moment of shine had him panicking in the worst way.

This wasn't how he wanted to go viral? Hell, this wasn't how he wanted to meet the most influential man on the globe?

This in no way defines the man he is or speaks of him highly in any way... The only thing he sees is an opportunist and a man wh*re.

What will become of him?

If people knew the silhouette on the internet was him what would become of his Career?

He was buried deep in his thoughts when the knock on the door and her voice brought him out of a trance.

"Are you gonna stay in there all day? You have a long schedule ahead". She aired, sounding as polite as possible. This was why she muted his notifications in the first place. After she took him home the previous night, she turned off everything because she knew the impact of the image uploaded.

Gradually, the door clicked open, and he was standing in front of her, partly cause his body was in a way still inside the washroom.

He wasn't sure of anything anymore... Hell, he wasn't thinking straight, but if he knew Diane well enough, then he knew that she was hiding something.

"... You knew didn't you?"

"What?" She furrowed her brows.

"Don't play dumb... You knew it was me and Mr. Hilmpton in that image, didn't you?" He was dead serious, eyes flaming in fury.

Swallowing, she exhaled. "... Yes, I did".

Nodding in betrayal with a smirk on his face, he let out a long breath. "... Hah".

"...Look, Mun Ho... I...

"Who uploaded it?" He cut her off as she tried to make up excuses.

"I-I don't know...". She aired, guilt covering her expression, making him scoff in disbelief.

He couldn't believe what was happening. He was trying hard to get out of his head, but he couldn't. He just couldn't comprehend it.

"You are supposed to be my manager! You are supposed to have my back, Diane". He exhaled, running his fingers through his hair with a dry chuckle.

"This is why he called isn't it?"

"Mun Ho..."

"Tsk... You know what? I'm not..."

Without completing his words, he dashed out of the room.
