9. The Blackmail.

Kim Mun Ho.

Have you ever felt the pain of a thousand darts thrown behind your back? Yeah, that was what he was feeling at that moment.

Standing in the elevator that was headed to the last floor of the building, so many thoughts ran through his mind. Thoughts that he would never have in his wildest dreams thought of surfaced in his mind and he was suddenly caught off-guard. His thoughts terrified him as they were unbelievable to comprehend.

His fingers trembled.

He couldn't say it out loud, he didn't want it to be real, to be true, even if the puzzles matched up perfectly, even if the writing on the wall already said it all.

As his eyes remained fixed on the buttons in the elevator that lit up one after the other going higher in numbers, he depreciated to his knees, gripping both trembling palms together, trying to hold unto himself, trying to get his shits together.

He was kinda about to snap.

Only he was going to. It was just a matter of time... He knew it was going to happen, he could feel it.

He knew what this was, he knew what was going on already. He knew that the only thing that could make him snap had happened but he didn't just want to assume things that weren't real.

What could make him snap?

Nothing much, just lies, and oh, Betrayal.

It wasn't long before the doors of the elevator opened wide to accompany him into the large space.

Taking a deep breath, he felt the chilly air on his skin before the deep baritone voice was introduced.

"Mun Ho-aah, you're here? Please have a seat". Ahn Jae Hyun voiced with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Woaahhh, you don't look so bad after a hangover, that is amazing. How do you even manage that?" He continued the cheeky smile, completely bent on the fake acting, pissing Kim Mun Ho off even more

His eyes remained impassive.

"I am a celebrity after all". He managed, still with an impassive face.

"Ahh, I see, haha". He voiced, and in a snap, the cheeky laugh was gone, masked with a grim expression. "So you know you are a celebrity and yet you act like a fool?"

Unable to find words to express his emotions, Kim Mun Ho stayed quiet.

"You went to an exclusive event and became a drunkard yet you have the audacity to sit in my office and put up a dirty attitude in front of me?" He managed a dry chuckle, suppressing his anger. "Hey, Mun Ho, you've got guts now, haven't you?"

"Do you know how much damage you caused to the company? Do you know how much I had to pay those dirty paparazzies to deal with your business? Do you even realize the stress you put me through in just one night?"

Kim Mun Ho couldn't utter a single word. Ahn Jae Hyun was right after all... This was his fault, he caused this mess. He was in the wrong here.

The fact that he was representing his label and got drunk at the exclusive party reflects poorly on the company... Not only that, he acted off and caused a huge scandal. He could already imagine what he put Diane through yet he still scolded her and accused her of betrayal.

This is insane!!!

What had gotten into him recently?

The remorse and guilt were boldly written on his orbs as he took his head down in an apology. In fact, an apology was not enough to show his remorsefulness but that was the best solution to the situation at the moment

"Director Hyun... I sincerely apologize to you. My actions were indeed shameful and I brought disregard to the label, I deeply apologize..., I am sorry for the situation I put you through last night... I promise it will not happen again".

"Tsk... ". Ahn Jae Hyun rolled his eyes at his actions, leaning back on his seat with a sly smirk on his lips. "You're apologizing? Do you really think I need your apology right now?" He asked with a raised brow and dead serious eyes.

"What would I do with it? Would it help me recover all I lost? Huh? It is in fact very useless to me... Hey, Kim Mun Ho, are you a child? How old are you, huh? Don't you know how to read situations?"

With his head still bent down towards his boss, he couldn't look him in the eye. He deserved this.

He deserved to be criticized. He would gladly take it all after his shameless behavior.

"Hah...". Ahn Jae Hyun exhaled, taking his eyes off him for a second before taking them back to him. "Look, I'm gonna go straight to the main reason why I called you here today".

Immediately he said those words, Kim Mun Ho's eyes heightened, still looking downward but he was all ears.

"The man you kissed last night... Do you know who he is?"

*Badump* *Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

His heart... He couldn't stop the rate at which they raced. Was it anxiety because of how Ahn Jae Hyun mentioned it like it was nothing, or was it just him feeling uneasy because of the huge impact this scandal had on him and his career?

"... I". He opened his mouth to speak but couldn't finish his words as Ahn Jae Hyun cut him off.

"He is the CEO of HGA..." Suddenly, he chuckled out of nowhere in the middle of his words. "Hah... Hey, Mun Ho-aah, you really are full of surprises, aren't you?"

At this point, Kim Mun Ho was out of breath... He wasn't looking at Ahn Jae Hyun but the mockery in his voice had him cowering in humiliation. This was someone he had so much faith in, someone he always thought would have his back always considering the years of trust and business contracts, and for the betterment of the company, but here he was, taking advantage of this situation.

"Ahem... Anyway, I have been wanting to meet with him but I haven't gotten the chance to". He spoke without delay, "But now that I have you, and your relationship with him seems... Quite... close, I want you to make it happen". Exuding arrogance without being repulsive.


At that instant, Kim Mun Ho raised his head, staring at him with absolute confusion. What does he mean? What is he saying?

He must've heard wrong.

"You heard me...". Staring straight into his eyes with confidence, he mouthed. "Arrange a meeting for me with Mr. Hilmpton".

His eyes opened wide. With panic etched on his words, he was unable to go through a single sentence without stuttering.

This can't be happening to him, no... He can't do this to him.

"Hah... D-director you- you're mistaken... I-It's not what it seems... I-I a-and Mr. Hilmpton... We are not...".

"No need to feel ashamed, Mun Ho," He cut him off before he could make sense out of his words. "Your secret is safe with me, just play your own part and everything will flow smoothly". He smiled wryly, enjoying the upper hand he had in this conversation.

Kim Mun Ho's eyes opened wide to his words. The shock was evident. His fear was becoming a reality.

"No, no, director, you're not getting it... I'm not into men... I was just drunk, a-and confused... I don't even know Mr. Hilmpton personally".

That was the truth. The only time he met this man was the first time he had seen him in his entire life. As a matter of fact, a man like him has no business with a man like that... He is way out of his league. That was nothing more than a privileged coincidence.

"Ahh... I see...". Was all he said before he reached inside his locker just by the side of his desk, causing Kim Mun Ho to furrow his brows.

What was he doing?

Suddenly, he took out a file and placed it in front of Kim Mun Ho.

What the hell is that?

Kim Mun Ho, reluctant to pick up the file did so anyway, pulling out images that shook his brain, depriving him of air instantly.

He closed his eyes in disbelief, fighting hard to stay composed before his boss but was failing badly.

Right before his eyes, his fears manifested...

On his grip were the images of the scenery that happened the previous night, not a silhouette, but the real images up close, capturing his face and that of Alexander kissing passionately at the corner, and a flashdrive, containing the video of it.

"You see, I didn't want to do this, Mun Ho". Ahn Jae Hyun said simply. "But the fact that you think you can make a fool out of me after saving your ass from all the controversy you should be facing for being disgusting, that is why I have to show you that I call the shots here. This is probably the worse move you've made in your life and entire career".

He sighed in satisfaction, unable to hide the sly grin on his face. A smirk of accomplishment.

He knew he had Kim Mun Ho now in the palm of his hand.

"Tell me, what will the world say when they find out that their star, the most honorable man in the industry today is not who he claims he is but a man-whore?"

"What will your family say? Your entire career, years of building a reputable future crumbling right before your very eyes all because of a mere mistake you could avoid?"

He spoke heartlessly, enjoying the lifeless look on the face of Kim Mun Ho. "Make the meeting happen, Mun Ho and your secret stays hidden forever or I will upload this to the entire media..."

"The ball is in your court, Kim Mun Ho".