10. King Of The Media In Dubai.


Strolling down the stairs of his Airbus A380 private jet worth multi-millions of dollars with just pajamas, he paused on a step, taking a few minutes to breathe in the Dubai air as countless black G wagons swept throughout the entire airport.

By his left were agents in black arranged as though they were in the military, and by his right were Armed forces arranged in the same sequence. They were all present to welcome him to their country alongside the prince of Dubai, Muhammad Nasir Malik.

"Habibi, Alexander". With open arms, he moved forward in an attempt to embrace the man in the pajamas. "You finally came, brother". In a swift, he wrapped his hands around him, giving him a warm welcome.

"I didn't believe your fourth coming would be this soon, and in a..." He took his eyes down to the outfit on his body with a stupid smile on his face, "... Pftt pajamas, haha" wrapping his arms around him.

"Like I give a shit". Was all Alexander said before they started towards the black slick Bentley Bentayga with the customized plate number stating boldly 'A. Hilmpton ' and an Italian gold print screaming luxury.

"Come, Habibi, I will take you around my new stallion grandeur, then we will talk about your gracious misfortune". Nasir snickered, enjoying the look on the face of Alexander.

He watched the arrogant man scoff with raised brows, looking like he had been reminded of an ill fate he had forgotten just for a few seconds.

"There's nothing to talk about". Alexander stated matter-of-factly, entering the car alongside The prince. "Just a little ache I will get rid of in no time".

With a chuckle, Nasir shook his head looking at the man beside him. "An ache is what you describe of your lover?"

"There is no lover, just paparazzi tactic... And when I get my hands on the bastard stirring this volcano, I will behead him". Alexander gritted his teeth, looking out the window. He was pissed but it was barely visible as he doesn't express much emotion on his face, leaving Nasir in a bewildered state.

"This is quite interesting...". Nasir's eyes left Alex just a moment before they went back to him. "Come to think of it I've never seen you this worked up before".

With a frown, Alexander took his eyes back to him. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked with furrowed brows, catching a shrug from the prince.

"I mean, I have never seen you pay this much attention to anything before, it is interesting". Nasir stated matter-of-factly, taking his eyes back on the road as they continued their ride.

"Tsk... You are funny, Nasir".

"No, you are funny, Xander...". He attacked.

"You know what? Let's just get you home first, then we can talk about your welcome party later, no?" Nasir spoke with a wide grin on his face.

"Home? Haha, you are really bringing your A-game today, huh?" Alexander shot him a look that said 'What drug are you on?'

The Nasir he knew was not nice... Yes, irregardless that he was helplessly caring due to how he was raised and the fact that he was a crowned prince that had an entire country looking up to him, he really doesn't give much shits about the affairs of others– one of the reasons why they are friends.

When they first met, it was not all smiles like the rest, and others that wore fake smiles just to impress him and stay on his good side. It was totally different. He didn't try to be funny or even cautious with words, he just went straight to the reasons for their meetings, focusing more on the problem at hand than socializing, and then naturally, they got acquainted.

Nasir quickly caught his thoughts, countering them instantly. "Your home, not mine, idiot... I would never invite you looking like shit to my home, what do you take me for?"

With a nod, Alexander added. "Fair enough". Before he turned away. It was totally unnecessary for Nasir to take him home, they had spoken about this the last time he was there but the talk about 'the so-called responsibility ' thingy was the only thing keeping him quiet. He didn't want Nasir to start talking about how the Royal household works or else he would take him back to history and won't shut up about it.

It became silent in the car for a while, before Nasir broke the silence again.

"Oh I just remembered... We have a party this weekend, to celebrate the opening of the Grand Stallion, I Will introduce you to my beauties and then you will choose your best from my collection".

Yeah right... Mohammed Nasir Malik just throwing a party without any of his nasty plans? Not buying it.

"Plan to attend, Habibi". He added with that sly grin plastered on his lips.