14. Invitation 3.

Kim Mun Ho.

Have you ever been in a situation where your thoughts are wrapped around 'How come ' and 'Is it possible? '

A situation where you are unable to regain control even if you tried to because all your efforts amounted to nothing but a whiff of air to a hurricane.

A situation that defies your life's long thinking and principles?

A situation that opens your eyes to another world entirely? A world where wealth was an understatement?

A world where the term 'wealth' was used for those at the bottom of the food chain? Where being rich was tagged as a 'taboo ' and considered as mere servants?


Well, that very situation was where Kim Mun Ho was left in.

From the moment he stepped his feet out of his apartment building to the moment he stepped feet into the black Limousine parked in front of his apartment building, he stepped into an entirely different world completely. The comfortable leather seat that accommodated him was on a whole different level compared to any leather seat in any car he had been in before. Not to talk of the Mount Everest-like temperature that accompanied his skin the moment he sat comfortably, then the scented vanilla extract that filled the atmosphere... He was speechless.

The lighting in there gave off a cozy Aura, causing him to yawn from the comfort his body adjusted to within seconds. It was undeniable.

He must've helped an old lady in his previous life to be this lucky, no?

As if hitting a one-in-a-million chance of getting to ride in a multi-million dollar limousine was not enough, he even gets to see the prince of Dubai in person!!!

How did life become this interesting in just a single day?

The car finally arrived at the airport and the Limo came to a halt. 'aww the most comfortable ride of his life was finally coming to an end ' he thought, watching as the driver wined down the glass that demarcated the driver's base and the guest's castle. 'maybe he wanted to say goodbye ' he thought, already thinking of words to show gratitude for his kindness when the knock on the glass had him jolting briefly. A man in a black suit was already waiting in front of the door.

"I hope you enjoyed your ride?" The chauffeur's words brought his eyes back to him as he smiled, passing his words, as though it was rehearsed. "Your Jet awaits... Have fun in Dubai". He added before shutting the glass. Kim Mun Ho did not even get a chance to respond to his words when the huge man in a black suit knocked on the glass again before opening the doors.

"Mr. Kim, your jet awaits". He announced the same thing the chauffeur said a couple of seconds ago but with a straight face.

Passing a glance to Diane that had been on her phone since they got in the car, she stared back at him shooting him a look of 'play along '

"Shall we?" The man's voice interrupted again, urging them to step out. Diane through the other door, and Kim Mun Ho through the doors that were held open for him.

"This way Mr. Kim". Another Man in a black suit called out to him immediately he stepped out of the Limo, gesturing him towards the humongous jet with Diane directly behind him. It was already sunset and it was getting dark, the letters boldly printed on the jet– A. Hilmpton. were pretty much visible. His eyes remained on them for a while.

A. Hilmpton?

Does that mean Alexander Hilmpton?

His heart thumped.

This is the reality of it all...

The reality of it all was that his invitation to Dubai was not just out of the blue and it was about him being lucky, he was invited because The King of the media, Alexander Gareth Hilmpton was aware of his existence and wanted him there.

He arranged it all. It was no mere coincidence at all. There was no doubt now. This was all his doing.

As he got to the stairs that led up to the interior space of the jet, he began to tremble. Thoughts and memories of that night rushed into his mind space all at once. What if he was in there waiting for him?

Why would a man like that send his private jet to him when he could just hire a random less expensive jet to pick him up?

Why would he even want to see him again?

What does he want?

Why the exclusive treatment?

Why was it looking like a date?

Why is he scared?

Does he look presentable enough?

What if he is disappointed?

Why is he thinking about a man being disappointed when he is not into men?

So many questions swarmed into his mind sending him into reveries of trances, causing him to pause his steps without even realizing it.

"Um, Mr. Kim?" Diane called from behind, tapping him when he didn't respond to her as he jolted causing her to furrow in confusion. "What are you doing?" She mouthed, whispering in a low voice.

"Uh... Nothing...". He mumbled. Back to his senses already. Taking a moment, he inhaled, before he began ascending the stairs, curving to get into the jet.

Once in the jet, he was unable to move his feet.


Where was he?


"Woaahhh". Diane's voice beat him to his actual words. "Oh my gosh... This is paradise".


This is why the term 'wealthy ' was at the bottom of the food chain... because compared to a man like this, wealth was not an actual word... The term 'wealthy ' should be used to describe his workers.

As his eyes perched on every piece of furniture in the paradise of a jet, his worry was completely forgotten. He could only just stare, wondering what kind of person Alexander was.

The fact that he gave out a treasure like this as a mere carriage to a stranger only proves that this paradise meant nothing to him... This was just one of his toys.

He was certain that most of the furniture in there was made of real gold because it was too exquisite to be fake. The leather seats were pure white, giving off a Royal aura and the bronze-like cabin stood out luxuriously, giving off a classy atmosphere. He hadn't even thought of exploring more parts and he was already trembling, scared to even step in further than he was already. If he broke anything in here, his entire lifeline would never be able to pay back the debt. In fact, a single piece of furniture in there could buy his entire family even when sold in the black market.

There was no bargaining.

He was still in his thoughts when a strange voice called out to him. Diane had already strolled further inside the jet, exploring its parts while mumbling 'woah' and gasping.

"Hello, Mr. Kim,". It was a man. He turned immediately to see who it was as his eyes grazed his face. The pilot, with a polite smile on his face.

Somehow, he was expecting to see someone else, but at the same time, he was relieved that it wasn't him.

He could still remember his voice... That deep baritone that for some reason he had been longing to hear again, but in his sober state.

"We will be taking off in 5 minutes". The pilot concluded, passing his information appropriately before exiting into the pilot room.

"Got it...". He managed, dragging his feet to a seat on the left side of the jet, while another lady stepped in with a few others with his pieces of luggage. They bowed in greeting one after another before they continued their jobs, arranging his luggage in the cabinet. Likewise Diane's.


It was not long before the pilot announced that they were taking off, as Diane strolled out of the room she entered only to take a seat next to him.

"Omg, there's a bed, can you believe it?" She blurted, looking at him with wide eyes, smiling widely.

I mean what could he say? He was completely speechless too. Not to talk about how nervous he feels. He was nervous to the point of trembling nonstop.

"Are you okay?" She asked when he said nothing, touching his wrist lightly.

"Um...". He lied. "I'm just tired". He was nervous to the point of jumping out of the jet. He was screaming from the inside, uneasy to the core.

As the jet started moving, his countdown to how many hours were left before he would meet him also began. His hands were trembling but he hid them beside his thighs, pushing them into his pants. He watched the jet accelerate into the air and in a blink, they were in the sky.

Why was he feeling this way?

He shouldn't be feeling this way right?

"Get some sleep, we have a big day tomorrow". Diane mumbled before turning her head the other way before taking her eyes to the iPad in her grip.

Get some sleep? Yeah right!

He couldn't even manage to stop his heart from racing so how could he manage sleep? There's no way in hell he would be able to sleep in this state.

Slowly, he turned his head to the side as his eyes explored outside where the view was magical, exhaling in relief.

What was he going to say to him when they met?

What should he address him as?

How should he react to him after the night of passion they shared?

His eyes remained fixed on the view and after a few minutes, he was already dozing off.