15. The Party 1.


The black Rolls Royce Boat-Tail stopped right in front of the call-to-glory-like entrance that glowed like heaven's gate, showing off its golden walls. He stepped out, adjusting his suit as bodyguards trooped in from the beginning of the car to the end of it with their heads facing the ground. He stood with pride, emancipating dominance as he surveyed his environment with his eyes, giving off a nonchalant Aura.

If there's one thing you should know about the Arab folks, that is their love for Gold; shiny jewelry, diamonds, luxurious events, lavish lifestyles, and parties of the Year... You not being accustomed to it, only means that you do not belong there, your place is with the servants.

"Habibi, Xander". Smiling from ear to ear, Nasir called out to him, standing at the entrance of the mansion. His mixed color white, Oxblood, and black keffiyeh were styled perfectly on his head, suiting his pure white Kandura. His smile, was perfect, showing off his pure white teeth that added to his enticing glamour, leaving off a Royal aura as he stood out amongst the multitude.

With a nod and a lifted brow, Alexander acknowledged him, moving towards his stance, likewise Nasir. Both elegant men Acknowledge each other leaving others watching from a distance with adorable smiles and stares.

"You came...". He wrapped his arms around him, not giving a shit about the stiff expression on Alexander's face. "And you are not in pajamas this time... Haha".

"You don't look so bad, your highness".

"It's Nasir to you! He smiled. Still, with pride scattered everywhere, they exchanged greetings. "Come, come, Habibi, I'll let you see my family today because you look good, then we could see my collections together, cool?"

Without much thought, and eyes everywhere, "Drinks, and we're cool".

"Drinks?" Nasir furrowed his brows. Did Alexander Gareth Hilmpton just ask for a drink? Xander? Ask for drinks?

Is this a dream?

"Are you okay, Habibi?". He asked with looks of concern plastered on his face. He had never seen him like this before. Something in him was off. He looked as though he was frustrated, like a starved man (a man deprived of sex). This is so not like him.

"Yeah,". Alexander replied, brushing off his questions as his eyes trailed the waiter that came their way.

"Welcome, sir". The waiter bowed presenting the tray filled with glasses of champagne as he picked one, downing it in one go, leaving Nasir with wide eyes.

"Now, show me your horses". He said, arranging his suit before they began inside, walking alongside each other and stealing the glances of everyone.

They strolled into a large hall room filled with individuals of the highest society who conversed calmly with smiles and tiny laughter, only turning their heads to nod in greetings when their presence was made known.

"These were the horses you talked about?" Alexander asked with a raised brow, still walking beside his friend who kept smiling and replying to their greetings with both hands clasped together as though he was pleading.

"Haha... very funny, Xander. You are meeting my family first, remember?"

"Oh". Was all he said, picking up another glass from a passing waiter, completely ignoring the look on Nasir's face when he whispered "You know, It would be quite interesting if the first impression of the man I've praised so much to my family turns out to be a drunkard, no?"

"It would been more interesting if the drinks were stronger". He replied, sarcasm at the tip of his tongue with a straight face, looking forward.

Nasir furrowed. "What's wrong, Xander? You fighting with your lover?" Still smiling and greeting the others, before he suddenly bowed his head so humbly to the woman in front of them. She looked in her mid-forties, dressed decently in a black-flowing hijab. Her smile towards Nasir was very warm, as she touched his cheeks mouthing "Jawharati". (Meaning: my Jewel).

"Marhaban, Maman". His voice was low as he maintained that posture until she touched his back and in a blink, he was up.

"This is my friend, Alexander".

"Oh, this is Alexander?"

The woman asked, taking her eyes to him. "Welcome dear, He's said so much about you, it's a pleasure to meet you, abn".

"And Xander, this is my Maman, Djamila Hassan Mohammed".

"It is a pleasure to meet you too, Mrs. Djamila". He added, smiling with his eyes, taking them back to Nasir who kept on pushing his smiles to leave a good impression. They both knew their conversation was not over, not to mention the fact that Nasir just ripped the band off Alexander's frustration but they maintained composure in front of the lady.

"He is such a handsome and composed young man, your lover is so lucky". She spoke warmly with a smile oblivious that she was hitting hard on his open wound. On his swollen frustration. The fact that his body was reacting in the craziest way to a supposed "lover" he met only once "Drunk to the core" drove him crazy.

No, he was mad.

He couldn't count the number of times he had jerked off by himself like a freak, calling out that name, and for what? Was he going mad? How is it even possible to get aroused by someone you made out with in your wasted state? His face wasn't even that clear.

He was feeling hot. All the anger, all the madness. He didn't want to be there anymore, he needed to let it off. He needed to let off this stream. He stood amongst people but his mind had long wandered off their conversations.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Hilmpton". Another voice called him back. It was a woman. She looked like she was in her early twenties, smiling brightly, excitement emanating from her orbs as she neared him. He wasn't even paying attention to anything around him at this point, the only thing his eyes focused on was the waiter standing opposite him.

'Maybe he could make do with this one ' he thought, completely oblivious to the lady that stood before him and Nasir's eyes.

"Um, Xander... This is my baby sister Amira Heina Mohammed". His eyes were still on Alexander as he spoke.

"The pleasure is all mine". His voice was low. Nasir could see from his eyes that he was up to something, he knew him enough to know that he was going to snap soon if he didn't get him out of there.

Placing a hand on his arm, "Now that I've introduced you to my family, let's go see my collection before His Highness gets here... Later Maman ". He added before they both excused themselves.

Cornering into the hallway "Alright, tell me what's wrong, Habibi". Nasir went straight to the point immediately.

"What do you mean?" He played dumb to his words. How can he start telling him about the sexual arousal he feels towards a stranger that everyone thinks of as his lover?

"Don't try to fool me, you look like you're holding your breath, do my family make you uncomfortable?"

"You're overthinking, Nasir". Was all he said as they cornered towards the stallion, ignoring the heads that bowed to their presence.

Was it that obvious?

His eyes remained fixed on everything but absolutely nothing. Has this become a problem for him?

What does this mean?

They kept moving deeper and deeper into the large stallion. Nasir was saying something but he didn't give a shit, he couldn't hear a word. He was getting dizzy. Just as they were about to corner even deeper, he paused his steps.

"Where's the bathroom?" He asked out of the blue, making Nasir turn to him.

"The seventh hallway by the left...".

Before Nasir could finish his words he was already strolling away. His steps rushed. He was no longer in control of this situation and his mind could not take it. It was as though he was standing at the center of a whirlwind.... everything moved except him. He could hear the little giggles from ladies when he passed by, he could hear the voices of those who attempted to say hi but to hell with those mindless ingrates, he thought, moving towards the last hallway.

Wait, how many hallways have I passed?

He furrowed his brows. He was dizzy and hot all at once. Did they put something in the wine? He could feel the sweat beads forming on his forehead. This is bad. He was at his limit... He needed relief. Everything was spinning. That god-damned wine!

He managed his steps closer to the wall, leaning closely for balance. His heart raced. Everything was buzzing. Everything was slowed. His mind was on a fast lane... He couldn't hear shit, but when he eventually did, a voice called out to him.

He turned his head only to see the figure of the male waiter. "Sir... Are you okay?" The waiter moved closer to inquire but the only thing he could see was a tool for his desperate relief. They were all tools waiting to be used. Instantly, he gripped his shirt, "Lead me to the bathroom". His voice hoarse and deep, with eyes that screamed dominance. The man quickly understood and immediately complied, moving to the bathroom.

He pushed the doors open with desperation etched to his movements, wanting to take charge. He brought his lips to his neck, kissing where the skin was bare in seduction when he gripped his hair. "Ugh... S-sir..."

"Kneel". He ordered, unzipping his pants with hands still on his hair as he pulled out his hard member watching the man before him open his eyes wide with an excited smile on his face. "You are huggggghhh..."

He shoved his dick into his face hole instantly shutting him up "Shut it... I hate your voice". groaning as he felt his slimy tongue wrap around his hardness. Slowly, the man took him in, allowing his lips wrap around it sofly before he began bobbing his head up and down his member sluggishly with no hands making him groan again. He took him with both palms wrapping them around it, stroking it, while his tongue took the tip, sucking and slurping all at once. Gradually, he started moving deeper into his throat. "Urrgh" leaving the man breathless as he pulled his head with both hands, thrusting hard, surfacing muffled moans and grunts, urging him to continue. He felt the man's hands on his thighs begging him to slow down but his desperate desires had already taken over as he thrust even harder erupting gagging sounds from the man below. He was close. His relief was just at the corner, he could feel it as he gripped the man's hair even tighter and rougher. His pace heightened... He thrusted even deeper, he could see the tears on the man's face and it excited him even more as he moved even harder deeping all of him down his throat, choking him. And just then... He pulled out shooting his seeds on the face below him.

His chest moved upwards and downwards as he rested his head back on the wall.
