19. Meeting Him.

Kim Mun Ho.

The chants and applause from the people made him tense, but not as much as the unwavering gaze from the man who sat the highest in the stadium. For a moment there he was caught off guard. His eyes were everywhere, focused on the horse gallops, but still on him. He didn't want to mess up in front of him as he had finally managed to gain his attention. If he messed up now that would be a terrible first impression, no?

It was not long before he finished his performance with the horse, showing off his prestige skills and perfection, stealing the focus of the entire crowd once again with wows.

But his eyes...

They were far but he felt as though he was trapped. The more he gazed at him, the more breathing became difficult for him. They were intense.

He couldn't stop thinking about it as he pulled the tracksuit up his head, disheveling his hair in a sexy kind of way as he stared at his reflection on the dressing mirror he stood in front of. He had done what he wanted to do, he had gained his attention finally, but he was yet to stand in front of him. His eyes strolled down the buttons of his suit as he pulled them into their fitted space when the knock on the door came in.

He was offered one of the rooms in the western district of the palace for changing as ordered by the crowned prince. His performance earlier sure gained him relevance among the wealthy as everyone inquired his name, and who he was, mostly because of his alluring looks that almost took their breaths. He sighed at this thought before he mouthed "Come in" and a man stepped in. He wore the attire of one of the palace workers.

"Mr. Kim," he called his name. "The crowned prince has asked for your presence". He spoke politely. "I will show you the way when you're ready". He said, standing in a corner as he awaited Kim Mun Ho who arranged his suit once again in front mirror before he turned to the man behind.

"Okay, I'm ready". Kim Mun Ho blurted following the man who nodded at his response as they both stepped out.

To be honest, he didn't want this. This wasn't his style at all. Mingling. He hated it. All the pleasing and fake smiles that came with it irritated him and sometimes, he wished he could just cover their faces with masks. His only intention was to gain Alexander's attention, which he did. But all the things that came with it, got him tensed. As if meeting the crowned prince wasn't enough, he had now gained the attention of people he didn't want.

Not that it is a bad thing or anything, it's just the emotional drainage that comes with mingling with people of the highest society that had him like this. He wasn't ready for it. All the insecurities and intimidation that come with not staying in your league are intoxicating. He could already feel the pressure on his neck. But fuck it. He was already in. He had already decided to take this step and there was no going back now.

They strolled towards a large hallway that looked completely different from the others he had entered and his eyes lit up. The designs were quite vogue. Exquisite in some kind of way that gave him a churn in his stomach. Not too much, and not too plain either, just exquisite.

Now, he was more tense.


The moment they began to stroll further, he knew there was no going back from whatever he had walked right into. They cornered for the second time before the large door finally appeared at the end of the hallway they were in. Which had him wondering just how large this place was. This place might as well just be an entire community on its own because, hell, it was large.

There were bodyguards in front of it. This could be the prince's residence. He thought.

His eyes stayed fixated on the door. His body was completely stiff. He knew he was going to ache sooner or later from the horse riding but he shifted that thought from his head. That wasn't what he was there for. As the men in front nodded in greeting and as the doors opened wide to accompany his steps, his eyes opened even wider to the sight in front of him.

The Royal household.

Oh my goodness.

What is going on?

"Mr. Kim", the voice of the crowned prince called him from his thoughts. He was stiff. He couldn't move his foot. Was this real or was he in one of those dreams where anxiety gripped his thoughts?

How did he become the center of attention?

All eyes were fixed on him. From all corners, everyone watched him. As though they had long awaited him. All except him.

Alexander was not in the room.

His eyes were everywhere. He was confused. Wasn't he just here? Wasn't he just watching him a moment ago in the stadium? Where has he gone?

"You did a great job today with the horse, that was truly majestic". Nasir complimented. "Ah, it's a shame Xander did not get to see you in person". He muttered.

What does he mean?


Does he mean Alexander?

Why won't he see me?

Did he leave?

"Ah... Thank you, your majesty". He stated nervously, trying desperately to avoid all the eyes devouring him hungrily.

"You know, no one had been able to touch my golden Akhal-Teke horse. It had been quite picky and stubborn since it was imported... But seeing how well it flowed with your movements and controls, I am very curious". His deep voice resounded in Kim Mun Ho's ears. "Are you Royalty?"


Does he think I'm royalty?

"Haha... No, I'm not".

"Really? Then how come you pose so well?" Nasir asked picking up a glass from the waiter before passing a glass to Kim Mun Ho".

"My grandparents owned a stable". He muttered with a smile.

"Ah, I see". Nasir mouthed returning his smile as they both conversed even more. But in between chats, his eyes moved around the room, waiting, searching, looking for one man. The only man he went there for. Deep down he knew he didn't want to have these chats, he only wanted to chat with him, he only wanted to see him. He tried to keep up the conversation before the disappointment began to crawl in slowly.

I guess I won't be meeting him today.