20. Contract.

Kim Mun Ho.

With eyes fixed on the ceiling, he laid confused on how it all went wrong. What went wrong? He couldn't tell. He had managed to gain his attention, he made sure his name was announced, he even held eyes contact with him so many times, so where did he go wrong?

"C'mon, relax, you did your best". Diane mouthed close to his ear. She had been lying beside him for a while now after they flew back to their country.

"I just don't understand". He furrowed with eyes still on the ceiling. "If he didn't want to see me or be seen with me, why did he do all of that? Why did he make me come all the way there to make a fool of myself?"

"You didn't... How could you say that?" Diane's eyes remained on him. "Talking to Mohammed Nasir Malik is making a fool of yourself? Really?"

She is right. Yes, he did not get to meet Alexander but he got to meet with the prince of Dubai, Alexander's Friend which is even more humiliating. Desperate is not the first impression he wanted to display. It was far from it.

He exhaled, shuffling lightly on the bed. "You know what I mean, Diane".

"No, I don't". She sat up, meeting his eyes again. "So what if you didn't get to meet him in Dubai? Huh? you still had one hell of a time there, we still had one of the best experiences in our lives... We had fun and we lived our lives to the fullest in one of the most expensive places in the world without having to spend a single penny. That is not nothing, that is infact privilege". She exhaled in that motivational tone she use to have but it was of no use anyway, as Kim Mun Ho would not cheer up the slightest.

Instead he stood up from the bed with that look on his face as though her talks bothered him. He adjusted his feet into his slippers and began out of the room, leaving Diane behind.

"Hey c'mon... Stop beating yourself up for nothing". She followed him behind immediately.

"Nothing?" He furrowed with a frown. "You think I'm making a fuss and ranting over this for nothing?"

"I mean, there's no reason to get worked up like this...

"No reason?" He muttered, already pissed out of his mind. "You think I would be this worked up if your silly traitor of a boss hadn't been an Ass? You think I would ride a horse in an unknown country because I want to? You think I would so desperately want the attention of another man because I want to?"

He was unable to control himself. With eyes flaming with fury his eyes went wet as he jammed to doors of the refrigerator placing his hands on it to calm his rage. Diane could only just stare at his back, unable to fathom words. She couldn't understand what he was saying but she could already guess it. It had been really suspicious the way Kim Mun Ho had been acting lately. The Mun Ho she knew couldn't care less about events, and about people, he only cared for himself and minded his business in the industry. Hell, he doesn't even know how to mingle. Kim Mun Ho mingling could only happen when a gun is pointed on his head. But recently, he had taken her unaware which is odd.

She opened her mouth to speak but his voice stopped her, watching him as he sat on the floor a different man. Frustration plastered on his face. He sat helpless.

"He told me to get Alexander to meet with him or he was going to leak the photos and videos of that night". He managed, eyes on everything but nothing.


She took her eyes from him instantly, slamming her palm on the table as she ran her fingers through her hair. "And you agreed to it?"

"Like I had a choice". He muttered, feeling weak from the thoughts of his problem.

"Oh my god, Mun Ho, why didn't you tell me?" She gritted in between her teeth, her eyes fixed on him. "You kept all this to yourself? I thought we were friends".

"I was still mad at you for hiding his ill intentions from me, idiot". He lowered his head, his eyes tired but she could see the guilt in them. "And what difference would it make anyway? What would you do to Ahn Jae Hyun? He's your boss". His eyes remained fixed on the ground. Judging from how prideful Kim Mun Ho was, she knew he was apologetic. That was his way of saying sorry.

"I'm sorry". She muttered in a low voice, taking her eyes to meet with his as they both stared awkwardly.

"What?" He managed.

"This is all my fault... I shouldn't have helped him conceal anything... I'm so sorry, Mun Ho... I...".

She was still talking when the buzzing sound from his pocket distracted him. It was his phone. He pulled it out from the pocket of his pants with eyes fixed on the screen as he furrowed. It was an unknown caller. Who was it?

Reluctantly, he pressed the answer button. "Hello?" He mouthed.

"Is this Mr. Kim Mun Ho?" The caller at the other end voiced out. It was the voice of a man.

"This is he, who is this?"

"Mr. Kim, My name is Dalton Lawson, Senior lawyer of HGA and in my hands are documents I will like you to go through as directed by Mr. Hilmpton. You are expected to go through this process before a contract signing". The voice of the man aired once again leaving him with a lifted brow.

Mr. Hilmpton?


"This must be a mistake... I-I think..."

"If you don't mind Mr. Kim, can we get this over with today? Do you have a busy schedule? When can we process this? Can you make it to HGA tomorrow?

"Wait... What?"

"Then we will be expecting you tomorrow, Mr. Kim". Was all the man said before the beep sound resounded.

What the hell just happened?

A contract?

What contract?

He was confused. Alexander wants him to sign a contract with him? Why? What is going on?

"Are you okay?" Diane's voice disrupted his thoughts jolting him back to his senses as he stood from the floor.

"I-I... I don't know, I'm-i'm expected at HGA tomorrow?" He managed, leaving Diane with wide eyes.


"A-A-Alexander wants to see me". He stuttered with a red face, oblivious to him before Diane's squeal filled the air.

"Oh, my Gawd, Mun Ho-aahhhhh".