106. Proposal 2.


I couldn't take my eyes off her, I didn't want to. I wanted to be present when she wakes up, I wanted to be by her side and see for myself that she is okay before I decide on the fate of the Witch clan; either way, they all will face the consequences, and they must pay for disregarding my orders.

Still watching her, I see her shuffle a little bit her eyes were still closed. It had been hours since she first opened her eyes after I spoke to her. Her heartbeat now accelerated at its normal pace and her pale skin now had a little color.

I breathed out in relief, moving closer to her. It was the first time she was out in this state that I have been able to be at peace. She has revived fully and is only just resting now.

Slowly, her eyelids began to move, so did her rose-petal lips; she was about to wake up, is she going to open her eyes now? I waited...