107. Marry Me.

He couldn't take his eyes off Bella. If a woman like Carolyn can have a friend like this, does it mean that she is this kind of person? Well, it could be because he kind of saw a side of her that was savagery the previous night, so he won't be shocked if his assumptions were true.

He managed to drag his eyes away from her and back to Carolyn as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Carolyn, what a surprise". He said in a sarcastic tone. "I wasn't expecting to see you so soon".

The shame was evident in her eyes but she waved it off anyway. She didn't care what he thought, she just wanted to get her phone and get the hell outta there.

"Trust me, I would never be here if it were up to me".

He smiled with a raised brow.

Yep! She is definitely what he predicted. "I see... But you are here! So may ask, what urgency brought you back?"