
Chapter 1 Part 4 Doubt

Man: How much does this painting cost, young man?

Me: Which painting sir?

Man: This same painting has a sister praying and spirituality flows to her from the goddess..

They even misunderstand its meaning.

Man: Did you say something?

Me: No, no, I just said that the price of this painting is like gold, dear sir.

Man: What? Two gold coins, while this painting has nothing, the maximum money I will give you is 3 silver coins.

Me: Sir, do you think art has a price?

Man ?

Me: You didn't even understand the meaning and concept of this painting. Now you are giving me a price for my artist's art?

Man: How do you treat me, young man?

Me: My attitude is better than your pricing, now if you don't intend to buy, then it's better to go.

Man: Anyway, in my opinion, this painting is not worth more than this. Now you know, young man.. and left.

Me: This idiot doesn't even understand the meaning of the painting, he values ​​it for me.

In fact, the meaning of the painting was how much a nun is being pressured by external factors.

This idea came to my mind when a man who was asking for forgiveness from the goddess insulted Sister Mary and even pushed her, but Sister Mary could not do anything.

In fact, he could easily torture him with his magic, but his duty did not allow him to do so.

Sisters or nuns were chosen when they were old enough to recognize magic and mana.

If they had light magic with mana for healing, they would be chosen for the church and go inside the central (second) wall for training, which was a very difficult training, and because of that, some even lost their lives.

And it had very strict rules, like the previous world, but with the difference that if they misbehave with someone or a servant of the goddess, they will be stripped of their clothes and imprisoned, and if they have an unusual relationship, whether with the opposite sex or the same sex, they will be executed in public.

That's why such an idea came to my mind.

And in the case of that man, every person, whether male or female, came in the morning like this.

I myself expected, considering that I am living in a story, a kind old man rich at least to the degree of Melon, who has no children and whose wife is dead for the love of his late wife who loved art, will come to buy my paintings.

And even help me and even take me under guardianship.

Yes, I have such a creative mind that can think as far as it goes.

But my thinking was wrong in several places, first of all; This story was not so cliché that something like this would happen.

Second; That even if the probability was one in a thousand, I myself had an old man and there was no need for another headman.

It was evening when I decided to pack up and go back to the church.

Hoff, don't look at our luck, we wanted to bring some money.

I had no luck at all since I was a child. I realized this when I planted an egg and a fish came out instead of a worm.

I was wandering to the bad land and time when I saw a boy with black eyebrows and a mask looking at me.

Me: What is it? what are you looking at Do you have a problem? We are working hard!?

Boy: What is it?

Me: Hey, tell me, I have a thousand things to do

Boy:? I wanted to, if possible

Me: You don't have a tongue, yes, what do you want now?

Boy: I wanted a painting.

I.... What is he saying? He doesn't look like a nobleman or even a normal boy.

Me: Go, I'm not bored with these ridiculous games, go make fun of someone else.

Boy: I didn't mean to be bold or make fun of you, sir

Me: You are speechless again, I have to hit your mouth to make you speak

Boy: Yes, I just wanted to buy something.

Me: God, now tell me which one?

The boy pointed to a painting of a boy and a girl walking hand in hand as the sun sets.

This idea was from my previous life and it was referring to me and a person.

Me: You have to give me two impossible gold coins.

The boy was walking this way that I decided to go and not waste my precious time.

Suddenly my clothes were pulled by someone

I looked back and saw that the boy put his hand in his pocket and took out a gold coin

Boy: Excuse me, sir, I really want that painting, but I don't have one more gold coin, okay?

I.... I was stuck with myself. On the one hand, the real value of my art was more than this, and I was insulting my art by doing this. On the other hand, I could buy good painting supplies with the same coin.

Me: Hmm, ok, because you look oppressed and begging, I will sell it to you with the same coin.

I didn't care, he really had a very special look and seduced a person.

The boy left while the painting was pressing on his chest and was very happy

I looked at a coin in my hand. Now, because it was evening, I couldn't go looking for supplies, but tomorrow I can.

End of part 4