Part 5: The bitter reality of this world

Part 5: The bitter reality of this world

Yes, I was able to finally. While I was going to the church, I kept shouting "Hey" and "Happiness".

The sun was setting, meanwhile I picked up the coin, which created an interesting scene.

Finally, the first money I got in this world was not a copper coin, nor silver, gold, gold, gold.

Gold that was ten times more valuable than silver (one silver for every hundred copper coins, one gold coin for every ten silver coins)

I knocked on the back door of the church, which was used for carrying goods and staff.

Mary's sister opened the door.

Sister: Marie, hello, how are you?

Me: Do you know what happened???

Sister Marie: No, what happened!?

I shouted with joy that: I was able to finally get a gold coin. Start running inside the church

And I was shouting that I could get one coin, one coin.

And finally it led to...;

Me: Oh, oh, it hurt, I made a mistake, I won't shout anymore, grandpa

Grandfather: Son, I don't know what to tell you. Eva's sister was healing a patient when you disturbed her concentration.

Me: Ah, yes, I understand, I made a mistake

Finally he gave up.

Me: Your grandfather has been saying the same word a thousand times recently.

Old man: What did you say?

Me: I said nonsense, you know what it is.

Grandfather: What?

Me: I was able to run away.

And well, I bought another punishment for my life with this work.

I thought to myself while sleeping.

In my whole life, I was not so excited, even when everyone talked about my drawing talent, even when they were taking math, they were excited, but not me.

Because I was used to compliments, but what can I do about it, I better go to sleep because I have a lot of work to do tomorrow....

...The next day...

I have fresh fish, I have fresh meat, come take it and go.

I brought cloth, aristocratic cloth, come, take it and go.

Everyone was doing their own thing.

Meanwhile, I was stopping myself from buying food.

Finally, I found a booth that sold painting supplies.

Me: Hello sir

Sales tool: Hi, son, did you need something and want to buy it?

Me: Yes, and all the supplies, including paints and boards, I said that it cost me four silver coins, however, it did not have a painting base and I had to go to carpentry.

I found it with great difficulty and it cost me three silver coins.

I looked at the two coins in my hand and I was tempted to buy food again, but I shook my head no, I must have enough savings to be able to leave the church in a few years and live in a good place to avoid being killed by the hero.

But when I saw those delicious cookies in the stall, I couldn't help myself, my mouth started to water, and when I went to order, I came out with the shout of a person from Hebrot.

A man who had a big body beat another man who was very thin. What caught my attention was the man behind him who looked like a nobleman.

The thin man was apologizing while his face was bloody.

The noble man approached while grinning and said: I will treat you in such a way that worthless people like you will not attack us again.

I was really nervous, but I couldn't do anything. The interesting thing was that no one did anything, even two knights of Honor were just spectators.

I looked at a little girl whose only one eye was visible because of her long hair and she was wearing an old white robe.

And he was watching the fight scene with the doll in his hand. It must have been his daughter. It's a shame that a father's pride is destroyed in front of his child.

I returned to the church with complete sadness. I forgot how cruel this world is, how terrible this world is, and how lonely I am who was reincarnated in this world.

End of part 5