Part 8 preparation for the big celebration

Part 8 preparation for the big celebration

What a great pop

Old man: Yes, tomorrow he is going to come here for the first time for the celebration of the walls. Now, be quick. Go help sister Patulina. Be quick.

John !


"Is it possible that such an event was not written and recorded in the book itself?"

Maybe the beginning of the book was from the hero's youth, not from his childhood, but even in the flashbacks to the hero's childhood, there was nothing like that at all.

Does that mean that now I will face the hero and the other main characters?

Because this is a big celebration, it is a celebration on the occasion of the death of Flore Maria, the person who rebelled against the nobles with the witches or the brichs and wanted to take over the central wall with the barbarians, but was unsuccessful and died.This celebration was the most important celebration for the nobles, with which they proved their superiority to the serfs and breechs, even though they were told that if they rebel against the nobles, nothing but death awaits them.

The Pope was not a person who was chosen by the Goddess of Light herself and by the Council of the Gods, and even the next king could make an opinion and dismiss the king himself, and even intervene in the affairs of the empire and order and forbid.Because he had the support of the people, nobles, and gods, and with abundant wealth, even in the history of the walls, King Constantius was deposed by Pope Jonathan, and the prisoner was executed at the end!

Whatever it was, most probably the prince and the princess are there.

By prince and princess, I mean the hero and the daughter of his uncle Adriana.

Think about it, I am going to face Henry, the hero of the main character, who is known for his beauty, power, honor and nobility!

It's not believable at all because I can't really describe it.

Whatever it was, I quickly went to see Patulina's sister.

Me: Sister, what should I do?

Sister Patulina: Hurry up, go get a thousand papers, come

He gave me some gold coins

Me: What do you want now!?

Sister Petulina: To light up with them at the end of the celebration

Me: Aha

Sister Patulina means the lighting of the fireworks for the sky.

You can do the same thing without paper, but you need a third-level fire wizard, unfortunately, there is no third-level wizard here, and everyone is level one or even zero, so they need paper to do this.

I quickly went to the big market and sorted thousands of papers anyway.

The siren sounded again, but who would have believed it?

Everyone was running away when for the first time after I entered this world, a mutated monster had passed through the wall.



When I turned my gaze with fear, I saw a three-headed wolf, a horned bird, which was the third grade, and a blue ruby ​​was showing itself under its neck, which showed its high level.

I quickly went to the back of one of the stalls, I was afraid and I tried to remain silent so that he wouldn't know I was here when I looked outside...


While he was looking this way and that, he saw a man who was running away.

Seeing this scene made me feel sick, unfortunately I couldn't stop vomiting.

The wolf's ear twitched and he came with a jump and destroyed the wooden booth or his claw.


I fell to the ground while I was holding my hand up and my eyes were closed.

I was waiting for my own death and of course my second death.

No matter how long I waited, nothing happened. When I opened my eyes, I saw a strange sight.

The wolf's eyes were shining strangely and he was standing motionless.

At the same time, the sound of horses was coming, which indicated the arrival of the knights.


Attack and kill that wolf

The wolf's ears twitched and his eyes changed and he quickly opened his wings and started to go.

I quickly left there and did not wait for anything.

Hehe breath

I was standing behind a wall with my hand on the wall and I was thinking about what happened.

Is it possible that he could easily bite me, but he didn't, so it is possible.

No, it's not possible. I realized this once when the kids in the street were making fun of me and the old man said that our family is a witch because we don't have magic.

Yes, I was Tom Breach and it is not possible for me to have dark magic. (with dark magic, you can control mutant monsters)

In this way, I thought to myself all the way to the church and I thought to myself all kinds of possible theories.

Whatever it was, I did things related to the celebration that day and everyone asked why I was wearing so much white Roman paint and I avoided telling the story and I didn't want to remember that damn story.

The end of part 8