Part 10 important days in the empire

Part 10 important days in the empire

The speech that the Pope made was very controversial and it was even said that there was even a conspiracy between the nobles for a possible upcoming war! But with the attack of the barbarians on the wall and of course with the words that the Pope said and printed in the church newspaper, everything else ended and it was a happy ending"...

Since that day, it was almost over and I was trying not to be too much in front of Lucas!

Of course, two years had passed since that incident! And I was ten years old in this world!"...

Of course, because of my work in the church, I had a better body than those who were ten years old in this world!

Something that I was deprived of in my previous life.

I looked at the crowd who were very enthusiastic.

There was a large crowd of children who came with their parents.

Of course, their happiness had an important reason!

Today was the day when the future of children and of course their parents was determined.

Today was the day when it became clear what type of magic each of these children has!

At the age of ten, all children knew the type of magic they had.

And from here they were planning for their future.

that this day

It didn't matter to me because I had no magic at all!

The old man, who knew how sad I was, let me go out of the church"...

I was really sick

It was the same outside the church, not even inside the church.

All the children were moving towards the churches with their parents.

There were three children talking about the magic they might have.

First child: I hope my magic is fire!

The second child: Ha! The best kind of water magic! There is water that extinguishes the fire

The third child: Ice magic, which is stronger than all magic, I wish I had ice magic!

Two other children: Stupid! Ice magic is only for the Flora family, and no one except the Flora family has ice magic in the empire.

The third child: I know this myself, but!

Me: Death, but poison, but how much do you talk about magic!

It was clear that the children were scared.

One of the children tried to come forward so that I...

sit uneducated

I attacked them and they ran away from fear.


My attention was drawn to the view in front of me!

An old woman was trying to force people to read their fortunes, but no one paid attention.

His eyes were fixed on me.

Wow, I didn't feel like reading these things at all because I didn't believe in these superstitions! That's why I turned around to run away and saw the old woman facing me.

Old woman: How are you, child?


And I was surprised by the speed of this old woman;

Me: How, how, han!

Old woman: Leave these things, let's go, I'll take a break

It was no use at all, I was trapped. We went inside her stall with the old woman to get a fortune.

I didn't believe it, but I had to.

Old woman: Well, let's take a break now

While closing his eyes, he put his index finger on my forehead

Old woman: Well, I see a very good future for you, a good life, one girl, no, wait, I see two extremely beautiful girls next to you, as if you are in love with your lover.

That .

(I never had one even in my previous life because I didn't have a social personality at all and I wasn't very friendly with anyone and I didn't like these things. Now in this life I have two girlfriends, what a ridiculous joke that is a sign of superstition)

Suddenly, Hin said loudly and quickly removed his finger.

I don't know what happened. He was gathering his things and muttering something.

Me: Excuse me madam, did something happen?!

Old woman: It's nothing, just take care of yourself in the future.

Then he quickly pushed me out of the booth.

Me: You don't want money

Old woman: No no, just go and think that my gift was for you.

It was not known what the phase was.

It was evening when I returned to the church, there was no one and everyone had left.

Except for a few people.

One of these was my angel of torment Lucas.

He came to me with his jokes.

Lucas: Well, well, look who's here, Tom Tom Breach, let me see, do you know what my magic is, ah, you don't because you are Breach and without magic, but I am a fire user, three star fire.

and laughing

When Eva's sister saw this scene, she came to us, reached my place, knelt down and asked....

Sister Eva: Tom, did you understand what your magic is?

Me: No, sister, because I am pregnant

Eva's sister said while pulling my hand...

Put your hope in God and don't despair.


Eva's sister: Dad, can you see what Tom's magic is?

Father raised his head while he was collecting the dishes

Father: What?

Eva's sister: Can you see what Tom's magic is?

While looking at me pitifully, the father asked me to place my hand on the magic ball on the table.

Lucas grinned and laughed.

I put my hand on the ball with all the despair.

Nothing happened for a few minutes, when suddenly a tornado surrounded us and it became a silvery white sphere!

He even left the ball!

when the tornado fell and everyone was looking at our scene with surprise...

Father: I can't believe you are a great goddess, oh my!

Eva's sister: What happened?

Father: You can't believe me, I can't believe it, Tom's magic is magic, it's magic.

what Everyone was surprised that I had magic, and it was wind magic!

The next sentence of the father made everyone laugh.

Father: The magic of the wind is five stars, you understand, five stars! And he hugged me and threw me in the air.

I could see the surprise in Lucas's eyes.

Yes, I had magic, the magic of wind and five stars.

I am a breech, but a breech with magic.

I am Tom Breech and this is my story in the book My Hero.

The end of part 10 of season 1