Part 11 offer

No one, even myself, believed that I had magic, let alone wind magic!

In fact, wind magic was very important to me for three reasons.

First of all; That I was a breech and according to my family background, no one had magic at all, but I had magic.

Second: My magic was five stars. In fact, the classification of magic in the empire and the church was classified from one to six stars. In fact, my magic power was five stars, like the nobles, and it was one level less than the hero.

Third and most important: the fact that I had magic was one of the rare magics, that is, it could not be found at all inside the empire. The two most important magics were one of ice and one of wind.

Ice magic was attributed to the Flora family, but wind magic was not, in fact, it used to belong to an important noble family, after the destruction of that family, no one had wind magic at all, and very rarely, even none of the four noble families had this magic.

The reason why wind magic was important was that the magic user was very fast and, of course, had a bad destruction.

Of course, there is a possibility here that maybe I am a descendant of something on my mother's side from an aristocratic family, but according to the church and the old man, what is also recorded, my mother was also a breech.


The old man was still in shock from my magic story and he was completely beside himself.

Me: Grandpa


Me: Grandpa

Old man: What happened? What happened!?

Me: Nothing, I just called you!

Old man: I'm sorry, did you have something to do?

Me: Yes, I just wanted to know that...

With the arrival of Patulina's sister, my speech was left unfinished.

Sister Petulina: I'm sorry for bothering you at the wrong time, but your father is busy.


this time of night

In short, to our surprise, he took us to the father's dormitory, not the monastery!

After he took us away, Patulina's sister left.

When I looked inside the dormitory, the room was lit by a candle, and the room itself didn't have much in particular, just a desk for work, a bookshelf, and a bed sheet.

Thank you for coming

I screamed out of fear

It was the father who came to us and pointed us to sit on the chair.

who had put this chair that I didn't understand!?

Father: Well, Mr. Jezhin.

Haha, I laughed

The old man gave me a bad look.

Me: I'm sorry, continue father...

Father: Yes, Mr. Jezhin

hahaha again

This old man hit me hard on the back of the head and I became completely silent.

Father: Yes, I have a suggestion for you, I hope you will accept it.

Old man: What do you suggest?

Father: That I should talk to one of my friends to teach Tom.

Old man: I completely agree with you, father, but you also know that nothing comes for free, that is, what do you want in return?

Father: Well, how can I say that we, the church, support Tom with all the things that Tom needsThe church provides it only...

Old man: Just what?

Father: If the church can use Tom in one way, it will have a benefit. If it succeeds, it will be said that it is from the blessings of the great goddess and the gods, and of course, the church means that Tom is under the shadow of the church.

This is completely in your and Tom's favor because you yourself know that in the empire you either have to be a noble to succeed or have a family reputation.

Unfortunately, don't be upset, you are neither aristocrats, nor do you have a family background, so maybe Tom will not succeed at all and will become a gardener like you for the rest of his life and his talent will be a pity.

But with the support of the church, he uses his influence to make Tom succeed.

With the support of the church, your family background will not be seen much anymore.

Now the choice is yours to...

I accept

Father: Yes?

Old man: I agree, there is no need for additional explanation, just when will this friend of yours come to train Tom?

Father: Yes, yes, then by tomorrow I will send a letter to the big church so that you can be sure that all material and spiritual support will be provided in the future.

We wanted to go with the old man...

Father: Just one point, since Tom will go under the support of the church, there is no need to sell paintings and whenever he wants to go out, coordination with the church should be necessary.


On the way back to the room, the old man stopped and stared at the full moon.

Old man: Do you know why I accepted the offer?

Me: No, why, grandfather?

Old man: Our ancestors came with pride, they chose the nickname Brich to prove that even a Brich can succeed. Even though your father was a Brich like me and our ancestors, he was highly intelligent and very clever, but unfortunately he didn't have the necessary tools to... .

Anyway, this situation has happened to you now and you have a good magical talent, I didn't want you to be like your father.

and went


According to the father, a letter was sent to the church and the next day someone from the church came to teach me.

I and the old man, Patulina's sister, father, were waiting for the known person.

There was a knock on the church door and a man with a cape and a mask came inside the mask and he threw it down....

End of part 11


Hello, I am the author of this story. Now that we have reached this part, I hope you like the story. If you have any criticism or suggestions, please comment. I hope I have your support, because without your support, the story will not continue. Thanks to all the singers who read the story. the writer