Part 16 and 17 daily life in education


One more hit is over...

bear with me.....

It's over, let's go next...

It was Ziyar's voice. My three-year training had started a month ago and it was very, very difficult and painful. This training that I did now was like this: I was standing in the magic field and Ziyar was hitting me with a magic stick.

Pilgrim Well, your next training is like this, you have to stand on top of a stick on one leg and at the same time I attack...

My honest reaction: @&+-_#@ (obscene)

So let's start...

I stood in the same position as he said and waited for the pilgrim's attack.

His attacks started, they were bad blows, and I would have taken a second force, otherwise I would have been punished. The punishment he used to do was that....

There were more trainings and along with that he was deprived of food and a magic whip (whip impregnated with magic).

One more hit and that's it...

Ziyar: Closed for today, now go rest, meanwhile, you are reading four books about magic and you will bring me the summary and conclusion of it by tomorrow!

Me: Is my singular fatigue a joke to you?Huff, I have to go. night in the church library at 1 o'clock....

Oh God, why can't it be finished? I think it's really stupid to finish a book of 1000 pages in one night and write 500 pages for it. It's really stupid.

I didn't know what to do anymore. I put the feather whose ink had dried up in the ink again and started to write a summary when I heard the growling sound of my stomach. It means that I am hungry. God have mercy. There is no one here because if I get hungry, I will eat my own kind, but regardless of your joke. I don't understand hunger anymore.

I'm going to eat something!

In the meantime, I was able to get a loaf of bread, and at least it relieved my hunger and made me feel sleepy.

It's good to sleep for a while, but there are still two more books and a summary of the conclusion left. No, no, I should sleep, but nothing happens for five minutes, that's why I put my head on the book to sleep for five minutes.

.. The next morning ....

The rooster crowed, indicating that it was morning.

Or God himself fell asleep, I have to finish the summary before the pilgrims come.

Again, God himself, I have to recite the zikr of my death today.

My saliva spilled on the pages of the notebook while I was sleeping and caused it to mix with the ink and destroy all my efforts.

God curse you Ziyar, who was with the sound of the door indicating the arrival of Ziyar.

I was ready for my own death when I saw the voice of Arena's sister saying that I should go as soon as possible, it got better, because if Ziyar saw such a situation, he would have given me a worse punishment (I must go to the doctor to rinse my mouth while sleeping).


Master, I am ready!

Ziyar: Well, now go lie down.

Me: Yes teacher and I did what he said.

At the same time, I felt the wound and the weight of a thousand kilos on me, which was actually normal and part of my training!

Ziyar: Don't stop until I say, start now.

I was crawling under that damned concrete when Ziyar finally told me to stop.

Pilgrim: Now pick up a concrete weight and start walking in the church!

God, why can't it end? I picked up this concrete weight and started.

There was still a lot left until the end of training.

.....Evening ....

Ziyar: Okay, tell me, is the summary finished?

Me: Well, to be honest, no, professor.

Ziyar: Thank you very much for this honesty, now go and read eight books instead of four books

Oh God, why doesn't it end?


inner peace inner peace

Thank God today there was no news of rigid training and only meditation and practicing strategy for the battlefield!

When the meditation was over, we went into the church library to study at the table.

Ziyar: Well, do you know what you should do if you face an army several thousand times your own on the battlefield?

Me: Well, you have to do something, that is...

Ziyar: Well, you don't want to say anything, you should be able to divide them here, that is, you should know the army you have, and with one half of that army, graze the enemy, and with the other army, entangle them and finish the final attack!

Me: What happened?

Ziyar: Stupid means that...

And by the end of that day, they were making me understand what this means...


Ziyar: We should go to the market to buy shimsher for your training

Me: What do you mean?

Ziyar: Not now, you fool, not at first a wooden sword and after a year an iron sword, did you understand?

Me: Yes, teacher.

And this was my daily life in the training course