Part 18 conflict with Lucas year later.....

A year had passed since the beginning of my training by Professor Ziyar. During this time, I learned a third of the things I had to learn, many things, magic, and skills that were not even said by the author himself. This sentence should really be taken as gold (an Asian proverb) that writers live in a world separate from ordinary people. And they live normally because of character creation, world creation, sentence creation and a story that is attractive for the reader to make movies, anime series, comic stories, and computer games out of it.

Right now, I was in the church library as usual and I was reading the 7th volume of the Magic Alphabet book. It was good that it was the last volume, but I have to not only read the book every day for two years, but also write the conclusion and summary, which is really troublesome!

Master Ziyar went to the church for two days before the archbishop (the second or central wall or the economic wall) for some explanations about how I was trained, what I did and according to Master Ziyar, how is my future, can it be invested by the church I am or not, of course I think this myself, maybe not, but whatever...

During this time, I had become quite famous, now not by name, but the church included my name in its newspaper, which is one of the most famous newspapers of the Triple Wall, that is, Tom Brich, not in this way, in fact, like this....

According to the newspaper of the church, once again we witnessed a miracle by the great goddess Sadaqat, that the gods of light from her childhood and her ancestors were all Brich, and she lived in the church of the goddess Sadaqat, and granted unprecedented magic, which is the wind, and the church also to please the gods. The light and the goddess of honesty and the people who follow the gods of the church declare their material and spiritual support for this child, who is a miracle of the gods of light and the goddess of honesty, and we hope that in the future, we and the future generations will have many stories and stories to tell from this child. Remember his bravery...

In fact, I was recognized in a way by these statements and the description that the church made of me, because everyone knew my third wall, but not the second and first walls, of course, all of this really caused problems for me...

A noble who opposed the church and the court had sent to investigate and investigate me to prevent my growth because they did not want the church to rise up against them by supporting me and on the other hand, the people of the third wall saw me as a mirror of the manifestation of gods and goddesses. They knew and had come to the church many times to see me, but to pray for them to gain the favor of the gods and goddesses as much as possible. Really, what stupid people they are

And on the other hand, all the breechs had hoped for me and hoped that I would rise up against the church, the nobles, and the court and lead them all exactly like the ancestor of the breechs (mentioned in the first part). All this was for the future, but again, even the thought was very scary. Think of me rebelling against the church led by the Pope and one of the evil antagonists of the story, William Jordan and his father, of course, his adopted father, Jared Jordan and Dan Hyper from the Hyper family. The four great nobles and followers of Nasr and the lifeblood of the church, and on the other hand, the imperial court led by the king and Henry Fleur, the hero of the story, who was considered the strongest and most frightening character in the story....

All this made me completely follow the orders of the church and the pilgrim teacher and a kind of church soldier because I did not like to face the church and the court of nobles and of course Henri Fleur because I definitely died and I did not like my second death.

Regardless of all these discussions, I was really tired and I wanted to go out of the church because I had not really gone out in this year and I was completely inside the church and I was being taught by Master Ziyar and I didn't even have a chance to go out! That's why I decided to make the most of the opportunity and go out on the pretext of shopping for training and also a little practice, so I quickly closed the book and quickly went to tell Sister Patulina that I want to go outside the church...


Sister Petulina: What did you say you want to go out?

Me: Yes, sister, if you allow me, I will go out for shopping for training and also for some practice

Sister Patulina: What did you buy and what did you practice?

Me: Well, what does that mean...

Sister Petulina: I understand, but you are not allowed to go out..

Me: Why, sister, why, I'll just go quickly and come back by the evening

Sister: I said it can't mean no

Me: sister

Sister Petulina: No

And so our discussion continued until I used my secret weapon on Sister Patulina

That is, I used the oppressed look and face because it was the weak point of Patulina's sister

Whatever Sister Petulina did, she couldn't stand against my oppressed penetrating gaze and finally she allowed me to go out on the condition that...

Sister Patulina: First, you wear a mask so that no one recognizes you, and second, you come back quickly, do you understand?

Me: Yes sister, I understand...

I was leaving when I came back and said, sister;

Sister Petulina: What?

Me: Thank you very much and that I love you very much and I quickly ran away because Patulina's sister was very sensitive about this sentence...


It's a pity that Patulina's sister was a monk, otherwise I would have married her, not only that she was very beautiful, and her beauty caused trouble, even though she was older than me, besides that, I had never seen Hardy's mother, Melodia, as beautiful as Patulina's sister. I was there, and during my training, when he was by my side, I realized that he is really kind and all this made me crush on Patulina's sister..

Think about it, I had never had a crush on any girl in my previous life, now I had a crush on Patulina's sister and....

.....Evening back to church....

What happened to Hoff?

I hadn't gone out for a long time and today I had fun and ate a very good meal, but seeing my worst enemy, Lucas again, ruined my day....

One of Lux's subordinates: Look who the master is coming.

Lucas: Yes, the famous bastard Tom Breach is coming...

I tried not to pay too much attention to Lucas' words and nonsense that....

Lucas: Look, Tom, I'm saying that your mother must have slept with someone other than your father (a very bad phrase in Asia and the Middle East) and had sex that you had magic and...

I didn't let him finish the rest of his sentence because I rushed towards Lucas (with wind magic) and punched him hard in the face, which made his mouth full of blood, and I was throwing the next punches, but he didn't catch me...

Lucas: You're hitting me, you bastard, now he's hitting you like a dog and he was punching me in the face, when a man came to help, he took his hand and left.

I knelt on the ground and wanted to cry, but I stopped crying, I shouldn't cry because the more I cry, my enemies understand my weakness and take advantage of this weakness.

No, I have to fight, I have to fight, until I remembered, I was able to use wind magic to attack Lucas without him even reacting, so I have to learn another skill besides the wind magic that we learn from Master Ziyar. Like like...

Shooting Shooting is exactly like the magic of the wind, I decided to learn from the great master of shooting in the book and....

The end of the part18