Part 19


Well, after the conflict that happened between me and Lucas, I decided to learn a new military skill that can be useful for survival in this world.

In fact, the shooting skill was good for a long distance, next to chasing the enemy, and it was easily combined with wind magic, which was very good and positive because when you are a shooter, you have to be sharp and react quickly....

Regardless of these discussions, the teacher I wanted to teach and learn this skill from was Hiroshi Maito.

Regardless of these discussions, the teacher I wanted to teach and learn this skill from was Hiroshi Maito.

A Japanese samurai mentioned in the book.

In the book, after the hero, Harry, was fighting with one of the people from the Black Fortress, that person from the Black Fortress summoned Hiroshi, who had Hiroshi's exceptional skill, causing Harry to be defeated, and Selif came to Harry's help and they were able to defeat Hiroshi .

When Hiroshi was dying, he flashed back to Hiroshi's past, which showed a part of Hiroshi's past life...

In fact, Hiroshi lived about 7000 years before the establishment of the walls and was from a very noble and famous Japanese and samurai family, whose father was a feudal lord of a region.

Hiroshi was unlike other samurai because his morals were very funny and funny, which was against the custom of samurai society!

And that Hiroshi, unlike other samurai, was not skilled in swordsmanship and was skilled in shooting, which made him disappointed and disappointed by his father, which caused him to wander from his living area to the deserts, and a series of events for Hiroshi's dearest person made him an enemy. Be the people, well, the people and the samurai rose up and fought against him, as a result of which Hiroshi died.

But Hiroshi's soul was still in this world, in fact, in the second war of the walls, he was mentioned once again by Torge (one of the commanders of the black magicians) and after the end of the war, he remained in this world, and the author of the story never specified why. It just specified where Hiroshi lives now and I was going there now.

I brought a map from the church with difficulty, and I came out of the church with difficulty because yesterday if I came back wounded, they wouldn't let me out of the church, so I went to the healing doctor, and now I came out on false pretexts and again because of Sister Patulina. !

My first crush (Petulina's sister) is really a good person....

Oh God, why can't it be found here....

In fact, I was now in an uninhabitable area and not even a bird could fly here, let alone a person (proverb used in the Middle East).

Well, there was a good reason because...

This place was full of waste and garbage, and the air was polluted with green mana particles (a very deadly mana used by black magicians), that's why no one lived here.

I was asked how I managed to run because even though I had a mask, it was a simple mask, not a filter, and even with a mask, you could feel the bad smell here.

I decided to sit down for a while because I was looking for a place on the map from morning until now, which was noon, and I was tired and didn't mind how polluted the ground was.

As far as the eye could see, there was only garbage and waste and there was no trace of the house!

God, why can't it be found, why until...

Until he saw...

Yes, yes, it is the same place as the Japanese-style house.



I opened the door and it made a very bad sound, which indicated the oldness of this place and its displacement.

Even though it was dark, I carefully looked everywhere and my eyes caught my eye....

Oh God, what is this?

I pulled my sword out of its scabbard and got ready to fight.

It was a bat, of course, a mutated bat, why do I say a mutated bat...

Because his body was full of wool, his wings were like the wings of an eagle, and of course his face was like a monkey and he had no ears, that is, the ears of a bat.

The bat took his hands, i.e. his wings, from his face when he saw me...

Wow, why didn't I think about the sound of the bat, which was their war weapon, which even caused nosebleeds and unconsciousness.

Fortunately, Master Ziyar gave me a countermeasure against this war tactic, so I quickly took my hands from my ears and recited the countermeasure against this magic and performed it towards the bat....

In fact, this magic was such that it made the vocal cords of the bat not work!

The bat opened its wings to fly until it saw that it could not do anything. I quickly picked up the sword that had fallen on the ground and took a guard to counter that it flew and went to the right side and an unknown place....With the same guard posture, I went to the place where the bat went...

Knock knock rustle

The door started to open and close, and there was a sound of something scratching on the wall, which means...

It was Hiroshi's own work, which means that all these tactics were his own work, because in the flashback of the second war of the walls, when Tourge came here to summon Hiroshi, he did the same things.

There were other voices that I decided to end these voices...

I know you are yourself, so don't do any of these ridiculous things!

What are you saying?

Me: Now that my voice is heard, I say don't!

Hiroshi: No, he won't come now!

Me: No, it's not possible anymore, I said now, don't, you also understood.

Hiroshi: No, look, what are you looking for here, sir? I really feel sorry for you.

Me: I don't need your pity, I just want to be taught by you.

Hiroshi: What?

And suddenly it appeared in front of my eyes near my face and...

His face was exactly according to the book, i.e. almond shaped eyes, hair tied with elastic and he was a little taller than me (Hiroshi's height is 168 cm).

Hiroshi: What did you just say! ?

I said I am looking for shooting training from you!

Hahahaha (Hiroshi's laugh)

Looking for training is really funny

Hiroshi: Well, how did you know that I am good at shooting and that I teach?

Me: Well, through the good thing, it means that...

Hiroshi: You don't want to answer, instead you have to pass my test

Me: Test!

The end of the part19