Part 20 of the exam


what test

Hiroshi: Yes, you have to take a test, the illusion test is that you have to answer my three questions correctly. If you can answer, I will give you shooting training, but if you don't answer, well...

Me: What should I do?

Hiroshi: Let's go to the test.

He made a break and after that...

The environment of the house changed completely, an environment similar to Japanese houses with a mat under the feet to sit on and some candles to light up the environment inside the house, and beside him, he and I and he was wearing a kimono (Japanese men's clothing). .


Hiroshi pointed with his hand to listen...

One was surprised by the momentary change of the interior decoration of the house from a damp and hot house to a beautiful house, of course, one would expect the same from Hiroshi because he was a spirit and the spirits themselves have supernatural powers in addition to being supernatural!


Hiroshi: Well, the first question...

What is it that causes a person to work hard for his family in order to have a better life and sell them and that thing may cause profit and loss for his family?

(Me: heh heh how easy)

Me: It is the wealth that is the source of human effort, it is the wealth that makes your family live a carefree life and the fact that the family of that person may always suffer, that much wealth causes his family to deviate from the abyss of life and turn everyone to They look at their own eyes and fall into deviant morals, which is harmful, and being poor makes the family of that person always sick, and they even sell themselves for money, and it makes them strive for wealth for their family. And it makes them sell their families for wealth....

Hiroshi, how are you?

Well, it was already mentioned in the book, the author himself showed the answer in Hiroshi's own thoughts for war, that Hiroshi's own thoughts are the answer to his own questions....

Hiroshi: Okay, but the next question is, what is its existence that brings happiness to man and harm to man?

Me: wealth and fame because both of these make people look at you in a good light and you have a good life and no one looks down on you, but this same wealth and fame make people judge you for your actions and They look at you with a bad eye and that makes you look down on people.....

Hiroshi: How do you know the questions, hey, the last question...

Hiroshi: What is it that will never return and will always cause regret and sadness for a person until the end of his life?

Me: The passing of a loved one's life, whether it's a family or a loved one, when you see the passing of a loved one, you will always miss the past and worry about his death, and you will always regret that time will never move forward and return to the past, and this regret will always last until the end. Life will remain for the sake of the beloved family and children until death.

Hiroshi: This is not acceptable, you knew all the questions and this and this....

Me: And what?

Hiroshi: Well, this is not acceptable and you have to take another test!

what about me! Test. Why did I answer your questions?

Hiroshi: I don't force anyone to learn, if you are not interested then you can go;

I : "....."

What a cowardly person Alki was not

Me: OK, but before that there is a condition that must be fulfilled

Hiroshi: I'm a teacher, I want to teach you, I'm taking a test, you make a bet for me?

Me: You want to take a test from me, I didn't force anyone to take a test from me, so you can ignore the test and teach me?

Hiroshi: Well, I'm fine. Now, what is your condition, Your Highness?

Me: You are skilled in shooting and definitely if we have a shooting match I will definitely lose and on the other hand because I believe in chivalry and I am better than you in sword skills and you will lose, so it will be a fair and fair match. We will take sides

Hiroshi: ?

Me: Fisting match

Hiroshi: Although I believe in the shooting match, but because I like your morals, I agree with the boxing match, but before that...

He broke again and made the inside of the house look like a racing yard.....


Well, we stood facing each other.

We took guard and fisted our hands and got ready to attack.

The rule was that whoever surrenders himself is the winner.

After the wind extinguished the candle, our fight began.

Hiroshi started the attack and I defended, he hit a few more times and I parried until I blocked his fists with one hand and hit the first punch, but he moved his head to the side and my hand remained on his shoulder.

I quickly turned back and this time I went around him and tried to attack him from behind, but he read my hand and came straight towards me. He fell to the ground...

Hiroshi attacked me again and this time his fist hit me in the face and made me fall to the ground.


I don't know how long it had been since our fight, but both of us were quite injured and we were sitting on the ground from exhaustion and panting, both of our faces were bloody, our bodies were full of bruises, but nevertheless, I tried to attack once again, this time Hiroshi. ..

He raised his hand and said...

Hey, hey, you've won, you've made me so tired, okay, I'll teach you, just don't continue the fight...

I hooray...

In the end, I decided to go learn shooting from tomorrow because we were so tired and I will learn from tomorrow...

The end of the part20